
英文 中文
I've decided to have gastric bypass surgery. 我决定做胃旁路手术了
Uh, I'm gonna do it. Do what? 我打算做了做什么
The surgery. I just don't want you to freak out, okay? 手术我只是不想让你也紧张
Don't worry about me freaking out. 不用担心我紧不紧张
Uh, well, I do have to worry about it, Kate, 凯特我要担心这个
because the thing is, is that I'm kind of in love with you. 因为你得知道我好像爱上你了
I'd marry the hell out of you, Kate Pearson. 我娶定你了凯特·皮尔森
Yeah, I'm gonna continue to date Sloane 我还是会继续和斯隆交往
because she's kind, and she's sweet, she's funny. 因为她温柔善良还很风趣
And-And, you know what? Sometimes you just got to 而...而且你知道吗有时候你必须做出
do the right thing, even if it's not what you want. 正确的选择哪怕这不是你真正想要的
This cancer is coming for me sooner than later. 癌症的恶化比我想象来得快
I can feel it. 我能感觉到
The medication isn't working anymore. 吃药已经不管用了
Do you want to stop the chemo, Will? 你想停止化疗吗威廉
生日快乐 凯特凯文兰德尔和老爸
生日快乐 凯特凯文兰德尔和老爸
Surprise! 惊喜来了
- Perfect. - Yes! -太棒了-厉害
Good job. 干得漂亮
Oh, is that what we're doing now? 现在就要这样了吗
生日快乐 凯特凯文兰德尔和老爸
We love cake! 我们爱蛋糕
We love cake! We love cake! 我们爱蛋糕我们爱蛋糕
One, two, three! 一二三
Eyes closed. Eyes closed. 眼睛闭好眼睛闭好
Smile. 笑一个
That's it, putting this camera down. 来真的了我把摄像机放下
He's in, he's in, he's in. 他来了他来了他来了
I'm going deep. 我要动真格的了
Oh, no.
- Baby, I can't do it. - Oh, come on. -宝贝我不同意-拜托
Kids are turning ten tomorrow, right? 孩子们明天就十岁了
They don't need more toys, but a dog. 玩具不适合他们了他们需要一条狗
Baby, 宝贝
our beautiful children need a beautiful dog. 我们漂亮的孩子们需要养条漂亮的狗
Okay. 好吧
- Get them a dog. - Okay. -给他们买条狗-好
And then get them a new mommy who will walk it. 再给他们找个能遛狗的新妈妈
That's fair enough, but, um... 也有道理不过...
do you, uh, do you want to interview these women, 新妈妈需要你面试吗
or do you trust my judgment? 还是交给我来做决定
Oh, you're lucky you're cute. 你这么可爱算你走运
- But am I cute enough to get lucky? - I don't know, are you? -是不是太可爱才走运-不知道是吗
Guys, we need to have a meeting. 各位我们得开个会
What happened to knocking, huh? 怎么不敲门就进来了
And since when do you call meetings? 什么时候开始由你们召集会议了
Yeah, last I checked, we... 据我所知我们...
