Christians are no different from the rest in their nationality, language or customs. . . . They live in their own countries, but as sojourners. They fulfill all their duties as citizens, but they suffer as foreigners. They find their homeland wherever they are, but their homeland is not in any one place. . . . They are in the flesh, but do not live according to the flesh. They live on earth, but are citizens of heaven. They obey all laws, but they live at a level higher than that required by law. They love all, but all persecute them.
基督徒的与众不同并不是由于他们的国家、语言或习俗...... 他们生活在自己的国家里,但只是作为寄居的人 他们作为公民参与各样事务,却作为外人忍受一切:每一个异国都是他们的故士,而每二片故土却都是异地......他们是“在血气中”,却不“凭着血气”生活。他们生活在世上,但是他们的公民身份却在天上。 他们遵守既定的法律,但在私人生活上却超越了这些法律。 他们爱所有的人,却遭受所有人的逼迫。
To Diognetus