

英文 中文
Asia, the largest of all the Earth's continents. 亚洲地球上面积最大的陆地
It stretches from the equator to beyond the Arctic Circle. 从赤道延伸至北极圈内
This is a continent of extremes. 同时拥有极冷极热的环境
Here, temperatures can drop to below minus 60 degrees Celsius. 在这里低温能跌至零下六十摄氏度以下
On land, survival is almost impossible. 在陆地上生存近乎奢望
But, for a few weeks in summer, 但是在夏季的几周内
the ice melts and the coast is transformed. 冰雪消融海岸焕然一新
This is one of the biggest gatherings of mammals 这里是地球上最大的
to be found anywhere on Earth. 哺乳动物聚集地之一
These are Pacific walrus. 这些是太平洋海象
For most of the year, they feed out in the Arctic Ocean, 一年中大部分时候它们在北冰洋里觅食
emerging to rest on the sea ice. 在海冰上休憩
But now, climate change has melted the ice here, 而现在全球变暖使得海冰消融
and the only place within reach of their feeding grounds 觅食区附近可供休息之地
where they can rest are a few beaches such as this one. 只余下几处海滩比如这里
100,000 of them - almost the entire world population - are here. 数十万头几乎世上所有的海象都在这里
They are gigantic. 它们体型庞大
A male can weigh over a tonne. 一只雄象的体重可超过一吨
And many die in the scrum. 许多于踩踏中丧生
On a beach 250 miles to the west, there's a further danger. 西边四百公里外的海滩上还有更多危险
Polar bears. 北极熊
They, too, have been forced to spend more time ashore 它们也不得不花更多的时间呆在岸上
by the dwindling ice. 因为海冰越来越少
And now, they're very hungry. 现在它们饥肠辘辘
But adult walrus are tough, well-armed 但是成年海象身强力壮爪尖牙锐
and agile in water... 在水中也十分灵活
And could fatally injure the bear. 能对北极熊造成致命伤害
He's failed. 它只能败兴而归
The narrow beaches here are backed by cliffs... 这处狭窄的海滩背靠悬崖
And some walrus scramble up them, escaping the crowd. 其中一些能攀上峭壁远离海象群
At the top, they are 80 metres above the beach. 涯顶距海滩八十米高
But this is not a place where a walrus should be... 但这绝不是海象该来的地方
Nor are they the only ones to have found it. 也不是独属于海象的地盘
The bears have got up here too. 北极熊步步紧逼
The walrus' instinct is to find safety in the water. 海象本能地想入水寻求庇护
They can still smell the sea. 它们仍然能够闻到海的气味
And they can hear it. 也能听到海的声音
Just the polar bears' presence is enough to spook the walrus. 北极熊的出现吓坏了海象
Many walrus that climb the cliffs 许多爬上峭壁的海象
never make it back to the ocean. 再也没能回到大海的怀抱
Even once the polar bears have moved on, 即使北极熊已经离开
the walrus need to return to the sea 海象需要返回大海
and some take the nearest way to do so. 有些还是选择了捷径
As one crashes on the rocks, 一头海象跌落山崖撞击礁石
those on the beach stampede 惊得沙滩上的海象四处逃窜
and more lives are lost. 踩踏致使更多海象丧生
In the course of just a few days, over 200 walrus die. 短短数日二百余头海象没了性命
Now the polar bears can feed on the carcasses. 现在北极熊可以饱餐一顿了
These events only occur once every few years. 此类事件每隔几年便会发生
But as the world warms and the ice retreats still further, 但随着全球变暖海冰进一步消融
they may become more frequent. 可能会变得更为频繁
Inland, the ground is gripped by winter 在极地内陆地区
for six months of the year. 冬季持续半年之久
Two million square miles of northern Russia 俄罗斯北部五百万平方千米的土地
are locked beneath the ice. 都终年冰封
But even so, some creatures 但即便如此仍有动物
have managed to make their homes here. 试图安家于此
They leave evidence of their presence in the snow. 它们在雪地上留下一串串脚印
These tracks all lead in one direction. 这些足迹全都朝着一个方向
Kamchatka has the highest 堪察加半岛是地球上
density of active volcanoes on the planet. 活火山分布最为密集的地方
Temperatures underground reach 250 degrees Celsius, 地下温度高达两百五十摄氏度
pushing up cauldrons of boiling mud and clouds of steam. 泥浆翻涌而出周围蒸汽环绕
But in spite of the dangers, 尽管危险
some creatures travel long distances to visit the area. 仍有动物长途跋涉来到此地
A Kamchatka brown bear. 一只堪察加棕熊
He spent the long winter sleeping in a den below ground, 它在温暖的地下洞穴度过冬眠
and now he is extremely hungry. 现在腹中空空如也
But finding food means getting dangerously close 但觅食意味着要冒险靠近
to the scalding fountains. 滚烫的喷泉
This is the only place for many miles around 这是方圆数里内唯一一个
where a bear can reach grass 棕熊能够抵达的无降雪绿地
that is snow-free - thanks to the hot earth. 得益于温热的土壤
Putting a foot wrong here could lead to real trouble, 一步踏错都会导致丧命
and bodies have been found of bears 人们发现过
that stumbled into the pools and were scalded to death. 棕熊跌入水塘后被烫死的尸身
And this bear is not alone. 这只棕熊并不孤单
Brown bears, by and large, are solitary creatures, 棕熊大多喜欢独来独往
