The other half
From this chapter, we can learn:
There are, as we have seen, three groups of rules for reading expository books.
The first set consists of rules for discovering the unity and part-whole structure;
the second consists of rules for analyzing the whole into its component terms, propositions, and arguments;
the third consists of rules for criticizing the author's doctrine so that we can reach an intelligent agreement or disagreement with him.
We have called these three groups of
rules structural, interpretive, and
critical. If there is any analogy at all
between reading expository and
imaginative books, we should be able
to find similar sets of rules to guide us
in the latter case.
Then to sum up,
Ability to read anything well may be
the goal, but the goal does not indicate
the best place to begin acquiring the
For the same reason, reading good
books, or better, the great books, is the
recipe for those who would learn to
The place to begin, then, is on the
great books. They are so apt tor the
purpose, it is almost as if they were
written for the sake of teaching people
how to read. They stand to the
problem of learning how to read
almost as water does to the business of
learning how to swim.