20220420听了Englishpod的episode 45
In today’s dialogue, the girl was sad and dramatic and her friend was comforting her. When she was so emotional, her boyfriend sang a romantic song for her on the ground floor. Cool, let’s expect their hug and kiss...
So, so i said, let’s take a break. 【女主先提“让我们冷静一下”,占据主动权】
And since that night, i’ve been waiting for him to call. 【“自从那晚上,我一直在等他的电话”。女人都是这样,都想被宠着。被宠着很常见的一种形式就是对方主动】
But i still haven’t heard from him. 【“但是我一直没接到电话”。没接到电话内心焦虑了】
You don’t think he’s seeing someone else, do you?【“你不认为他在见别人吧”。开始怀疑,开始往坏的方面想。跟我太像了。一分不好,我能脑补出一百分坏的画面】
Oh no, how can he do this to me?【“他怎么能这么对我?”,抱怨一下子】
I’m sure he’s cheating on me. Why else wouldn’t he call?【“他一定背叛我了,否则他为什么不打电话?”继续强化负面想法。所以这种时候,每个人拦着点儿,肯定得负面到绝望了】
he’s the love of my life. I’ve really messed this up.【“他是我的人生挚爱,我彻底搞砸了,呜呜呜”,哈哈,这种不想放手,离不开,舍不得的状态,绝了】
And it’s all my fault. I can’t believe how immature and selfish i was being 【“都是我的错,我不敢相信我自己曾是那么不成熟,那么自私”】
no, this is not going to happen. I’ve ruined everything.【“不,先道歉是不可能的。我搞砸了所有的一切!”还丢不下面子去低个头,哈哈哈,简直了。】
1,见某人,seeing someone(可严肃,可随意,看不同人对这个词的理解了)
2,欺骗我,cheat me;(在感情中背叛我),cheat on me。有没有介词on差很多
3,不成熟且自私,immature and selfish
4,振作起来,pull yourself together/calm down(stop crying, relax,and take a deep breath)
5,先行动,make the first step
Everything is going to work out just fine
【it's going to/it'll 】be 【alright/ok/fine】