
英文 中文
Previously on "The Vampire Diaries" 《吸血鬼日记》前情回顾
For over a century, I have lived in secret 一个多世纪以来我都秘密地活着
until now. 直到现在
I know the risk. But I have to know her. 我知道很危险但我必须要认识她
Elena-- she's a dead ringer for Katherine. 埃琳娜她和凯瑟琳长得一模一样
You have no idea of the future I have planned for us. 你不知道我为我们计划了怎样的未来
You, me, and Damon. 你我还有达蒙
Our love for Katherine wasn't real, Damon. 我们对凯瑟琳的爱并不是真的达蒙
Katherine never compelled me. I knew everything. 凯瑟琳从没控制过我的意识我什么都知道
It was real for me. 对我来说是真的
I'm going to bring her back. 我要让她重返人世
Tell me how to get into the tomb. 告诉我怎么进到古墓里去
- The grimoire.- Where is it? -找那本魔法书-书在哪
Check the journal.Jonathan Gilbert's. 在日记里面乔纳森·吉尔伯特的
Can I borrow your ancestor's journal? 我能借用一下你祖先的日记吗
I gave it to my history teacher. 我把日记给历史老师了
- Alaric saltzman.- Damon. -阿拉里克·萨尔茨曼-达蒙
So the grimoire... That was Emily's, right? 那本魔法书是艾米莉的对吧
That's what you need to reverse the spell? 要想破处咒语必须要那本书
- I'll help you.- OK. -我会帮你-好吧
I told Damon that I'd help him get Katherine back. 我告诉达蒙我会帮他救出凯瑟琳
But it was a lie.I can't let him do it. 不过是骗他的我不能让他这么做
Then don't.And I'll help you.Whatever it takes. 那就别帮他无论如何我会帮你的
Please! 求求你们
Please, help us! 求求你们帮帮忙
Please, my husband, he's been hurt! 我丈夫他受伤了
Please help him! 请帮帮他
What are you doing out here in the middle of the night? 你们大半夜的在这儿干什么
It's not safe. 很危险的
No. No, sir. 是的先生
It's not safe. 的确很危险
And that's how it's done. 就这么简单迅速
What happens to the bodies? 那些尸体怎么办
Well, I'll take them into the woods 我会把他们搬到树林里去
and the other animals will finish them off. 其它动物会把尸体解决掉
Are you sure you're ready for this? 你确定你准备好了吗
I'm ready. 准备好了
I want you to turn me. 我希望你把我变成吸血鬼
When it's time. 时机未到
Kiss me. 吻我
You should get a taste. 你该尝一尝血的味道
- Sorry.- Don't be. -抱歉-不必
Soon you won't be able to get enough. 很快你就会欲罢不能了
Mmm, good morning. 早啊
I could get used to this. 我会渐渐习惯你的问候
Rise and shine, sleepyheads. 太阳晒屁股啦小懒虫们
- Damon!Please!- What are you doing? -达蒙拜托-你干什么呢
Oh, stop being smutty. 别卿卿我我的了
Seriously, get out of here! 说真的快滚出去
If I see something I haven't seen before, 如果围观到什么新鲜花样
I'll throw a dollar at it.Now listen, 我会掏钱的听好了
We have some very important business to discuss. 我们有些重要的事要商量一下
And it has to be right now? 非得现在说吗
Well, we have lots to do, now that we're all friends 我们有很多事要做既然大家都是朋友
and working toward a common goal. 而且目标一致
So, in order to open the tomb, 为了打开古墓
we need to find the journal 我们得找到那本日记
to get the grimoire to open the spells. 拿到魔法书从而解除咒语
First things first-- since you are Elena Gilbert, 首先既然你是吉尔伯特家族的
You're on journal duty. 日记的事情就由你来负责
Since when am I helping? 怎么我也在计划内了
Well, Stefan's helping, 斯特凡在帮忙
and you've taken up residence in Stefan's bed, ergo... 而既然你们同床共枕所以...
