Chapter 3
The Link-Up 对接
Inside the Great Glass Elevator there was also a good deal of excitement. Charlie and Mr Wonka and all the others could see clearly the huge silvery shape of Space Hotel ‘U.S.A.’ about a mile ahead of them.
查理一家子和旺卡先生在大玻璃升降机里也很紧张,他们面前一英里远就是银光闪闪的巨型太空旅馆了。而身后是以三个著名宇航员为首在内的太空运输船(Transport Capsule)。
一般文学作品中会发现量词常喜欢用a load of ,a deal of 甚至a couple of
They even knew that the three astronauts in charge of the Transport Capsule were called Shuckworth, Shanks and Showier. The whole world knew about these things. Newspapers and television had been shouting about almost nothing else for the past six months. Operation Space Hotel was the event of the century.
‘What a load of luck!’ cried Mr Wonka. ‘We’ve landed ourselves slap in the middle of the biggest space operation of all time!’
‘We’ve landed ourselves in the middle of a nasty mess,’ said Grandma Josephine.
Charlie gaped. Then he gulped. Then he said softly, ‘It’s impossible. You’ve got to have all sorts of special gadgets to link up with another spacecraft, Mr Wonka.’
If you gape, you look at someone or something in surprise, usually with an open mouth. 目瞪口呆地凝视; 张口结舌地看
‘Yippeeeeee!’ shouted Grandpa Joe. ‘What a brilliant thought, sir! What a staggering idea!’ He grabbed Mr Wonka’s hand and started shaking it like a thermometer.
James Bolam爷爷念这个语气词实在是太有意思了。句句是戏,真心推荐这本书以及《查理和巧克力工厂》的有声书。
‘Be quiet, you balmy old bat!’ said Grandma Josephine. ‘We’re in a hot enough stew already. I want to go home.’
你这个老笨蛋,balmy本身是形容天气舒适的,在这里应该是作为加深程度用的,没有查到其他意思,豹豹就把它作为bloody来用了。后文也出现了一次‘You’re a balmy old bat!’ said Mr Wonka.
in a hot enough stew 是一个文字游戏,我们已经在一锅热汤里煎熬了
If someone is in a stew, that person is in a difficult situation that causes them to feel worried or upset.
What if my beard were made of green spinach?’ cried Mr Wonka. ‘Bunkum and tummyrot! You’ll never get anywhere if you go about what-iffing like that. Would Columbus have discovered America if he’d said “What if I sink on the way over? What if I meet pirates? What if I never come back?” He wouldn’t even have started. We want no what-iffers around here,...
Mr Wonka made a funny blowing noise with his mouth and glided effortlessly, like a huge bird, ...
Grandpa Joe’s rockets turn us to starboard, to the right. Charlie’s turn us to port, to the left.
‘How do I get up? I can’t get up to the ceiling!’ He was thrashing his arms and legs violently, like a drowning swimmer, but getting nowhere.
If someone thrashes about, or thrashes their arms or legs about, they move in a wild or violent way, often hitting against something. You can also say that someone's arms or legs thrash about. 猛烈摆动; 翻来覆去; 剧烈扭动 (四肢)
Grandma Georgina, in her red flannel nightgown with two skinny bare legs sticking out of the bottom, was trumpeting and spitting like a rhinoceros and flying from one side of the Elevator to the other, shouting ‘Out of my way! Out of my way!’ and crashing into poor Mr and Mrs Bucket with terrible speed.
‘Looks like some kind of a war-dance, Mr President,’ ...
‘You mean they’re Red Indians!’ said the President.
Red Indians固定表达,印第安人(贬义)
印第安人一般说American Indian或者Indian(就是印度人那个词,主要是因为哥伦布给搞混了,就沿用了下来,啧)
‘You miserable old mackerel!’
查理和巧克力中出现的是Holy Mackerel表示惊奇或怀疑,但这句话还真没有什么意思在里面。保留意个人见,不过挺好玩的。