

英文 中文
Now you're looking at a man that's getting kinda mad 小炯最近很抓狂
I had lots of luck but it's all been bad 天天霉运一箩筐
No matter how I struggle and strive, 发奋努力白劳碌
I'll never get out of this world alive 老天从来不赏光
Ah. Timothy, come on in. 小炯你来啦快进来
- Hey, boss. - I have a small favor to ask of you. -老板你好-我想要你帮个小忙
- Okay. - If the firm ever gets audited, -行啊-公司要是被审计
if you ever find yourself under direct interrogation 你要是被政府人员
- by a government official... - Yeah? -直接问讯-怎么说
-I need you-- - I don't like where this is going. -我要你-我不喜欢这话题的走向
I need you to say your name is 我要你说你的名字是
- Tim Sanchez and that-- - What? -小炯·桑切斯而且-您说啥
and you are the VP of North American Sales. 而且你还担任北美销售部副总
- That's a small favor? - Tim Sanchez. -这算小忙吗-小炯·桑切斯给我记住了
Why would I say that? 我干嘛要这么说
These watchdog groups are saying 那些监管机构老讲
we don't have enough minorities in upper management. 我们高层没啥少数民族的
Yeah, but I'm not Hispanic in any way. 但我也不是拉丁裔啊
You realize that, right? 这点你清楚的吧是吗

Listen. It's just a technicality. 这只是一时之计
- Yeah. - It's paperwork for the books. -好吧-做点表面文章而已
If that's all it is, what do I actually do? 如果这样的话那我具体要干啥
You just sit there, you look Mexican. 你只要乖乖坐着看起来像个墨西哥人就行
And then I go home. 然后就能放我回家了吗
And you continue to look Mexican. 你还得继续扮墨西哥人
It sounds easy, but I don't picture this ending well. 听上去蛮简单的但我觉得会出篓子的
Thanks for the chat, Tim. 谢谢你能跟我谈小炯
- Amy? - Yeah? -小美-怎么了
It's the day we've been waiting for. 期盼已久的一天终于来到了
- How so? - I got the promotion... -怎么说-我升职了
- Tim. -...big time. -小炯-好日子
Come on, you tell me that all the time 拜托你老是跟我这么吹
and then it just never works out. 没哪次成真
Amy, you ready for this? 小美准备好了吗
of North American Sales at Omnicorp. 北美销售部副总
From assistant to VP of Sales? 从助手升级到副总
Straight-- straight to the North American VP. 直升北美副总
- Why you? - They like my look. -怎么让你当-他们中意我的长相
- Your look? - They singled me out from the crowd -你的长相-他们选中了我
and said, "That guy, let's fast-track him to the top." 说"我们让那家伙空降吧"
Well, I mean, then we need to celebrate, right? 我说我们得庆祝一番吧
Let's go out. I'll take you out. 咱们出去我带你大吃一顿
Money's no object. 钞票都是浮云
Oh, how about that cute little French place? 去那家漂亮的法国小餐馆咋样
How about any Mexican place? 去墨西哥餐馆如何
All the executives eat Mexican. That's what I'm learning. 头头们都吃墨西哥菜据我所知
Oh, is that my new Hispanic VP 这不是我的拉丁裔
of North American sales 北美销售部副总吗
- with his feet up on the desk? - Hey, boss. -脚还跷在桌上-老大你好
Doing one heck of a job, Tim, I have to say. 我得说小炯你干得不错啊
- I am. - Great job in your new position. -没错-在新职位干的挺好
I'm not doing anything, but-- 虽然我啥也没干
Yeah, but you really-- 没错但你真的
you look very Mexican. Keep up the good work. 相当有墨西哥范儿啊好好保持啊
I'll-- I'll do my best. 我会尽力的
We want some publicity out of this... 我们对这次升职要宣传一下
- Okay. - so we need you to attend a dinner tonight. -好-我们要你今晚参加一次晚宴
- No. - Yes-- for the newly-appointed -不行-一定得去为了我们这位