You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. 你不需要做任何你不想做的事情
- I'll look for it today.- Good. -我一会儿去找找看-很好
How do we know that this journal 你怎么知道日记里面
will hold the location of the grimoire? 会写明魔法书的位置
We're really going to take the word of this vampire? 我们真的要相信那个吸血鬼的话吗
Seemed like a dimwit 他似乎是个白痴
In lieu of any other options. 我们没有其它的选择
OK, what exactly is a grimoire, anyway? 好吧那本魔法书到底是什么东西
It's a witch's cookbook. 是一本女巫的食谱
Every spell that a witch casts 女巫所使用的每一个咒语
is unique unto itself, 都是第一无二的
so every witch would document their work. 所以每个女巫都要记录下自己的咒语
Yeah. Cookbook. 对就是本食谱
What about our mystery vampire? 那些隐藏在暗处的吸血鬼怎么办
Dimwit obviously wasn't working alone, 那白痴显然不是在孤军奋战
so whoever's out there knows who we are. 我们在明他们在暗
And I don't like that disadvantage, so... 我可不喜欢这种劣势所以
Chop, chop. 快点行动起来
You know, I really like this menage-three some team thing. 我真的很喜欢我们3个人的小分队
It's got a bit of a kink to it. 纠缠在一起真带劲儿
Don't screw it up. 别搞砸了
He does have-- 他真的有
Oh, right, yeah. 差点忘了
Ok. 好吧
Oh! No, come here. 别走过来
We shouldn't... 我们不应该
What are you doing? Stop it! 你干嘛呢快停下
Make me. 转化我吧
Yes? 谁啊
Excuse me, Miss Katherine. 打扰了凯瑟琳小姐
Miss Pearl is here to see you. 珍珠小姐来找你
I'll be down soon. 我马上就下去
Please ask her to wait. 你让她稍候
Thank you, Emily. 谢谢艾米莉
- Fun's over.- Hmm, no. -享乐要结束了-不要
It's good to see you, Pearl. 很高兴见到你珍珠
Perhaps we could talk outside. 我们还是去外面谈吧
Emily, would you please tell Mr. Salvatore 艾米莉请你告诉塞尔瓦托先生
that I've stepped away? 我出门了
Which one? 哪位塞尔瓦托
Both. 都说一下
How long do you plan on staying with the Salvatores? 你打算跟塞尔瓦托兄弟一起住多久
People talk, Katherine. 凯瑟琳别人都议论纷纷
You, carrying on with both brothers, 说你同时跟两兄弟交往
doesn't help the situation. 对眼下的局势来说更加不利啊
The Salvatores have been kind to take me in. 塞尔瓦托兄弟好心收留我
As far as everyone here knows, 小镇上的人只知道
I'm a poor orphan girl from Atlanta, 我是亚特兰大来的可怜孤儿
lost her family in the fires. 家人都在火灾中丧生了
A match you lit, no doubt. 毫无疑问是你点的火
Honey, please be careful. 宝贝小心点
Honorary Fell came by the apothecary yesterday 费尔夫人昨天来过药店
With a case of this elixir. 带来了此种药水
She asked that it be sold at a reduced rate. 她要求将之降价销售
- I don't follow.- Try it. -我不明白-你试一下
- What in hell?- Vervain. -怎么会这样-马鞭草
Why is there-- 这里怎么会
They know. 他们知道了
They're trying to find us, 他们想找到我们
and they're getting crafty about it. 变得越来越精明了
The townspeople ingesting vervain? 镇上的人在服用马鞭草
That's inconvenient. 那可不妙了
It might be time for us to move on again. 或许我们又该换个地方了
No. I like it here. 不我喜欢这里
I'm not interested in leaving just yet. 我现在还不想离开
Can we go, mama? 我们能走了吗妈妈
Is something wrong? 发生什么事了吗
Hey, it'me again. 嗨又是我
Anna.Soccer chick and foosball champion. 安娜足球女孩和桌球冠军
I'll be at the grill later, if you want, 我待会去酒吧如果你想
You know, a rematch, or whatever. 重赛或者别的什么
Who are you calling? 你在给谁打电话
Jeremy Gilbert. 杰里米· 吉尔伯特
You're not, like, into him, are you? 你不是喜欢上他了吧
I need him for something.Get over it. 他对我有用你别多想了
Damn it! 见鬼
Dude, you gotta stop doing that. 老兄别再犯蠢了
I know.I just-- I keep forgetting. 我知道只是我老记不住
You're new. 刚开始都这样
You'll get it. 会习惯的
You found the Gilbert journal? 你找到吉尔伯特的日记了
Does that look like the Gilbert journal? 这看起来像吉尔伯特的日记吗
Well, it's old and musty, 看上去很旧又有点发霉
And how am I supposed to know the difference? 我怎么知道有什么差别
I don't know, I figured maybe, just maybe, 我不知道我想大概只是大概
You've been paying a little bit of attention since we met. 自我们认识以来你都不怎么关注这些事情
You know, you don't have to talk down to me. 你说话不必带着鄙视的口气
I'm not stupid. 我不笨
Here. 拿着
Drink. 喝了
I don't want you getting itchy around the witch. 我不想你被那个女巫看出破绽
She can sense if you're weak. 如果你很虚弱她会发现的
When can we go hunting again? 我们什么时候能再出去猎食
This tastes old.I want fresh blood. 冷冻的口感不好我想喝新鲜的
When we get that tomb open, 墓打开之后
you can kill anyone you want. 你想喝谁的血都行
For now, just stay focused on Bonnie 现在你就集中精力看好邦妮
While I try to get the journal back from Jeremy's teacher. 我去杰里米老师那把日记拿回来
Why did you choose me? 你为什么会选我
I needed someone in a position to be my eyes and ears. 我需要有人来当我的耳目
Small town bartender fit the bill 小镇上的酒保恰好很适合
There are plenty of bartenders to choose from. 镇上的酒保那么多
Why me? 为什么选我
You were sad then. You lacked purpose. 你郁郁寡欢生活失去了目标
You needed me. 你需要我
Do you think Damon really believes us? 你觉得达蒙真的会相信
That we're both trying to help him? 我们两个都想帮他吗
I don't think Damon knows what to believe. 我觉得达蒙也不知道该相信什么
Trust isn't something that comes naturally to him. 他不怎么会信任别人
You know... 其实
I realy think that Damon believes 我真的觉得达蒙相信
that everything he's done, every move that he's made, 他的所作所为他做的一切
he's done for love. 都是因为爱
It's twisted, but kind of sad. 有点扭曲却很可悲
There are other ways to get what you want. 想得到自己想要的可以有其他方法
You don't have to kill people. 不用杀人
Damon has no regard for human life. 达蒙不尊重人的生命
He enjoys inflicting pain on others. 他喜欢从别人的痛苦中获得快乐
For 145 years, 145年来
every single time that I have let my guard down 每次我卸下防备心理
and let Damon back into my life, 让达蒙进入我的生活
he's done something to make me regret that. 他总会做一些让我后悔的事情
I'm not going to make that mistake again. 我不会再犯同样的错误了
So what do you think will happen 你觉得会发生什么事
If the tomb gets opened and Damon gets Katherine back? 我是说如果墓穴被打开达蒙救出凯瑟琳?
