

英文 中文
Now you're looking at a man that's getting kinda mad 小炯最近很抓狂
I had lots of luck but it's all been bad 天天霉运一箩筐
No matter how I struggle and strive, 发奋努力白劳碌
I'll never get out of this world alive 老天从来不赏光
What can brown do for me? 你问小棕车可以为我做什么
Move your fucking truck! 挪挪你的车屁股吧
Oh, what a weekend. 多么美好的周末
I mean a three-day cruise 三天的游轮之旅
and now we get to see your place in New York, honey. 甜心现在还能到你纽约的家瞅瞅
I personally am excited to meet Tim the boyfriend. 我个人还是很想见见你那小男朋友小炯滴
Oh yes, the boyfriend. 矮油怎么能忘了你的男盆友呀
- You guys. - My little girl. -你们啊-我的小亲亲
I hope you like him. 我希望你们能喜欢他
I'm sure we will, sweetie. 那当然咯甜心
He sounds positively delightful. 他听起来还挺讨人喜欢的
Tim! 小炯
What? Oh, Amy. 啥小美是你呀
I thought you guys were coming in tonight. 我以为你们今晚才回
- Who is she? - Who? -她是谁-你指谁

- This woman? - Yes. -这个女人-对
or that woman? That's your mother, I assume. 还是那个我猜那是你娘
- No, who is she? - Oh, my name's Debbie. -不我问她是谁-我叫黛比
- That's Debbie. - Yeah. -那是黛比-是啊
I'm sitting with Debbie. 我跟黛比排排坐
And what is Debbie doing here? 那黛比在这儿做啥
She's an electrician. 她是个电工
That's what she does for a living. 她靠这活吃饭
- An electrician? - Yeah. -电工吗-是啊
- So let's just-- - Are you a prostitute? -那咱们就...-你是个鸡吗
- Oh, no. - What's happening? -怎么这样-什么状况
Now, now you cross the line. 这你就不对咯
I don't allow that kind of language in this home. 这种不干净的话在这个家是不能乱讲的
- What a mouth. - What do you do? -怎么说话的-那你是干啥的
I am a self-employed person. 我是一位自给自足的女士
But occasionally 但时不时的
I do give a $10 BJ. 我也愿意十块来一次吹箫
$10 BJ? 十块一次吹箫
$10 BJ, what's that? 十块一次那是什么
What does that phrase mean? 那两个字一块是啥意思
I think I'm gonna be sick. 恶心死了
- You should know. - What does BJ stand for? -你得知道-吹箫是啥意思
I can't believe you got a prostitute 难以置信我就去游轮玩了几天
while we're on a cruise. 你却在家叫了妓女上门
Let's-- you know what? Let's change the subject. 我...我们换个话题怎么样
- How was the cruise? - Uh, it was lovely. -游轮旅行怎么样-挺好的
- Thank you. - The shrimp was good. -谢谢关心-虾肉挺好吃
The shrimp was good? 虾肉很不错吗
Tim, we are not changing the subject. 小炯别给我转移话题
Was it like a shrimp cocktail or-- 是虾肉鸡尾酒吗还是
Just buffet. King size. 就自助餐巨无霸分量
Buffet style. That's nice. 自助餐啊不错嘛
- That sounds like a nice cruise. - Tim! -旅行很不错啊-小炯
- Yeah? - We are not changing the subject. -怎么了-别给我转移话题
There is a prostitute sitting on our couch. 咱家的沙发上坐着个妓女
Language. 注意用辞啊小姐
You're still dwelling on that? 你还揪着那不放吗
Yes! 没错