minority business leaders of America. 新上任的美国地区少数民族领导

- Dah-dah-dah-dah-dah! - Yeah, um-- -隆重登场-没错
So you just sit in a crowd, they'll say your name 你只要坐在人堆里他们叫你
- and you'll just wave. - I'll just wave. -你就挥个小手-挥挥手
Yeah, just wave and look vaguely Latino. 挥挥手再来稍微点拉丁风
- This is a very easy job. - It's perfect for you. -小菜一碟啊-简直为你量身定做
Well, welcome everybody. 大家好
Um, first order of business: 首先要说的是
we're sticking with NAMBLA. 我们的主题就是美国地区新上任的少数民族领导
Just letting you know. 就跟大家说下
Well, we spent quite a bit of money in letterhead, 我们发邀请信花了很多钱
so we're just-- we're backing that play for right now. 现在还是快切入主题吧
But basically, 但我们的目的
for not only promoting an African-American 因为它不仅让一个黑人
as it's CEO, 做了首席执行官
but for now promoting a Latino 现在还提拔了一名拉丁裔
as its VP of sales. 做销售总监
Let's get a little applause. That's what I'm talking about. 大家给点掌声好吗这就对了
That's it. Just keep with the Mexican waving. 就这样继续墨西哥式挥手
That's good. You're doing great, Tim. 很好你干得不错小炯
Yeah! Now let's see if we can get Tim 现在让我们把小炯
up here to say a few words. 请出来说两句
Oh, no, I prefer to just wave. 算了我情愿一直挥手
Get up here, you Hispanic son of a bitch. 快上来你个拉丁裔小崽子
- No. - Tim, up here on the stage! -算了-小炯快到台上来
You know, I'd love to, but I do not habla ingles. 我想是想但我个拉丁裔不会讲英语啊
- Okay.- I do not speak your language. -好吧-我不会讲英语
- No problem. No problem. - No problem? -没关系没关系-没关系
We can get a translator up here. 我们给找个翻译就成
- No. - Do you speak spanish? -天啊-你会讲西班牙语吗
Um, a little. Enough to get through 会点儿混过一番激情演讲
- an inspirational speech probably. - Tremendous. -应该没问题-太好了
Give it up for Timothy Sanchez. 掌声欢迎小炯·桑切斯
Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola. 你们好你们好
Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. 你们好你们好
Three questions I want. 我要问三个问题
Where is the bathroom? 洗手间往哪走
The bathroom is good. 洗手间很不错
Chicken and rice. 鸡肉和大米
- Gracias. - Thank you. -谢谢-谢谢
- Hola. - Hi. -你们好-你们好
All right, people, huddle up. 大家来来来抱团开会
We're in disaster mode here. 我们现在危机重重
No one believes Tim is Hispanic. 没人相信小炯是拉丁裔
- I can't believe it. - This is a PR nightmare. -难以置信-这是个公关噩梦
Okay, ideas. What do we do? 快点想法子我们该怎么做
Well, Omnicorp could admit blame 公司可以认错
- and issue a formal apology. - You're-- you're fired. -然后公开道歉-你你被炒了
Awful idea. Next. 什么破点子下一个
I think I've got an idea. 我有点子了
- Go. - He forged his work visa, -说-这个所谓小炯
this "Tim". 他伪造了工作签证
He lied to all of us and the firm, 他对我们对公司都撒了谎
and Omnicorp is absolutely shocked 公司被这个真相
and appalled by this news 惊呆了
and then just have the son of a bitch deported. 立即把这个小崽子驱逐出境
- I love it. - No. -我喜欢-表
I did not think we'd find a solution this quickly. 没想到这么快就找到了解决方案
Let's fast-track that idea. 快点实施吧
Somebody call lmmigration now. 快点来个人打给移民局
Tim, call lmmigration. 小炯你打
I'd rather not. Let's keep thinking. 不要这样还是继续想吧
Tim, the deporting idea is great. 小炯驱逐的点子很好啊
- No. - We ship you back to Mexico. -不-我们把你运回墨西哥
