应用即兴17(上)-Leadership Development-Tiffany & Co. Says Yes, And

Caitlin McClure designs and facilitates experiential learning leadership development programs worldwide. Her formative years were spent studying at BATS Improv and with Keith Johnstone. She later received her MA in Adult Learning and Leadership at Columbia University. From 2011 to 2017 she led and helped redesign Tiffany & Co.’s core leadership development programs.


The iconic blue box of Tiffany & Co. is associated with luxury, perfection, and beauty. Improv is associated with spontaneity, failing with good nature, and leaping before you look. This is the story of how Tiffany started to incorporate Applied Improvisation (AI) into its core leadership development programs.


By the time I joined the Tiffany’s Organizational Effectiveness (OE) department in 2011, Charles Lewis Tiffany would have been amazed that 174 years after founding his stationary and small goods store in New York City, the name Tiffany & Co. would still be synonymous with quality, craftsmanship, and extravagance, and that his family business was now publicly traded, vertically integrated, on the forefront of sustainable environmental practices, and had expanded to more than 250 stores and 8,000 staff worldwide.


To thrive for so long, the people at Tiffany have had to identify and cast off whatever was no longer serving the company while maintaining the core aspects of what made it successful. In 2011, the OE department was at just such a point with their very successful three-day Management Development Program (MDP). It was Tiffany’s first company-wide leadership development program, created by the OE department in 2003, to address the needs of a rapidly expanding company, but by 2011 those needs had again changed. Tiffany’s chief human resources officer described it this way:

为了长久发展,蒂芙尼的员工不得不识别和抛弃那些不再为公司服务的东西,同时保持公司成功的核心因素。2011年,oe 部门的三天管理发展计划(mdp)正处于这样一个关键时刻。这是蒂芙尼的第一个全公司领导力发展项目,由 oe 部门在2003年创建,以满足快速扩张的公司的需求,但到了2011年,这些需求再次改变了。Tiffany 的首席人力资源官是这样描述的:

The leadership opportunities that excite us center on reducing the challenges and capitalizing on the advantages of globalization, which has become increasingly embedded in the framework of the organization. We have more people in more places, giving ideas, changing the fabric of Tiffany, bringing their energy to it. Generating ideas is not a challenge—it is how to bring those ideas to fruition.1


A greater emphasis was now going to be placed on Tiffany leaders’ ability to respectfully disagree, collaborate effectively across silos,2 time zones, and cultural differences, and to unlock the potential of their staffs.


As the original creator of MDP, the director of Global Leadership Development wanted to revisit not only the core theories in the program but the teaching methodology as well. At my interview for the job, she said, “I feel that if our managers could play with our management theories they would incorporate them more into their work lives after MDP.” Did I hear her correctly? Play? Oh, I can do that. Conventional wisdom says that educational programs must feel serious to be taken seriously—if you feel good when you leave a workplace learning experience, then it must not have been a worthwhile program. Yet for eleven-plus years I had been incorporating play in my work as an external consultant: developing and leading programs for onboarding, leadership development, strategic thinking, coaching and communications, with world-class companies, using AI as a key methodology.


I made the leap to work internally rather than externally for several reasons. Most of my jobs entailed working with a client or team only once or for a short amount of time, making it impossible to support them over the long term or address the full climate. As an external consultant, it always seemed so mysterious the way companies organized their learning and development functions, and I wanted to know the secret. (Answer is, there is no secret!) Ultimately, I’d always believed it was possible to positively transform a full organization using the tools of AI if there were a will to do so, and the job at Tiffany & Co. would give me a chance to test out that idea.


The Theory of Organizational Climate versus Organizational Culture

Our OE team had to deconstruct and reconstruct MDP, learning what elements of the program were still relevant to Tiffany and should be kept, and which were now obsolete. It was agreed that the primary logistics would stay the same: three-day off-site program, the target demographic was first- and second-level managers from all areas of Tiffany (including retail, corporate, operations, and supply chain), twenty-four participants per session, offered six times a year.


As we dug into the redesign, the theory of Organizational Climate as opposed to Organizational Culture became the backbone of the revised program. We liked the simplicity of defining “climate” as “what it feels like to work in a place” (Davis et al. 2010). An organization shares one culture—traditions, values, history—and multiple climates, each the result of individual team leaders. Culture is typically inferred and difficult to change. Climate, however, is easily observable, can be readily changed, and a positive climate directly correlates with productivity and innovation. Climate can be analyzed through several different conditions such as the degree to which employees feel emotional safety in their relationships, how much they understand the organization’s goals and how their job responsibilities help meet those goals, and to what extent they interact with spontaneity and ease.


To teach the theory of Organizational Climate, I knew that my job as an instructional designer and facilitator was to create an optimal classroom climate for our participants, and make explicit the behaviors that led to that climate. In that way, these leaders can return to their workplaces and intentionally use those behaviors to create optimal climates for their teams. In MDP, I would need to model those same behaviors and help participants practice them. This would be especially necessary for those whose leadership journeys may never have included the experience of working in an optimal climate.


