
英文 中文
Previously on This Is Us... 《我们的生活》前情回顾
Get your asses in the car. 赶紧上车
- Guys, this is Rebecca Malone. - Um, it's Pearson now. -这是丽贝卡·马隆-现在改姓皮尔森了
You forgot this girl you used to play keys for got old. 你忘了那姑娘已经老了
- Not from where I'm standing. - Being on stage again -我觉得可不是-重新站上舞台唱歌
and singing and... I missed it. 我真是太怀念了
Randall is not free of vice. 兰德尔并不是没有缺点威廉
It's his compulsive drive to be perfect. 他强迫自己必须完美
Randall, do you know Sanjay Jahiri? 兰德尔你认识桑杰·贾希里吗
Sanjay's gonna come aboard, help us land a new wind farm client. 桑杰会入伙帮助我们拿下那个项目
Really? 是吗
I'd marry the hell out of you, Kate Pearson. 我娶定你了凯特·皮尔森
- Just like that? - Just like that? -就这么定了吗-就这么定了
It was "Just like that" from the moment I met you, kid. 从第一眼见到你我就决定娶你了姑娘
Have you ever considered 你有没有考虑过
an immersive weight-loss experience? 尝试沉浸式减肥法
A fat camp? 减肥训练营
I have a boyfriend. Well, actually, fiance. 我有男朋友其实是未婚夫
We'll see. 走着瞧吧
The medication isn't working anymore. 吃药已经不管用了
Do you want to stop the chemo, William? 你想停止化疗吗威廉
There's something I've always wanted to do before I die. 我一直有件在死之前很想做的事
My ex-husband, who I haven't seen in 12 years... 我杳无音信十二年的前夫
just shows up at my doorstep, unannounced. 突然出现在我家门口
You know, I'm not exactly sure what you want me to say. 我不太清楚你想听我说什么
Okay, excuse me, 大家好
everyone. May I have everyone's attention, please. 打扰一下麻烦大家注意下
I'd like to say a few words. 请允许我说几句话
Most of you guys know me 在座很多人都知道
as Jack's best friend and, uh, former better half. 我是杰克最好的朋友也是他曾经的好伴侣
Today's a special day. 今天是个特别的日子
My favorite people got married at City Hall 我最喜欢的两个人在市政厅结婚
and I got to pay off my parking tickets. 以及我的停车罚款终于付完了
So it's a win-win for everyone. 对每个人来说都是双赢
Thank you. One laugh, that's it? 谢谢就一个人笑这么冷漠
- It was... - You can, uh, all thank -挺逗的啊-谢谢大家的配合
my beautiful yet unfunny wife, Shelly, for that last one. 尤其是我美丽而没有幽默感的妻子雪莉
- Oh, thank you. - Rebecca, actually, I have to apologize. -谢谢-丽贝卡其实我得向你道歉
For the first two months of your relationship... 你们俩刚在一起的两个月里
Jack bailed on me so much 杰克为了跟你约会
to go out with you that, uh, 每次都放我鸽子
I started referring to you as Yoko Ono. 于是我开始叫你小野洋子[约翰·列侬遗孀]
I'm sorry. But then Jack 抱歉但后来杰克
started using words like "Soul mate" and "Forever." 开始说"灵魂伴侣"和"永远"这种词
And he never really said stuff like that 他以前从未说过这种话
until he met you. 直到遇见了你
Actually, he never really said much at all. 其实他从来都不太爱说话
That's what I liked best about him, really. 这也是我最喜欢他的一点
You know, marriage is not something that 婚姻这段承诺
you enter into lightly. 并不是轻易许下的
And I was listening to your vows, and, um, 刚才我听了你们的誓词
you promised to keep the passion alive. 你们保证会永远充满激情
Soap dispenser down! 肥皂架报废了
We'll fix it later. 回头修吧
And you promised to be by each other's sides, 保证会坚定地陪在彼此身边
in sickness and health. 无论健康还是疾病
I'm never eating oysters again. 我再也不吃生蚝了
And to make each other laugh 还说要让在接下来的每一天
every single day. 都充满欢笑
Jack... 杰克
Do not. Don't you dare. 不行你敢
You guys made some pretty big promises to each other. 你们在誓词里说了不少大话
Are you kidding me? 开什么玩笑
But if I trust anyone to keep them, 但如果我相信有人能遵守承诺
it's the two of you. 那莫过于你们
I love you guys. 我爱你们
To Jack and Rebecca. 敬杰克和丽贝卡
We're meeting them at the restaurant. 我们直接在餐厅见
- At 8:00? - Yeah. -八点整-好
Mom, can I have a tampon? 妈能给我个卫生棉吗
- Thanks. - You're welcome. -谢谢-不客气
So I'm on my way down to the basement 当时我带着一堆白衬衫
with a load of whites, and there's Kevin 正要去地下室结果看到凯文
trying to sneak a girl 正要让一个女孩
out the basement door. 从地下室门偷偷溜出去
Ever since we moved him down there, 自从我们让他搬下去
it's like we gave the kid a bachelor pad. 好像给了他一间单身公寓
You know? 你懂吗
You guys, honestly, it is so nice 说实话能够出来吃晚餐
to be out to dinner. 真是太好了
I mean, between the kids and the band now 我现在忙着孩子和乐队的事
and your work schedule, 加上你的工作安排
I feel like we never get this kind of time for ourselves. 我感觉几乎没有这样独处的机会
Yeah. I mean, I pretty much have to go to a show 是啊现在要想跟我妻子待一会儿
if I want to schedule time with my wife nowadays. 还得去俱乐部才能约到她的时间
That's not really fair. 你这话不公平
Neither is Ben keeping you out till, 本每次拉你排练
you know, well beyond 11:00 most nights. 几乎总要弄到11点多也不公平
He doesn't keep me out past 11:00. 他哪有留我到11点多
I'm teasing you. 我逗你呢
Um, Miguel and I have something to tell you. 我跟米格尔有事情要告诉你们
Yeah? What? 是吗什么事
We're getting divorced. 我们要离婚了
What? 什么
Yeah, um, it's, uh... 对就是...
