新型冠状病毒肺炎,简称“新冠肺炎”:Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (NCP),之后世卫组织命名为COVID-19,中国也将新冠肺炎的英文名修订为COVID-19,与世界卫生组织命名保持一致,中文名称保持不变。
1)新型冠状病毒:novel coronavirus
3)新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎:pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus/ novel coronavirus-caused pneumonia
4)确诊病例:confirmed case
重症病例:severe case
5)疑似病例:suspected case
6)重症患者:patient in critical or severe condition
轻症患者:patients with mild symptoms
7)病死率:fatality rate
8)密切接触者:close contact
9)接受医学观察:be under medical observation
10) 隔离:quarantine
11)潜伏期:incubation period
12)人传人:human-to-human transmission
13) 飞沫传播:droplet transmission
14)发热,咳嗽,呼吸困难:fever,cough and difficulty in breathing
15) 急性呼吸道感染病例:acute respiratory infection symptom
16)输入性病例:imported case/ imported infection(输入性病例:指来自疫情流行区的病例,也称一代病例)
境外输入病例:imported case
17)二代病例:secondary infection case(二代病例:指被一代病例感染的本土病人)
18)隐形感染:asymptomatic infection (隐形感染:指感染了病毒,但无明显症状的病例)
19)疫情防控:epidemic prevention and control
20)口罩:(face) mask
21)防护服:protective clothing/suits
22)护目镜: goggles
23)一次性手套:disposable gloves
24)医疗物资:medical supplies
26)国际关注的突发公共卫生事件:Public Health Emergency of International Concern(PHEIC)
27) 封城: the lockdown of a city/ a city is on lockdown
28) 应急医院/临时医院:makeshift hospital
29)重大突发公共卫生事件一级响应:first-level public health emergency response
30)国家卫生健康委员会:National Health Commision(NHC)
31) 中国疾病预防控制中心:Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
核酸检测:nucleic acid test
下呼吸道:lower respiratory tract
定点医院:designated hospital
方舱医院:mobile cabin hospital/makeshift hospital
隔离治疗点:medical quarantine site(s)
流行病学史:epidemiological records
临床症状:clinical symptoms
CT影像:CT scan imaging
假阴性:false-negative test results
交叉感染:cross infection
粪便样本:feces sample/ stool specimen
拭子样本:swab sample
一株病毒:a strain of virus
粪口传播:fecal-oral transmission
消化道:digestive tract
初期症状/初发症状:incipient symptoms
发热,乏力,干咳:fever,general weakness,dry cough
传播途径:transmission route/ transmission channel
气溶胶传播:aerosol transmission
密切接触:close contact
肠胃:stomach and intestine
食物要洗净烧透:make sure that food is thoroughly cleaned and well cooked
血浆治疗:plasma therapy
献血:donate blood
特效药:wonder drug
病毒没有国界:virus respects no borders.
SARS: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 严重急性呼吸综合症
MERS: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome 中东呼吸综合症
评定为烈士:be recognized as martyrs
医务人员:medical worker
诊疗方案:diagnosis and treatment plan
复诊:revisit the hospital and undergo a checkup
不漏一户不漏一人:leave no household, no one behind
增强收治能力:raise the hospital admission capacity
提高救治水平:improve treatment for patients
抗击疫情第一线:front line of the battle against the epidemic
疫情无国界,人间有真情:virus knows no borders, but the worst of times reveals the best in people.
医疗手套:medical gloves
酒精消毒液:alcohol disinfectants
对口支援:pairing assistance
重大疫情防控体制机制:mechanism for major epidemic prevention and control
一线医务人员:frontline medical personnel
医疗防护物资:medical protective materials
防疫物资:epidemic prevention materials/supplies
隔离病房:isolation ward
交通管制:traffic control
发热门诊:fever clinic
应检尽检,应收尽收,应治尽治:make sure all patients are examined, admitted to hospitals and treated
消毒通风:disinfection and ventilation
联防联控机制:joint prevention and control mechanism
入境检验:entry quarantine
入境旅客:inbound passenger
医学巡查:medical inspection
健康申报制度:health declaration system
健康申报:declaration of health information
实时发布:real-time announcement
跨机构机制:interagency mechanism
及早发现:early detection
早期诊断:early diagnosis
尽早隔离:early isolation
早发现,早隔离:early detection and early isolation
健康码:health QR code
数字化健康证明:digital health certificate
中低风险地区:medium-and low-risk areas
差异化精准防控策略:precise and differentiated epidemic control strategies
社区疫情防控:community-based epidemic prevention and control
社区传染:community transmission
全国封锁:nationwide lockdown
封锁:be under lockdown
居家隔离:home quarantine
疫情防控国际合作:international cooperation on epidemic prevention and control
出入境防疫:epidemic prevention at boarders
防范疫情跨境传播:curb the cross-border spread of the epidemic
暂缓或减少留学人员等双向流动:postpone or reduce the two-way flow of overseas students
被诊断患有...:be diagnosed with...
群体免疫:herd immunity
国境卫生检疫:frontier health and quarantine
传染病检疫及监测:quarantining and monitoring of infectious diseases
病毒携带者:virus carrier
行走的传染源:mobile source of infection
隐瞒病情:hide/conceal health information
涉嫌妨害传染病防治:allegedly hinder the prevention of infectious disease
限期离境:leave the country within a specified time limit
发出警告: issue a warning
遵守法律法规:comply with/ abide by the laws and rules
医药公司:chemical and pharmaceutical company
第一入境点: first point of entry
海关清关: customs clearance
出入境检验检疫: entry-exit inspection and quarantine
集中观察: concentrated observation
入境航班: inbound flight
入境旅客: inbound passenger
全球公共卫生: global public health security
联防联控国际合作: international cooperation in joint prevention and control
健康丝绸之路: Silk Road of Health
外防输入,内防扩散: both imported cases and spread within the city should be prevented
外防输入,内防反弹:guarding against imported cases and a rebound in indigenous cases
本土病例:indigenous case
零散病例:sporadic case
重大疫情防控体制机制:the mechanism for major epidemic prevention and control
疫苗临床试验:vaccine clinical trial
解剖研究:post-mortem examination
体温测量:temperature check
消毒,通风和清洁:disinfection, ventilation and sanitation
错峰通勤: off-peak commuting
错峰开学:colleges and universities reopen on a staggered schedule
集中隔离观察:centralized quarantine and observation
传统中医: traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)
针灸: acupuncture
艾灸: moxibustion
拔罐: cupping therapy
中草药: Chinese herbal medicine
发热和持续咳嗽:a temperature and a persistent cough
非医用口罩:non-surgical masks
初步调查:preliminary investigation
医疗物资:medical supplies
争分夺秒:work around the work
问题口罩:defective face masks
无症状感染者:asymptomatic patient
病毒携带者:virus carrier
无症状携带者:asymptomatic carrier
超级传播者:super spreader
治愈率:recovery rate
传染性:transmissibility/ infectivity
易感人群:susceptible population
中国留学生:overseas Chinese students
健康包:health kits
重大航空运输保障机制:major air transportation guarantee mechanism
包机:charter flights
复工复产:resume work and production
This is the time for facts, not fear. 要事实,不要恐惧。
This is the time for science, not rumors. 要科学,不要谣言。
This is the time for solidarity, not stigma. 要团结,不要污名。