Trevor小时候精力十足的孩子,为了把他的精力消耗殆尽,他妈 used to take me to the park so she could run me to death to burn off the energy, 跟带狗一样带他。
他妈跟他的关系就像电影中的警察和罪犯,经常是一个跑一个追。偶尔他妈也会戏弄一下他,比如在便利店他一直缠着他妈买toffee apple,等到结账时他妈就一脸“我不是你妈”的表情,惹的Trevor嚎啕大哭。
但他妈妈是个很有原则的人,揍他时会让他知道他哪个地方做错了,但是揍完之后就over了,这件事也就结束了,Rescue 911还是要一起看的。
It’s better to take it, spend some time crying, then wake up the next day and move on
hysterically: adv
hysterical: adj. in a state of extreme excitement, and crying, laughing. in a uncontrolled way
仿句: He thought I was a hysterical womanfull-on:adj. used to say that sth is done to the greatest possible degree
仿句:It was a full-on trip with my friendhiding: n. physical punishment, usually involving being hit hard many times
仿句:The naughty kid got a hiding at homedumbfounded: adj. unable to speak because of surprise
仿句: She was dumbfounded by the ending of the movie