we call the meetings, Yeah. 由我们召集会议
You attend the meetings, and then we continue to feed you. 你们参会然后我们继续养你们
That's-That's the deal. 这是说好的
What's up? 怎么了
We want our own birthday parties this year. 今年我们要举办各自的生日派对
- What? - What? -什么-什么
But you guys love sharing a birthday party. 可你们不是喜欢一起办生日派对吗
You get the... the three layer cake, 你们一起吃三层蛋糕
and the birthday banner, 挂生日大横幅
- and pin-the-tail- on-the-donkey. The... - donkey. -玩给毛驴安尾巴的游戏-毛驴
Mom, we're gonna be ten, we're too old for donkeys and banners. 妈我们快十岁了不能玩毛驴和横幅了
I want a Madonna party. 我想要一个麦当娜派对
Sophie and I love Madonna. 我和索菲都爱麦当娜
- You do? - Hold on a second, who's Sophie? -真的吗-等一下索菲是谁
- My best friend. - What happened to Grace? -我最好的朋友-那格蕾丝呢
- We drifted. - I want a Princess Bride party. -我们疏远了-我想办《公主新娘》派对
- Princess Bride? - You want what? -《公主新娘》-你想要什么
Kevin, seriously, you were terrified by that movie. 凯文说真的你上次被那部电影吓坏了
That's when I was nine. 那时我才九岁
Now that I'm gonna be ten, I love it. 现在我要十岁了我爱这电影
Okay. 好吧
Hey, Randall! 兰德尔
- Come in here, son. - What's going on? -进来儿子-怎么了
Are we all getting checked for lice again? 又要给我们检查虱子吗
Baby, do you want your own birthday party, too? 宝贝你也想办自己的生日派对吗
Kevin! 凯文
Stop. 别这样
Uh, maybe we could invite some of your friends from school. 也许我们可以请一些你的同学过来
That's okay. They have a rule that if you have a party, 不用了他们定了规矩如果你办派对
you have to invite the whole class. 你得邀请全班同学
It's too many kids. 好多小孩呢
- The whole class? - So we do the whole class. -全班同学-那我们就请全班来
- The whole class. - Can I have a magician? -全班-可以请个魔术师吗
Uh... yeah. 可以吧
- Right? - Okay, I'm in. -对吧-好那我同意
Okay, so... 好那么...
Meeting's over. Thank you, everybody. 会议结束谢谢各位
Thanks for stopping by! 谢谢过来拜访
I know, shut the door. 我知道要关门
What just happened? 到底怎么回事
So, let's talk dates for your gastric bypass. 那我们确定一下你做胃旁路手术的日期吧
Yeah. 好啊
Does the first week of February work for you? 安排在二月第一周可以吗
Yeah, or... 可以要不
never at all. 还是算了吧
You know. Either one of those sound good to me. 我觉得做不做都可以
Kate... 凯特
what's going on? 发生什么事了
- I got engaged. - Congrats. -我订婚了-恭喜
Thank you. 谢谢
But my fiance... 但我未婚夫...
sorry, that's just crazy to say. Fiance. 抱歉还不习惯说未婚夫这词
I have a fiance. I feel so French. 我有未婚夫了感觉太法式了
Your fiance... 你未婚夫
He just had heart surgery. 他刚刚做了心脏手术
And it was terrifying. 那实在是太可怕了
And the thought of either one of us having surgery, it... 一想到我们当中有人要做手术...
Wait, am I insane for wanting to bail? I don't know. 等等我是不是疯了居然想放弃不知道
Oh. I-I just don't think it's the right time for surgery. 我只是觉得还没到做手术的时候
At least not now. 至少不是现在
But... Damn. 但...该死
I was excited to lose some serious weight, 本来我很期待在短时间内
and quick. 狠狠减肥一次
Kate... 凯特
have you ever considered 你有没有考虑过
an immersive weight loss experience? 尝试沉浸式减肥法
A fat camp? 减肥训练营
There is a incredible facility upstate, 在纽约州北部阿迪伦达克山区
in the Adirondacks. 那有非常完善的设施
It's a month-long program. 为期一个月
No distractions, 让你排除所有杂念
no temptations. 消除所有诱惑
Total focus and a lot of hard work. 全身心投入其中而且运动量很大
I'm late. I'm late. Juice? 迟到了迟到了果汁
- Bam. - Thanks. -接住-谢谢
And how about some yogurt real quick? 再简单来点酸奶怎么样
Can't, Tyler wants to see me first thing. 来不及了泰勒想一早就见到我
About what? 什么事啊
What's cookin', good lookins? 帅哥美女早上吃什么啊
