Day 1:
The former bookseller accounts for more than half of every new dollar spent online in America.
account for
释:If a particular thing accounts for a part or proportion of something, that part or proportion consists of that thing, or is used or produced by it. (数量、比例上) 占
例:Computers account for 5% of the country's commercial electricity consumption. 电脑占了这个国家商业用电的5%。
It is the world’s leading provider of cloud computing.
Its own-brand physical products include batteries, almonds, suits and speakers linked to a virtual voice-activated assistant that can control, among other things, your lamps and sprinkler.
That is because investors anticipate both an extraordinary rise in revenue, from sales of $136bn last year to half a trillion over the next decade, and a jump in profits.
Ground for scepticism does not come much more fertile than this: Amazon will have to grow faster than almost any big company in modern history to justify its valuation. Can it possibly do so?
释:Land or soil that is fertile is able to support the growth of a large number of strong healthy plants. 肥沃的
例:...fertile soil. …肥沃的土壤。
释:To justify a decision, action, or idea means to show or prove that it is reasonable or necessary. 证明…有理
例:Her success had justified the faith her teacher had put in her.
The Prime Minister has been asked to justify the decision to Parliament.
How can they justify paying such huge salaries?
In an era when executives routinely whinge about pressure to produce short-term results, Amazon is resolutely focused on the distant horizon.
释:If something happens routinely, it happens repeatedly and is not surprising, unnatural, or new. 照例地
例:Any outside criticism is routinely dismissed as interference. 任何外来批评照例都被当作干涉而不予理睬。
Mr Bezos emphasises continual investment to propel its two principal businesses, e-commerce and Amazon Web Services (AWS), its cloud-computing arm.
贝索斯重视持续投资以推动其两大主要业务--电子商务和它的云计算部门Amazon Web Services (AWS)。
A third virtuous circle is starting to whirl around Alexa, the firm’s voice-activated assistant: as developers build services for Alexa, it becomes more useful to consumers, giving developers reason to create yet more services.
释: A developer is someone who develops something such as an idea, a design, or a product. 开发者
例:John Bardeen was also co-developer of the theory of superconductivity. 约翰·巴丁也是超导理论的共同发展人。
So long as shareholders retain their faith in this model, Amazon’s heady valuation resembles a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Their faith is sustained by Amazon’s record.
Last year cashflow (before investment) was $16bn, more than quadruple the level five years ago.
If Amazon’s approach to time-frames is unusual, so too is the sheer breadth of its activities.
The company’s list of current and possible competitors, as described in its annual filings, includes logistics firms, search engines, social networks, food manufacturers and producers of “physical, digital and interactive media of all types”.
A wingspan this large is more reminiscent of a conglomerate than a retailer, which makes Amazon’s share price seem even more bloated: stockmarkets typically apply a “conglomerate discount” to reflect their inefficiencies.
释: A conglomerate is a large business firm consisting of several different companies. 企业集团 [商业]
例: ...the world's second-largest media conglomerate. …世界第二大传媒集团。
It is building a $1.5bn air-freight hub in Kentucky.
It is testing technology in stores to let consumers skip the cash register altogether, and experimenting with drone deliveries to the home.
Some think that Amazon could become a new kind of utility: one that provides the infrastructure of commerce, from computing power to payments to logistics.
释: A utility is an important service such as water, electricity, or gas that is provided for everyone, and that everyone pays for. 公用事业
例: ...public utilities such as gas, electricity and phones. …煤气、电和电话等公用事业。
For now, Amazon is unlikely to trigger antitrust action.
释: In the United States, antitrust laws are intended to stop big companies taking over their competitors, fixing prices with their competitors, or interfering with free competition in any way. 反垄断的
例: The jury found that the NFL had violated antitrust laws. 该陪审团判定全美橄榄球联盟违反了反垄断法规。
Seen through this lens, Amazon appears pristine.
AWS is a boon to startups, too.
释: You can describe something as a boon when it makes life better or easier for someone. 福音
例: It is for this reason that television proves such a boon to so many people. 正是这个原因电视机成为这么多人的一大福音。
Even on standard antitrust grounds, that may pose a problem: if it makes as much money as investors hope, a rough calculation suggests its earnings could be worth the equivalent of 25% of the combined profits of listed Western retail and media firms.
In Europe, Google stands accused of using its clout as a search engine to extend its power to adjacent businesses.
