Can you learn in your sleep,yes!Here is how
The idea that we can learn in our sleep has captivated the minds of artists and scientists alike; the possibility that one day we could all drastically improve our productivity by learning in our sleep is very appealing.
But could such a scenario ever become a reality?
A team of researchers set out to investigate. Scott Cairney, from the University of York in the United Kingdom, co-led the research with Bernhard Staresina, who works at the University of Birmingham, also in the U.K.
"Sleep spindles," Cairney explains, "have been linked to the benefits of sleep for memory in previous research, so we wanted to investigate whether these brain waves mediate reactivation.""If they support memory reactivation, we further reasoned that it could be possible to decipher memory signals at the time that these spindles took place."
To test their hypotheses, Cairney and his colleagues asked 46 participants "to learn associations between words and pictures of objects or scenes before a nap."
Afterward, some of the participants took a 90-minute nap, whereas others stayed awake. To those who napped, "Half of the words were […] replayed during the nap to trigger the reactivation of the newly learned picture memories," explains Cairney."When the participants woke after a good period of sleep," he says, "we presented them again with the words and asked them to recall the object and scene pictures."
"We found that their memory was better for the pictures that were connected to the words that were presented in sleep, compared to those words that weren't," Cairney reports.