Oh, you know. 你知道的
- Wednesday. - Ah, Wednesday, -今天是星期三-星期三啊
the meat in the Tuesday-Thursday sandwich, 周二至周四这块三明治里的肉馅
and what a sweet, sweet meat sandwich it is. 真是好一个肉馅三明治
You okay, William? 你还好吗威廉
Okay? Am I okay? 好吗我还好吗
Mm, yeah, that's the question on the table. 没错这就是我们要讨论的问题
"Okay" does not do justice to how I feel. 用好来形容我的感觉是远远不够的
I feel better than I've felt in months. 这几个月来就今天感觉最好了
I feel like sex, I feel like magic, 就像刚刚做了爱又好像被施了魔法
I feel like music, which reminds me, 又好像有音乐在流淌差点忘了
Tess lent me her iPad. 苔丝把iPad借我了
iPod. That's an iPod. iPod那是iPod
You say "Pod," I say "Pad." 你说Pod我说Pad
Let's call the whole thing off. 我们就别再争了
Can you show me how to put my music in this? 你能教我怎么把音乐导进去吗
- I've really got to run. - Thanks, son. I'll go get my list. -我得走了-谢谢儿子我拿歌单去
Okay. 好吧
Chemo boost. 化疗刺激反应
Happened to my dad when he stopped his treatment. 我爸停止治疗后也有这种状况
His energy's not being zapped anymore. 他的精力不再受压制了
Well, good, I guess. 很好也许吧
Hey, can you help him with his music? 你能帮他搞定他的音乐吗
- I got to run. - Sure. -我得赶快走了-没问题
But how about having a little yogurt... 但要不要来点酸奶
No time for yogurt, baby. No time for yogurt. Love you. 没时间吃了宝贝没时间了爱你
I got a hot minute for some yogurt. 我可有时间好好享受酸奶
Hey, you. 你好啊
Have a good weekend? 周末玩得还好吗
- Good to hear. Mine was all right. I, um, saw a movie... - No. -太好了我还好看了部电影-不
- with, uh... - No. -和...-不
- What's "No"? - No small talk. -什么意思-不要闲谈
No pretending like things are good with us. 不要假装我们之间一切都好
You said that dating me was the right thing to do. 你说过和我约会是正确的选择
You basically called me 那基本上就是说
the girl equivalent of wearing a seat belt in a cab. 我的存在对你而言就像坐出租要系安全带
Okay, listen, I understand.... 好吧我明白...
No, okay, we work together. That's it. 算了不用说了我们只是同事而已
Let's come in, rehearse the play, get out. 我们来这彩排然后各走各的路
Okay. 好吧
- Great. - Great. -很好-很好
Still really, you know, feel like you would've loved 我还是觉得你应该会喜欢
my movie recommendation, so... 我推荐的电影
Your loss. 不听是你的损失
Did you remember 你记得
to write your name in all of your underwear? 在你所有的内衣上写名字了吗
It's not that kind of camp. 不是那种训练营啦
- Oh, okay. - Okay? -好吧-好吧
Are you sure that you're okay with me doing this? 你确定你能接受我的这个决定吗
I know this isn't the best timing for us. 我知道对我们来说这不是最好的时机
Of course I am okay with it. 我当然没有问题了
Kate, we have the rest of our lives to spend together. 凯特我们的余生都会一起度过的
Or at least the rest of mine, I had a heart attack at 40, 或至少是我的余生我40岁就犯心脏病了
- so I'm going first, obvi. - Toby. -所以很明显我会先走-托比
Look, this is an incredible opportunity, 听着这次的机会非常难得
and I want you to do it for yourself. 我希望你是为了自己才去的
And Dr. Singh doesn't want me 而且辛格医生不希望我
travelling for at least another two weeks. 再多花至少两个星期颠簸
So I will just get to know the Big Apple a little bit. 所以我会留下多熟悉熟悉"大苹果"[纽约城]
Do you know anyone in the city? 你在城里有认识的人吗
Not a soul. 一个没有
But I will be fine. 但没关系
If Macaulay Culkin can do it, so can I. 如果麦考利·卡尔金能做到我也能做到
I love you. 我爱你
I love you, too. 我也爱你
This is gonna be so awesome. 这感觉一定很棒
- Yeah. - I bet it's gonna be so hardcore. -是啊-我敢说一定会非常辛苦
I'm gonna puke so much. 我会吐得非常厉害
But I'm not gonna be one of those people who complains. 但是我不会像那些人一样抱怨
I'm just gonna... 我只是会...
