一. ISPI 卓越奖
1. Outstanding Human Performance Intervention 卓越绩效改进奖
2. Outstanding Human Performance Communication 卓越绩效沟通奖
二. ISPI学术奖
1. Distinguished Dissertation 杰出论文奖
2. Outstanding Research 杰出研究奖
三. ISPI荣誉奖
1. Roger Kaufman Award for Societal Impact罗杰·考夫曼社会影响奖
2. Geary Rummler Award for the Advancement of Performance Improvement吉尔·拉姆勒绩效改进进步奖
3. Thomas F. Gilbert Distinguished Professional Achievement Award托马斯·吉尔伯特杰出专业成就奖
4. Honorary Life Member Award 终身荣誉会员奖
5. Distinguished Service Award 杰出服务奖
四. ISPI 分会奖项
1. Chapter of Excellence 杰出分会奖