Key messages within the program:

1.Great climates do not exist by chance; they are intentionally created.

2.There are many things you as a manager can do to create a great climate for your team.

3. Climate directly correlates with productivity and innovation. To improve your team’s productivity, improve your climate.





Creating a High-Performing Climate in a Classroom--在课堂上创造一个高性能的环境

By design, the first hour of MDP opens like many corporate training programs. When these twenty-four first- and second-level leaders from different areas of Tiffany & Co. enter the conference center training room, the climate is generally friendly, polite, somewhat excited, and a bit tense. They see toys like building blocks and pipe cleaners on the tables and music is playing. Some of them know each other, most do not. They are about to spend three days together, in a program facilitated by me, a colleague most of them have not met. I stand at the front of the room with a PowerPoint deck. We introduce ourselves, engage in full-group and small-group discussions to help clarify their expectations for the program, and watch a short video of senior Tiffany leaders sharing their views of leadership. This opening definitely starts the process of creating a psychologically safe climate, but the real transformation happens after they return from their first break.


I welcome them back and say something like, “Since the goal of this program is for you to actually behave differently when you get back to your workplace, not just gain an awareness of different management theories, let’s start by practicing some new behaviors.”


The first activity is called Quick Draw, created by Keith Johnstone (1999) and originally called The Eyes. I learned Quick Draw years ago from Alain Rostain, one of the founders of the Applied Improvisation Network. I often use it at the start of a program because it is a very safe way for participants to begin the shift from judging themselves and their surroundings to being open and curious about them. Participants are still seated (safe) and they are working in pairs (safe).


I ask a volunteer to join me at the flip chart at the front of the room to help me demonstrate the activity.3 I make a point of thanking the volunteer when she comes up—we do a lot of thanking in our programs because it is one of the easiest ways to positively impact a climate. I draw two dots on the flip chart, side by side, then explain that Janice, the volunteer, and I are going to draw a face together using these two dots as a starting point for the eyes. We will then take turns adding features to the face—she will add one feature, then I will add the next. We will follow two rules: (1) as soon as one of us hesitates, the drawing is done, no matter how complete or incomplete it is. When her pen comes off the page, mine must go down, and vice versa; and (2) we will proceed without talking.


Usually the first volunteer is an eager drawing partner, so typically I am the first one to “hesitate” and interrupt the drawing. I make it explicit, “It’s obvious that Janice and I could have continued to add more details to this drawing. I interrupted the drawing by hesitating so we can demonstrate the next part of the activity.” Then we proceed to give the face a name in the same fashion, I add one letter and she adds the next. No matter how unpronounceable our name, I do my best to proudly read it aloud to the room (Figure 7.1).


After the demonstration, they all play Quick Draw at their tables in pairs, creating two drawings per pair. Immediately the room is full of laughter and other emotional sounds of surprise, confusion, and delight. Their body positions soften, with the pairs leaning in toward each other. You begin to see people’s personalities come through their drawings—some are tight and detailed, others loose and flowing. Some participants may make sarcastic remarks to express their discomfort, but most of the participants don’t speak and are visibly enjoying themselves, shoulders beginning to loosen, their smiles less forced. As they complete their drawings, I invite them to walk around the room to see the different pictures their colleagues have created.


FIGURE 7.1 Quick Draw drawings by McClure and a participant.--McClure和一名参与者的快速绘制图纸。

What differentiates Quick Draw from a regular icebreaker is what comes next: I propose a series of open-ended questions to prompt them to consciously make meaning from their experience.4


How would your drawing have been different if I had asked you to draw it yourself rather than with a partner? Less creative, more controlled, I could predict the outcome, I would feel pressure to make it look good. Who was in charge of the picture? No one—it was shared. How did it feel to not be able to control the final outcome? Fun! Usually in life we want to feel in control, but you just said that this was fun because you were not in control. Why?


For some Tiffany leaders, this may be the first time they have become aware of their willingness or resistance to share control. They begin to see that their preference to control their surroundings may result in missed opportunities to learn from their teams and produce stronger solutions.



Learning theorists, like David Kolb (1984), make explicit that an activity by itself is not experiential learning if participants don’t have the chance to reflect on their experience (using any method: on paper, in movement, discussing in pairs or in the full group). “Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience” (38). When I was a new AI facilitator, it was easier for me to set up and lead activities than it was to lead debriefs, so I tended to rush the debrief. Besides, it appeared that my participants were making clear connections between the activities and their own ability to manage, but invariably they would walk out of a session saying merely, “Thanks, that was fun.” It took me many years to learn to be as skillful leading a debrief as I was in setting up and running an activity, and to trust that my participants’ real meaning-making would come from processing the experience rather than the experience itself.


