Both writing and English work toghter
写作我所欲也,英语亦我所欲也,二者可以得兼。Writing is what I want, and English is what I want. You can have both.
我有点贪心,既要写作,又要英语,二者缺一不可。I'm a little greedy. I need both writing and English, and both are indispensable.
如果非要舍弃一点,那么只能舍弃英语,留下写作。If you have to give up a little, you can only give up English and stay in writing.
可是,凭什么舍弃呢?这是我自己能做主的事情啊!谁又能干涉得了我呢?However, why give up? This is something I can make my own decisions! Who can interfere with me?
I gradually found that writing and English are really fragrant!
一边写一个汉语句子,一边把翻译复制粘贴过来,一边听音频,一边看句子,我的听力都有长进了。While writing a Chinese sentence, copying and pasting the translation, listening to the audio and reading the sentence, my listening has improved.
好享受这个听写的时刻,感觉时间都静止了,时空里只有我自己。Enjoy this dictation moment, I feel that time is still, and there is only myself in time and space.
写啊写,越写越多,心底的句子像流水一样汩汩涌出,带着沁人的香气,令我陶醉其中。Writing and writing, the more I write, the more sentences in my heart gush out like running water, with a refreshing aroma, which makes me intoxicated.
原来,专注于喜欢的事情是如此美妙的感觉,这真是人生中最大的幸福。It turns out that focusing on what you like is such a wonderful feeling, which is really the greatest happiness in life.
好吧,别忘了,随时专注于自己喜欢的事情,坚持做自己喜欢的事情。Well, don't forget, always focus on what you like and stick to what you like.