VU 本科幼教学士学位,受VIT认证︎
Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care (0.5 year, one semester)
Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care (1 year, two semesters)
Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (2 year)
· VU的本科学士学位幼教专注于0-5岁的婴幼儿教学培养,学生完成学业,满足以下行业机构的从业资格,可注册成为合格的幼教老师
Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA)
Victorian Institute for Teaching (VIT) (external link)
· VU幼教专业结构设计科学合理,立体式纵向培养,并且学生可拥有去意大利实习的绝佳体验 Reggio Emilia, Italy
· VU注重学生课程实践性,致力于高平台的打造。大学提供80天的教学实习内容模块,具体介绍如下
five days in the unique VU playgroup program Engaging with Place
10 days with infants and toddlers
60 days with 3- to 5-year-olds
five days in a primary school setting, to examine first-hand the transition between preschool and primary school
· VU提供一流的服务设施,VU图书馆无处不在的网络便捷设施,让你的学习更便利
aquatic and fitness centre
childcare services
learning common spaces with WiFi, tables and chairs
restaurants and café
state-of-the-art lecture theatres
14 group study rooms
15 laptops for loan
296 PCs and six Apple MACs
printing, copying and scanning
excellent campus-wide WiFi