After our initial conversation about Quick Draw, I point to a flip chart with six Collaboration Principles that will guide us throughout the three days (we changed some of the terminology of the improv tenets to feel more Tiffany specific):


1. Commit

2. Make your partner look good

3. Build with what you’re given

4. Treat mistakes as gifts

5. Be curious

6. Be obvious







Where did you observe any of these principles in action? We had to build with whatever the other person drew. What happened if you didn’t like or understand what the other person drew? You just had to keep going and add to it. I drew a neck but my partner thought it was a body and added arms! So, I added hands. Which brings up “treat mistakes as gifts.” Did your partner make a mistake? No! She didn’t know I thought it was a neck. Okay, so imagine you’re back at work and you’ve just made a mistake. What would be different if you could think of that mistake as something to build upon?



When I train other trainers to lead this program, what I observe most carefully is their ability to model the principles, not just talk about them. These principles are drilled into improvisers every time we take a class, perform, teach, or direct. This may not be the case for facilitators and teachers without an improv background. This ability is especially necessary when an activity does not go as planned (which also provides some of the best learning for the facilitator and the participants). We are seeking authentic responses, whatever they may be; and the more a facilitator can Yes, And even the most skeptical, frustrated, or sarcastic participant response, the more they and the rest of the participants will learn. Our job is to guide participants through an experience, help them put into words whatever they are feeling, and help them connect that feeling to whatever the current learning objective may be.


In the second activity, called Snap Pass (Workbook 6.2, Round 2), we stand in a circle, I make eye contact with someone across the circle and snap my fingers in their direction, then that person makes eye contact with someone new and “passes” the snap to this person, and so on. The psychological risk feels greater in Snap Pass than in Quick Draw because now the whole class is watching, but the fear dissipates almost immediately as the participants discover their own games (e.g. two people will snap back and forth to each other, sending nonverbal signals that they want to keep playing), and the whole class laughs, plays, and builds a sense of connection.


After the activity, a typical debrief may look like this: Which Collaboration Principles did you see? Commit. Specifically, where did you see commitment? Well, we all played. What does the opposite of commitment look like? Maybe they wouldn’t look at you, and act like they don’t want to be there. Do you ever see that at work? Yes! What does it feel like to work with someone like that? Groan. On the other hand, what’s it like to work with someone who’s fully committed, involved, taking the ball and running with it? Great!



If you have a multiday program, it can be quite satisfying to repeat activities on consecutive mornings, which we do with Snap Pass. On Day 2 of MDP when we are standing in a circle, without preamble, I pass a snap to someone across the circle and they quickly figure out it’s their turn to make eye contact with someone new and pass the snap along. Repeating the activity builds a sense of camaraderie from the shared experience, as well as a sense of accomplishment when they compare how well they played the third day to the first. The objective at the start of MDP is to help participants connect with each other and be present in the room. On consecutive days, we use it to explore communication and climate. Participants will often comment that they have become more aware of how to “read” the climate of a room; or they become aware of the impact in the workplace of their tendency to be thinking three steps ahead (whom do I pass a snap to) rather than be present and fully attentive to the person in front of them (be open to receiving the snap).


The final activity we play in the morning is I Am a Tree (Workbook 7.1), which increases the risk even more because now they are asked to create a series of three-person pictures in the center of the circle, building on each other’s ideas and naming themselves “I am a squirrel” or “I am a leaf.” Some participants readily jump in because they have discovered it’s more fun to play than worry about their inhibitions. Their commitment is contagious and invariably infects even the reticent players. As a facilitator, I try to find a balance between letting the reticent players choose for themselves when, or whether, to join in the action, and when to nudge them with a reminder to “make your partner look good,” and not to leave their partners alone and uncomfortable in the middle of the circle.


We end the activity with the entire class forming one final picture together. When everyone returns to the edge of the circle, I’ll often ask them to look around the room and describe the climate now, as compared to when they first walked in. They will say, open, friendly, easy ... Again, we discuss where the six Collaboration Principles were apparent in the activity, how following these principles supported the group’s ability to work together in this way, and how these principles connect to their work lives.


By 10:45 a.m. on Day 1, the climate of the room has palpably changed. They have laughed together, made eye contact with their colleagues, safely taken psychological risks, they’ve acted like squirrels and created drawings together, and, most importantly, they have been introduced to a foundation of new behaviors—the Collaboration Principles. As a facilitator, I have also identified things about the participants, such as who tends to be hesitant, who will jump in, who is noticing others’ emotions in the room, and who is focused mostly on themselves. Armed with these insights, I can better tailor activities or discussions to help them celebrate their individual strengths, see their blind spots, and “play” with new behaviors.


They sit and write for a few minutes, reflecting on the following:

1. What did you learn about yourself in these activities?

2. What did you learn about collaborative learning climates?

3. How can the collaborative principles be applied to your work climate?





To use Keith Johnstone’s terminology, our “circle of probability” (Dudeck 2013: 10) has been created. In this case, they now know that they will be expected to engage fully, and playfully, in their learning rather than coast through the three days passively.


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