游戏:1.起床游戏touch and guess
M:Coco, let's play a game. You give me an Animal, And I will Close my eyes and guess who it is.
M:Let's begin. please show me an animal.
M:I can touch its leg, it has four legs, it has a nose, it has two eyes.It's too easy, it has a short tail. Yes I got it!is it a bunny?
S:No, not a bunny.
M:Is it a bear?
M:no? Can I open my eyes?
S:Yes.Open your eyes.
M:Wow, it's a dog! It's your turn I will show you an animal, close your eyes please. lalalala~
S:guaguagua, frog!
M:Well done, you got it.Now it's my turn. (娃丢来一个大家伙)wow, so big an animal! It has a long tail. Is this its nose?
M:Yes, I can touch its nose. But I can't touch its mouth. I can touch its sharp teeth. It has two arms and two legs. thump thump thump thump thump. Is it a dinosaur or a crocdile?
M:I'm hungry, growl growl growl. I want to eat.
这时窗外的小鸟叫了起来,娃儿回头看看窗外,忧伤的说天快亮了!我们不能玩儿here's a little mouse了!
M:why not?于是把各种小玩偶放进被窝,邀请娃跟我做大猫。娃不同意,坚持做老鼠,那就我一个人做猫了!老鼠躲在洞里不出来,猫坚守在外面,后来猫咪太孤单邀请小老鼠出来,只要他唱一首歌给他听就好。小老鼠问“唱中文还是英文呢?”“当然是英文啦!”于是娃开口唱
“where is thumbkin? where is thumbkin
here I am. here I am.
how are you today,sir?
very well, I fank(thank) you
run away, run away~
where is pointer/tall man/ring man/pinky
2. I sing and you listen
3. clouds翻版shadows
Coco, look at the big shadow. It looks like a bird. I can see a little shadow. It looks like a little dinosaur.