Listen, I'm sure Tim has a good explanation. 我相信小炯一定会给出个合理的解释
Let's just pay the woman and be done with it. 付完钱赶紧让那女人走人了事吧

- Yes. - Miss, what does Timothy owe you? -就是-小姐小炯要付你多少
Oh, Timothy here owes me $300. 小炯欠我三百大洋
Good lord, for what? 没听错吧什么服务啊
That's too much. 那也太多了
That's just too much money. 实在太贵了
Well, for house calls my rate is $50 flat. 我上门服务要五十
- That's fair. - Then there's another $50 -没错-飞快销魂一次
for a hurry-up-and-do-it-now rate. 还要五十吧
Okay. 然后
And then you asked for the back-door action. 你还要求插菊花服务
- No no. - Back-door action? -别别-插菊花
- $200. - Tim, who are you? -这就两百块-小炯你到底是谁
Who am l? I'm not the back-door guy. 我是谁我没插人家菊花
Yes, you are. You called and said, 你是这么要求的你打电话来说
It's 9:00 a.m. Cock-a-doodle-doo. 早上九点啦公鸡喔喔叫
Send someone over for 叫个美女来我家
some back-door action at Tim's place." 我要插菊花
No, I did not say cock-a-doodle-doo. 我没说什么"公鸡喔喔叫"
Okay, you know what? We're not having this conversation. 现在你给我听着我们没法谈了
My parents are here for one night. 我爸妈要在这住一晚
- I want her gone. - All right, that's a good idea. -我不想看到她-行啊就这么干
Why don't you guys go into the kitchen, 大家伙就先到厨房
start preparing dinner? 去做晚饭好不
We'll settle up and we'll have a nice night. 此事了结皆大欢喜
Amy, I don't know if you noticed, 小美注意到没
I vacuumed. 我做了吸尘呢
Wow, that was not a good first impression. 出师不利啊
Is it because I mentioned the back-door action? 是因为我说你要菊花服务了吗
That didn't help, I got to say. 反正没帮上忙就是了
- I obviously called you by mistake... - No, you didn't. -我显然是打错电话了-才不是
So if you could just leave. No hard feelings. 你能就这么离开好吗别生气
Okay, I won't have any hard feelings 如果你乖乖付我三百
when you cough up $300. 我半点气也不会生
How about a free dinner? Free meatloaf? 免费吃顿晚饭怎么样有肉糜卷哟
Sugar, I don't want meatloaf. I want money. 蜜糖我不要肉糜卷我只要钱
I don't have it. I don't make that much. 我没钱我没赚那么多钱
Well, then I'm calling Maurice. 那么我就打给毛大力了
- Maurice? - Maurice. I'm calling him now. -毛大力-没错现在就打
- You're calling Maurice? - I'm calling Maurice. -你要给毛大力电话-对
- Unbelievable. - Quiet. -不是吧-给我安静
Just have Maurice send me an invoice. 毛大力刚给我发了一条留言
- Oh, don't try that, honey. - Have Maurice-- -这可蒙不了我甜心-真的有
- Okay. - Maurice! -好吧-毛大力
Yes, this is Debbie. 对我是黛比
I'm here with a young gentleman who owes me $300 我这儿有个小年青他欠我三百块
and he wants to pay with meatloaf. 居然想拿肉糜卷抵
Explain to him how she's gonna prepare it. 跟他讲我亲爱的是怎么精心准备的
Quiet, sugar. Is that okay? 别插嘴甜心那样行吗
All right.