and this is one of the few times of the year 但一年之中有那么几次
when they tolerate the presence of others. 它们能够忍受其它同类的存在
And now, they are so well-fed and relaxed 现在它们吃饱喝足十分惬意
that they even have time to play. 甚至还能腾出时间玩耍一番
This volcanic spot 在严寒的亚洲北部
has become a warm oasis in Asia's frigid north. 这片火山地带就如同温暖的绿洲
Away from Arctic Russia, 远离俄罗斯的北极地区
Asia has the hottest deserts, 亚洲拥有地球上气温最高的沙漠
highest mountains and tallest jungles on our planet. 海拔最高的山脉和最高大的雨林
This is a continent of incredible variety. 这是一片极为多样的大陆
But it was not always so. 但它并非一直如此
Some 89 million years ago, 约八千九百万年前
India was an island lying away to the south. 印度还是个位于亚洲南部的岛屿
But it drifted northwards, 但它向北漂移
pushing up the sediments between it and mainland Asia. 不断挤压抬升着它与大陆之间的沉积物
Over millions of years, the sediments lying between 数百万年间沉积物不断堆积升高
crumpled up and rose to form the Himalayas. 喜马拉雅山脉就此形成
Now, these are the tallest mountains on the planet. 现在它是地球上最高的山脉
They stand over five miles high. 海拔高度超过八千米
India is still moving northwards 印度洋板块仍在继续北移
and these mountains are still rising. 喜马拉雅山脉仍在升高
Asia's mountains stretch all the way from Afghanistan, 亚洲山脉绵延不绝从阿富汗
across northern India, to here in central China. 穿越北印度延至华中地区
These are the mountains of Shennongjia... 这里是神农架
Among China's highest. 被誉为华中第一峰
The forests here were, until comparatively recently, 人们对这里的森林知之甚少
the least known in the world. 直到最近才有所进展
Few outsiders had any idea 寄居于此的动物
of what animals might be living in them. 也鲜为人知
There were stories of humanlike monsters 曾有关于人形怪物的传闻
Yetis, Abominable Snowmen 也就是雪人
who left strange footprints in the snow... 雪人在雪地上留下奇怪的脚印
But little else. 再无其它线索
And indeed, there are monkeys living in these snowy forests 其实它们是生活在冰雪森林中的一种猴子
and they're very strange. 长相奇特
Meet the blue-faced, gold-coated 瞧瞧这些蓝色面庞金色毛发
snub-nosed snow monkey. 塌鼻子的神农架金丝猴
They are among the heftiest of monkeys. 它们是最高大健壮的猴子之一
Big animals keep warm more easily than small ones, 体型大的动物比体型小的更易于保暖
and they survive in colder conditions 它们生活在比其它猴子所居
than any other monkey on Earth. 都更加寒冷的地带
They all have snub noses. 它们都一副塌鼻
Perhaps prominent ones would only too easily get frostbitten. 可能突出的鼻子更易被冻伤
The whole group huddles together at the slightest opportunity 整个猴群一有机会
to keep warm. 就会抱团取暖
And who wouldn't? 又有谁会拒绝
Even adults, if they get separated from the group, 即便成年只要脱离猴群
can freeze to death. 就有被冻死的危险
Now, in the depths of winter, food is desperately hard to find. 现在正是隆冬时节极难觅得食物
The head of the family leads them to the edge of their territory 家族首领带着猴群来到领地边境
in search of something to eat. 寻找食物
The only food here is wretchedly unnourishing 只能找到些毫无营养的
bark, moss and lichen. 树皮苔藓和地衣
There's hardly enough to sustain one monkey, 这些食物一只猴子都不够吃
let alone a family. 更别说全族了
But they share it peaceably. 但它们还是静静地分享着食物
Survival depends on the group keeping together. 只有团结才能生存
In these mountains, any food is precious. 在这样的山林之中食物稀缺
A rival group? 与敌人狭路相逢
They, too, are searching for food. 它们也在寻找食物
The two males go head-to-head. 两只雄猴正面开战
And now the females join the fray. 雌猴随即加入
Outnumbered, the intruders retreat. 双拳难敌四手敌人终被击退
Their leader is the last to go. 首领负责断后
The fight was over the smallest of meals, 一点点食物引发的战争
but it was ferocious nonetheless, 战况却十分惨烈
and the family is now scattered. 家族成员四散开来
But they must stay together. 但是它们必须呆在一起
The youngest are already badly chilled. 最小的已经冻得很厉害了
She can see her father, 它可以看见它的父亲
but has she the strength to reach him? 但是它有力气去它那里吗
Back to safety and warmth. 回到了温暖安全的怀抱
The huddle is the only source of warmth 在荒凉冰冻的森林里
in these bleak, frozen forests. 唯一取暖的方式就是挤成一团
To the west of the Himalayas, in Iran, 喜马拉雅山的西边伊朗境内
lie some of the hottest deserts on Earth. 有着地球上最炎热的沙漠
This is the Lut Desert... 这里是卢特沙漠...
..and here, temperatures can reach 70 degrees Celsius. 这里温度可以达到七十摄氏度
The blisteringly hot rocks and baking sands of Iran's deserts 伊朗沙漠炙热的岩石和滚烫的沙子
may appear totally lifeless... 看上去一片荒芜...
..but a few trees manage to grow ...但还是有些树
in the shade of the canyon walls. 在峡谷绝壁的阴影里生存下来了


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