It's not an easy decision. 这是个艰难的决定
But obviously things haven't been right with us 但是很明显我们之间出现问题
for some time, 已经很久了
but, um, it's for the best. 这样是最好的选择
And we want to do it before things get ugly, 我们想趁现在还没撕破脸时分开
and we're still friends, 我们还是朋友
and we can co-parent, and... 也可以一起带孩子
it's... it's a good thing. 这是...这是好事
Miguel and Shelly? 米格尔和雪莉
They're... Miguel and Shelly. 他们可是米格尔和雪莉
They can't get divorced. 他们怎么能离婚
She's been unhappy. 她一直过得不开心
And you heard them-- there wasn't one thing, 你也听到了不是某件事引起的
- it just happened. - No. -是自然发生的-不
No, come on, that's BS. 这根本是胡扯
You don't do that to your family. 怎么能这样对自己的家人
You find your soul mate, you get married, 找到灵魂伴侣就结婚
you stay together until you die, period. 陪伴彼此直到死去就这样
It's not always that simple. 有时候没那么简单
It is to me. 我觉得就这么简单
Well, not everyone is you. 并不是每个人都跟你一样
And sometimes people just 有些时候人们就是...
drift apart. 会慢慢疏远
I wasn't... 我不是...
I wasn't talking about us. 我不是在说我们
I'm not Shelly, you're not Miguel. 我不是雪莉你也不是米格尔
- Okay? - Okay. -好吗-好
- Good night. - Good night. -晚安-晚安
Good night. 晚安
Hello? 有人吗
Beth? 贝丝
Annie? Tess? 安妮苔丝
William? 威廉
There you are. 你在这儿呢
Where is everybody? 大家都去哪儿了
William? 威廉
Daddy? 爸爸
You okay? 你还好吗
What's up, baby? 怎么了宝贝
I peed in the bed. 我尿床了
Oh, that's okay, sweetheart. 没关系小宝贝
Yeah, it's all right. 对没事
You okay? 你还好吗
Let's get you some dry clothes, okay? 给你找几件干衣服好吗
Annie, where's your sister? 安妮你姐姐呢
No, no, no, no, no. 不行不对
You have to always defend your queen, Tess. 你永远要注意保护王后苔丝
See? You left yourself wide open. 你看这样你就暴露了自己
Remember that. 记住这一点
It's past midnight. 大半夜还下棋
Don't be mad at Grandpa. 别生爷爷的气
- Nobody's mad. - I'm a little mad. -没人生气-我是有点生气
Nobody's mad. We're just confused. 没生气就是有点没搞清状况
Well, Tess asked me to teach her how to play chess, 苔丝让我教她下棋
'cause she's got a tournament at school tomorrow night. 因为她明天晚上要在学校比赛
Well, I guess, technically, it's tonight. 严格来说应该是今晚了
- When did you enter a chess-- - Last month. -你什么时候报的下棋俱乐部-上个月
I wrote it on the white board. 我在白板上写了
Oh, we've got to remember to check the white board. 我们得记着经常看看白板
I didn't even know that was still there. 我都不知道那玩意还在
Well, honey, you can't be playing chess at 3:00 in the morning. 亲爱的那你也不能半夜三点下棋
But Grandpa's always napping 但是我放学回家
when I get home from school. 爷爷总是在睡觉
And I have soccer on Saturdays. 我周六还要去学足球
You said he's not going to be around forever, 你也说他不会永远陪着我们
so I have to play with him as much as I can now. 所以我得抓紧时间多跟他下棋
You have plenty of time to play chess with William. 你还有很多时间可以跟威廉下棋
Now, come on, let's go. Upstairs. 好了走吧上楼去
You and Annie can sleep with us tonight. 你跟安妮今天跟我们睡吧
- Good night, sweetheart. - Good night. -晚安宝贝-晚安
I'm sorry. 抱歉
She's right, you know. 她说得对
We're running out of time. 我们快没时间了
It's late. 很晚了
We all need to get some sleep. 我们都应该去睡觉
Good night. 晚安
Good morning. 早上好
Hi. 你们好
This is gonna sound so weird. 说来很不好意思
Um, I need this booth. 但我需要这个位子
George, our eggs haven't come yet. 乔治我们的鸡蛋还没来
George, is it, yeah? George, that is a great hat. 你叫乔治对吗乔治你帽子真帅
You know, if I were ever to be able 要是我哪一天
to pull off a hat like that, I would consider myself 也能戴出你这样的效果我会觉得自己
a very lucky man. 非常幸运
So here's the thing, um... 是这样的...