Bye, sugar. 亲再见
What did Maurice say? He's cool with that? 毛大力说啥了他同意吗
- Oh, Maurice is coming over. - Maurice is coming over? -毛大力要来这一趟-他要来
Mind if I sit here for about 20 minutes? 我在这坐个二十来分钟行不
You guys having fun? Enjoying yourselves? 大家怎么样做菜还愉快吗
It's meatloaf night. 肉糜卷之夜
- It is meatloaf night. - Tim, is she gone? -肉糜卷之夜-小炯她走没走
Uh, gone? No. 你问她吗没呢
Debbie's not gone, and just a quick FYl, 黛比还没走呢跟你说个事
Maurice is gonna join us. Should be fun. 毛大力也要来应该会很有劲
Catch up with you guys in a bit. 回聊啊亲们
This is not good. We only have four chairs. 糟了我们只有四把椅子
We always only have four chairs, Tim. 小炯我们从来都只有四把椅子
I know. This is not good. Um... 我知道所以不妙嘛
Would it be awkward if Debbie sits on my lap? 黛比坐我大腿上会不会很怪
- Um, yes it would. - That would be awkward? -当然-会尴尬吗
- Yes, it would be really awkward. - Who else-- -会相当尴尬-让我看看还有谁
- Can she sit on your dad's lap? - No! -她能做你爸腿上吗-不行
We got no choice. Do you want her to sit on your lap? 没得选了她能坐你腿上吗
Okay, you know what? Fine. Just sit down. 好了别烦了给我坐下
- Let's work with what we have. - Yeah, let's do it. -大家尽量挤挤吧-就这么干
Mmm, two of my favorite things-- 我的两大心头之爱
meatloaf and giving a lap dance. 肉糜卷还有跳大腿舞
- No no, stop doing that. - Up and down. -别别跳了-上了个下
- This is not a lap dance. - Up and down. -这不是大腿舞-上呀么下
Stop the up and down. 别扭了
- Tim, this is not a lap dance. - I'm well aware. -小炯这不是大腿舞-我很清楚
- So, Timothy. - Yeah? -小炯呀-怎么
You're the head of the household here. 你是一家之主
Would you like to say grace? 你来做饭前祷告好吗
- Grace? I would love to say grace. - Excellent. -祷告当然愿意-好极了
- Say a little prayer to the Lord. - Oh, how nice. -向我主祈祷-多么美好
Lord, thank You for the blessings 主感谢你施与
you have bestowed upon us. 我们的恩泽
We pray for health, 我们向您祈求健康
we pray for happiness, 幸福
and for the $300 I owe Maurice. 还有我欠毛大力的三百块
We really are hoping for that to come through. 我们真心祈求愿望成真
If you could set that up. 如果您能帮一把的话
And, uh, we pray for understanding. 我们还祈求人们的理解
as we all occasionally 因为我们时不时会
request back-door action by accident 在叫电工时错喊成
when we tried to call an electrician. 菊花服务
It happens. It simply happens. 时不时会发生就是这么简单
- And in your name we pray. Amen. - Amen. -以您之名祷告阿门-阿门
- That was a very interesting prayer. - Thank you. -这祷告做得很有趣-多谢夸奖
All right, let's just do this. Let's just have a nice dinner. 那么我们开始吧享用一顿美味的晚餐
Whoops, there's Maurice. 哎呀毛大力来了
That didn't last long. 铃声很短促
- Hello? - You don't let me upstairs 你好你不让我上楼
I'm gonna take your head and 我就会揪下你的脑袋
shove it through your asshole. 塞进你的屁眼去
Safe to assume that's Maurice? 应该可以认定那是毛大力了吧
That's unmistakably Maurice. 如假包换的毛大力
- That's classic Maurice. - I'm waiting down here. -经典的毛大力作风-我等着呢
- Maurice, I'm buzzing you in. - Who's Maurice? -毛大力我开门了-毛大力是谁
Well, he says he works in financial retrieval, 他说他是做金融偿还的
but that just means he's a pimp. 意思就是他是拉皮条的
- Okay, we're leaving. - You're leaving? -好我们要走了-要走了
What do you mean you're leaving? How's Maurice gonna feel? 要走了是什么意思毛大力会怎么想
- Mom, Dad... - He just got here. -妈爸-他刚到
Iet's just go out for a nice dinner 我们出去吃顿好的
and then we'll get you back to your hotel. 然后把你们送回酒店
This is crazy. 你疯了
It was a pleasure meeting you, Timothy. 见到你很高兴小炯
The pleasure was all mine. 是我的荣幸
If we never see each other again, son, good luck. 不再见面那就更好了祝你好运孩子
Never see each other again? What happened here? 不再见面怎么回事
You know, I think you made a better impression than you think. 你给他们的印象要比你想象的好
You think I made a good impression? 你觉得的我给他们留下了好印象吗
Mmm-hmm. See, if you ask me, 嗯嗯要我说的话
the fact that you vacuumed 你用吸尘器打扫了房子


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