1. Take risks and go out of comfort zone;
Eg, intellectual risk: try to tackle one problem they haven’ttried before;
Or a social risk: talking to someone sitting next to them onthe train; Or emotional risk: tell someone that they really care about how theyfeel.
2. Show appreciation;
3. Change your relationship with others.You need to understand that everyone who helps you on your journey is playing ahuge role in getting to your goals.
1. 今天姨妈来,早上肚子很痛,跑了几趟厕所;
2. 肚子抽疼,晚上练一会儿腹部训练,加油呀,不能以任何借口偷懒。日拱一卒
3. 晚上泡了脚,从昨天晚上开始泡脚,我又要恢复我的泡脚了^_^
4. 这几天在公司吃的都是自己烧的饭,感觉肠胃确实舒服了很多
5. 自从打卡以来,收获了很多。如果这个时间用来刷视频,也只是二十几天无意义的消磨时间。