- puke. - Yeah, that's the-that's the right attitude. -呕吐-是的这才是正确的态度
Yeah, and I'm gonna have a skinny bitch trainer, 对而且我还会有一个苗条的小贱人当教练
who's gonna scream at me until I cry a pool full of tears. 她会对我破口大骂骂得我哭出一泳池眼泪
And then I'm gonna swim a hundred laps in that pool. 然后我还会在那个泳池里游上一百圈
Yeah! 是啊
That's disgusting, but yeah. 有点恶心但是没错
Thank you for being so supportive. 谢谢你这么支持我
That's what fiance's do. 这是未婚夫应做的事
Well, thank you, fiance. 谢谢你未婚夫
Oh, you're welcome, fiancee. 不客气未婚妻
- Let's stop doing that. - Okay, yeah, it was enough. -我们别这样了-好的差不多了
- Yeah, that was disgusting. - Yeah. -没错有点恶心-是的
Hey, sorry I'm late. 抱歉我来晚了
Family's a little nuts right now. 刚才家里有点小事
You wanted to see me? 你想见我
Yeah, yeah, come in, come in. 是的进来进来
Randall, do you know Sanjay Jahiri? 兰德尔你认识桑杰·贾希里吗
Only by reputation. 略有耳闻
Randall Pearson. 兰德尔·皮尔森
Um, sorry, I biked in from Brooklyn. 抱歉我从布鲁克林骑自行车过来
Apologies if I'm a little sweaty. 手上汗津津的我很抱歉
That's all good in the hood. 完全没问题
So, did Sarah tell you 莎拉有没有告诉你
about our potential new wind farm client? 关于我们潜在的新风力公司客户的事
In pre-construction, in Alberta, yeah. 还在前期建设中在亚伯达是的
Calgary. 是卡尔加里
Which is a city in the province of Alberta. 卡尔加里是亚伯达的一个省
Sorry. Was just specifying. 抱歉只是说具体点
Appreciate that, Sanjay, I know the specifics. 非常感谢桑杰我很了解情况
Sanjay's gonna come aboard help us land them. 桑杰会入伙帮助我们拿下那个项目
Really? 真的吗
I-I was hoping to throw my 我本来以为是我
hat in the ring for that account. 来参与这个客户的项目
Oh, well, given Sanjay's background in, uh, renewable energy... 考虑到桑杰有可再生能源的工作背景...
I've got interest in renewable, too. 我对可再生能源也有兴趣
Uh, I at least deserve a shot at this. 至少我应得一次尝试的机会
Sir. 先生
Fair enough. 也有道理
Why don't you both work on a derivative. 不如你们各自做一份衍生品报告
Get it to me by the end of the week. 周末前给我结果
End of the week? 周末前
I can probably have something to you by tomorrow morning. 我差不多明天早上就能给你结果
Sanjay, sound good? 桑杰你怎么看
No problem here. 我没问题
May the best derivative win. 谁做得好就由谁负责
God, what we do would be a terrible reality show. 天呐我们好像演了一出糟糕的真人秀
Spin, spin, spin, spin, spin. 转转转
And turn, and turn... 转过去转过来...
Perfect. 好极了
Thank you so much, see you tomorrow. 非常感谢明天见
Buh-bye.. 再见
- Magician's confirmed. - Nice. -魔术师定好了-不错


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