The comparative immunity from legal liability of digital platforms—for the posting of inflammatory content on Facebook, say, or the vetting of drivers on Uber—is being chipped away.
Investors value Amazon’s growth over profits; that makes predatory pricing more tempting.
predatory pricing
释: If a company practises predatory pricing, it charges a much lower price for its products or services than its competitors in order to force them out of the market. (为击垮竞争对手的)掠夺性定价 [商业]
例: Predatory pricing by large supermarkets was threatening the livelihood of smaller businesses. 大型超市的掠夺性定价正威胁着小商店的生计。
But success will bring it into conflict with an even stronger beast: government.
1. HBO:
Home Box Office 美国纽约的有线电视网络媒体公司
2. shareholder:
释:A shareholder is a person who owns shares in a company. 股东 [商业]
例:...a shareholders' meeting. …一次股东会议。
3. S&P index:
Standard and Poor’s Composite Index 标准·普尔股票价格指数
4. Jeff Bezos
5. two-hour shipping
streaming video and music
6. debacle
释: A debacle is an event or attempt that is a complete failure. 彻底失败
7. crank out cash
crank out
释:If you say that a company or person cranks out a quantity of similar things, you mean they produce them quickly, in the same way, and are usually implying that the things are not original or are of poor quality. 迅速地大量滥制
例: In 1933 the studio cranked out fifty-five feature films. 1933年,这家电影公司粗制滥造了55部故事片。
8. regulator
释: A regulator is a person or organization appointed by a government to regulate an area of activity such as banking or industry. 监管人; 监管机构
9. business model
1. 近义词
吸引: entice; attract; lure
2. 同类词
上升:rise; arise; increase (in);raise; lift; ascend; climb; soar;mount; go up
下降:descend; go down; come down; drop; fall; decrease (in); decline; fall off; downgrade; descend; fall; sink
Day 2:
1. The former bookseller accounts for more than half of every new dollar spent on line in U.S.
2. Since the beginning of 2015, its share price has jumped by 173%, seven times quicker than in the two previous years.(and 12 times faster than the S&P 500 Index)
3. With a market capitalization of some 400bn, it is the fifth most valuable firm in the world.
4. Never before has a company been worth so much for so long while making so little money: 92% of its value is due to profits expected after 2020.
5. Walmart already has revenues nudging 500bn and is beefing up online.
6. Last year cash-flow (before investment) was $16bn, more than quadruple the level five years ago.
7. If it makes as much money as investors hope, a rough calculation suggests its earnings could be worth the equivalent of 25% of the combined profits of listed Western retail and media firms.
8. Ground for skepticism does not come much more fertile than this: Amazon will have to grow faster than almost any big company in modern history to justify its valuation.
9. In an era when executives routinely whinge about pressure to produce short-term results, Amazon is resolutely focused on the distant horizon.
10. Mr. Bezos emphasizes continual investment to propel its two principal businesses.
11. A third virtuous circle is starting to whirl around Alexa, the firm’s voice-activated assistant:
12. So long as shareholders retain their faith in this model, Amazon’s heady valuation resembles a self-fulfilling prophecy.
13. Their faith is sustained by Amazon’s record.
14. It has had its failures—its attempt to make a smart-phone was a debacle. But the business is starting to crank out cash.
15. If Amazon’s approach to time-frames is unusual, so too is the sheer breadth of its activities.
16. A wingspan this large is more reminiscent of a conglomerate than a retailer, which makes Amazon’s share price seem even more bloated: stock markets typically apply a “conglomerate discount” to reflect their in- efficiencies.
17. Seen through this lens, Amazon appears pristine.
18. Consumers applaud it; it is the most well-regarded company in America, according to a Harris poll.
19. If it gets anywhere close to fulfilling them, it will attract the attention of regulators.
20. But as it grows, so will concerns about its power.
21. Investors value Amazon’s growth over profits; that makes predatory pricing more tempting.
Day 3:
其次就是觉得June让我们自己翻译神句,之后又给了参考以及解析,这样子非常好!一方面对比我自己的译文和June的翻译版本能够让我的翻译更加准确,另一方面,又让我get了好多相关知识。不但是背景知识,还有笃师给的温馨小贴士,比如说“提醒大家注意常见搭配,propel搭配business”或者是“justify希望大家好好吃透它的用法,变为active vocabulary”,特别有针对性,特别高效!