this is a special booth, all right? Um... 这间卡座很特别你们知道吗
It was at this booth where, uh, 当时我跟我前妻
my ex-wife and I had lunch 八年级班级组织
during our eighth grade class trip 去参观自由女神像
to the Statue of Liberty. 就在这间卡座吃了午餐
And I got seasick on the ferry ride out there. 当时我晕船很难受
It was awful, until she kissed me. 感觉糟透了然后她亲了我
Right? And that happened right here. 没错就在这里
Right here at this booth. 在这间卡座里
And it was also at this very booth 后来我们又来到这间卡座
where we had the conversation 聊了很久
where we decided that I was gonna follow my dreams, 当时我想追求自己的梦想
and I was gonna move to Los Angeles, 搬去洛杉矶发展
and she was gonna stay here. 而她会留在这里
And we sat here until the place closed, 我们一直坐到了餐厅打烊
trying to convince each other 努力说服彼此
that we could handle the distance. 我们能适应异地恋
And we were wrong. 但我们错了
And, uh, now here we are. It's been 12 years, 成了现在这样已经12年了
and she's agreed to meet me here today. 她今天同意在这里见我
So... 所以
see, I really need this booth. 我真的很需要这间卡座
Were you The Manny? 你是"奶爸"吗
Oh, my God. Uh, yeah. 好吧是我
Yeah, I was. 我是
Sign my napkin. 在纸巾上签字
Uh... sure. 当然
There you go. 给你
Okay, come on, George. 好了走吧乔治
Let's give this young man the booth. 把位子让给这个小伙子吧
Thank you very much. 太感谢你们了
All right. 好的
Tell you what, let me help you out there, 这样吧我来帮你
'cause she's gonna be coming in hot any minute now. 毕竟她可能随时会出现
You know what I mean? Excu... Lava fries. 你懂我的意思吧来一份熔岩薯条
Fast as you can, please, thank you. 请以最快速度上来谢谢
Oh. You look phenomenal. 你今天真漂亮
What the hell is the matter with you, Kevin? 你到底什么毛病凯文
- Stunning. - Huh? Who the hell do you think you are, -你真美-你以为自己是谁
just showing up at my doorstep like that? 就那样直接出现在我家门前
Do you have any idea how invasive that is? 你知不知道你这样有多没礼貌
You better be dying. 你最好是患了绝症
And soon. But you're not, are you? 很快要死的那种不过你没有对吧
No. Look at you. You're glowing. 绝对没有你看看你容光焕发
God, that is so annoying. Why don't you age? 真是气死人了你怎么不老呢
Look, I only came here today to tell you to go screw yourself. 我告诉你我今天来就是叫你去死的
Lava fries. 熔岩薯条
Damn it. 该死的
Thank God for yoga. 感谢瑜伽
I know. I'm this close to pulling off the crow pose. 是啊我马上就能做到乌鸦式了
- Yeah? - Never gonna happen. -真的吗-绝对不可能
You're such a prick. 你真是个混蛋
I take that as a compliment. 谢谢你的夸奖
Hi, Kate. 凯特
Lookin' fine. 挺美啊
我不想当猩猩新郎 你喜欢哪一件 第三件显得我屁股好看
Oh, I'll see you later. 回头见
给你寄了包裹 去主办公室看看
Toby. 托比
Hey! I'm your package! 我就是那个包裹
What are you doing here? 你怎么会在这
I thought I'd bring you a little pick-me-up, you know? 我想着来给你鼓鼓劲
I packed up some of your favorite things. 带了些你最喜欢的东西
We got four months' worth of E magazines, 有够你看四个月的电子杂志
we got that body wash that makes you smell like Hawaii. 还有能让你有夏威夷体香的沐浴液


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