I think that no matter what Damon promises, 我觉得不论达蒙承诺过什么
A lot of people will die. 还是有很多人会死
That's Jonathan Gilbert. 那就是乔纳森·吉尔伯特
What's this? 这是什么
What are you guys doing? 你们在干什么
Hey. Just going through some stuff, 只是在翻看旧东西
feeling sentimental. 感怀一下
Dad had this whole family journal from years ago. 爸爸一直收藏着那本家族日记
I thought I'd dig it up. 我本以为可以找到
Jonathan Gilbert's journal? 乔纳森·吉尔伯特的日记
Yeah, what do you know about it? 正是你知道些什么吗
I just did a history report on it. 我刚用它写了份历史论文
Oh. So where is it now? 那它现在在哪
I gave it to Mr. Saltzman. He wanted to see it. 我把它给萨尔茨曼老师了他想读一下
I met Barnett and Giuseppe this evening. 我今晚见了巴奈特和吉赛佩
I saw the scepticism in their eyes when I showed them the compass. 当我给他们看指南针时我看到了他们眼中的质疑
We're supposed to believe that can track one of them? 我们该相信这东西可以定位吸血鬼吗
What is it, magic? 这算什么魔术吗
It's science. 是科技
I'll believe it when I see it. 眼见为实
I've been thinking about this church idea. 我仔细考虑了那个教堂的想法
I believe it could work. 我觉得肯定行
Excuse me, father. 不好意思父亲
I didn't know you had guests. 我不知道你有客人
We'll be done in a few minutes, son. 我们马上就结束了儿子
I'll come back. 我一会儿再来
Forgive me, Mr. Gilbert, mr. Lockwood. 很抱歉吉尔伯特先生洛克伍德先生
Have you told them? 你告诉他们了没有
Not yet. 还没有
Giuseppe, we need all the men we can get. 吉赛佩我们需要尽可能多的人手
I'll tell them. 我会告诉他们的
You can count on both my boys. 你们可以信赖我的儿子们
Hello? 谁呀
Hello? 有人吗
Someone there? 有人在吗
You shouldn't have done that. 你真不该这么做的
Have a seat. 请坐
What is this, compressed air? 这是什么空气枪
Did you make it yourself? 你自己做的吗
Who are you? 你是谁
I'm not going to hurt you... 我不会伤害你的...
Unless you try that again. 除非你还想用它射杀我
Now... 说吧
Who are you? 你是谁
I'm a teacher. 我是个老师
Are we going to have to do this the hard way? 非得给你点颜色瞧瞧你才说实话吗
I'm also a historian. 我还是个历史学家
And while researching virginia, I-- 在调查弗吉尼亚的时候我
Made a few discoveries about your town. 在你们镇发现了一些蛛丝马迹
So you show up like Van Helsing. 所以你像范海辛[狙魔人]一样出现了
Come on. 拜托
Tell me the truth. 跟我说实话
My wife was a parapsychologist. 我妻子是个心理玄学家
She spent her life researching paranormal activity in this area. 她毕生都在研究此地区的超自然现象
It was her work that led me here. 我是因为她的研究才来的
Where's your wife? 你妻子在哪儿
Dead. 死了
A vampire killed her. 一个吸血鬼杀了她
Where's the Gilbert journal? 吉尔伯特的日记在哪
- What do you want with it? - Where is it? -你想拿它做什么-在哪儿
- It's on my desk.- No, it's not. -在我桌上-不不在
It was on my desk. 刚刚还在的


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