Anglo-American finance ministers and central bankers, like little Dutch boys, try desperately to plug leaks in the bursting dyke that is the international financial system. In the US, treasury secretary Hank Paulson hoped for $700bn to plug the gaping hole in Wall Street’s banks. In the UK, the government is not just plugging holes, but setting aside competition rules to encourage the monopolisation of finance.
It has become conventional wisdom in markets that the continued rise of passive investing is seemingly inevitable. If active investors charge fees and pay transaction costs, they will on average underperform a passive benchmark. Over time, this return advantage has become so obvious that the dominant force in the US equity market today is passive.
It requires at least a generation of explosive growth of the sort mustered by Japan, South Korea and China to eradicate extreme poverty. More recently, countries such as Vietnam and Bangladesh have reached economic escape velocity. A sustained period of growth does not guarantee long-term success, as recent conflict in Ethiopia demonstrates.
Soll’s book is both erudite and incisive and his aim is to emphasize that the libertarian free-market school which emerged in the 20th century, in the writings of Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman, was an intellectual aberration.
Some might commemorate the loss of a loved one by raising a quiet toast or hiking a favorite trail. Others may lay an extra place setting at the Christmas table, or put a symbolic gift under the tree that will never be unwrapped. The rise of “grief tech” could soon allow those left behind to interact more vividly with the dead.
Not bad, but must try harder is probably how UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak reads the country’s mathematics report card. Just half of England’s 16 to 19-year-olds study the subject at some level.