The whole thing blows over. We can order lunch. 完事了我们还有时间点午餐
It's a win-win for everyone. 对大家都好嘛
No, it's win-lose. I lose. 你们爽了我呢被抛弃了
- We win. - Yeah, let's just hear everyone out. -我们爽了-听听大家的意见吧
I think we've heard it all. 已经听得够多的了
Let's throw it all out. What's-- 别遮遮掩掩还有
- There are no more ideas. - Charlie? -没有别的想法了-老李
- I have an idea. - Oh, boy. -我有个想法-不是吧
- Let him talk. - Okay, just listen to this. -让他说-听我说
- He's got ideas. - Yeah. -他有点子啊-好吧
- Nobody's stopping him. - I suppose we could, umm... -没人拦着他-我提议我们
- work our media connections... - That's great. -可以利用我们的媒体网络-很好
...and we could send him on a cable news show, 把他送到有线电视新闻节目上
put a Latino wife by his side 在他旁边摆个拉丁裔老婆
and that should convince most people. 这样一来大家都会信了
- That's good. - That could work. -那不错-行得通诶
- Tim... - Yeah? -小炯-怎么
can you find a fake Latino wife 在明晚之前你能找个
- by tomorrow night? - Can l? -假冒的拉丁老婆吗-我吗
I can find one or my name is not Tim Sanchez. 我找不到我就不叫炯桑切斯
Your name is not Tim Sanchez. 你确实不叫小炯·桑切斯
Here goes nothing. 管他的
Maria? Hi, it's Tim. 玛丽亚吗我是小炯
We went to junior high together. 你的初中同学
This is going to sound like a slightly strange request, 我有个请求听上去会有点奇怪
but I'm going on a talk show tomorrow night 明晚我要参加一个脱口秀
and I need someone to pose as my fake Latino wife. 要找个人假扮我的拉丁裔妻子
Maria? 玛丽亚
This is surprisingly difficult. 这真心困难啊
- If it isn't my favorite customer. - Oh, Debbie. -这不是我最爱的客人吗-黛比
- Hello. - What are you doing here? -你好啊-你在干吗
- Well, I'm working. - Really? -在工作-是吗
- This is my street. - This is my street too. -这条街归我-这条街也是我的
- I work where you live. - That's true. -我在你住的地方工作-没错
Do these pants reveal enough of my rear end? 这条裤子的洞开得够大吗
I'm going to say yes. 我会说够了
- Ooh, that sounds good. - I can see the whole thing. -不错-整个屁屁我都看见了
- Really? - 90%. -真的吗-百分之九十
Moon's coming up and everything? 重要部分都露出来了
Yeah, that's more than enough. 是啊露太多了
Oh, hey, what ethnicity are you? 你是什么种族的
- I'm a lot of things. - Yeah? -我混好多地方的血统呢-是吗
I'm black and white... 我是黑白混血
and I'm from New Jersey-- Secaucus. 家在新泽西的西考克斯
- Okay. - And also-- -明白-不过
Secaucus is not an ethnicity, but you know what? 西考克斯不是个种族我想说
My question is, can you pass for Hispanic? 问题是你会说西班牙语吗
Oh, many people tell me I look like J Lo. 很多人说我像J罗
- That's Jennifer Lopez. - I can see that. -是詹妮弗·洛佩兹啦-看出来了
I'm going on a talk show tomorrow 明晚我要参加一个脱口秀
and I just need a fake Latino wife. 需要有人假扮我的拉丁裔妻子
- Oh, do you want me? - You'll be the fake Latino wife. -你要我去吗-就你来当吧
- Oh, my goodness! - That's great, right? -我的天-很棒吧
- Oh, I'd love to go, Tim. - Nice. -我很愿意小炯-太好了
Do you have something appropriate you can wear? 你有正常点的衣服吗
Oh yes. I'll just wear my business suit. 有啊我穿职业装来就好了
- Here it is. - That's the-- that's the business suit? -就是这套-这就是你的职业装吗
- Oh, I love it. - It's assless. -我爱死这套了-屁屁都露出来了


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