3 From Berne to Frankfurt to Jena: Failed Projects and Fresh Starts
Berne: Second Thoughts
第3章 “从伯尔尼到法兰克福再到耶拿时期:失败的计划和新的开始”(1)
IN September of 1793, Hegel took his examination from the church authorities in Wiirttemberg (the Konsistorialexamen) and passed. In October of 1793, he began the first of his two stints as a Hofmeister, a private tutor to well-off families, having acquired his position as tutor in the usual way that young men in those days acquired such positions: totally by accident. A Berne patrician, Captain Carl Friedrich von Steiger, had set out to find a private tutor for his two children. A young graduate of the Tubingen Seminary, a certain Herr Schwindrazheim, had been recommended to Captain von Steiger, and he decided to do some secret checking up on Mr. Schwindrazheim’s qualifications and character. He had a confidante investigate him in Stuttgart, and the results were not exactly favorable for Herr Schwindrazheim. However, another young man, a certain young Hegel, was instead recommended by the relevant people in Tubingen, including the proprietor (Johannes Brodhag) of an inn called the Golden Ox. (The innkeeper was later to become famous in biographies of Schiller, who had earlier frequented the place.) Captain von Steiger managed to get in touch with Hegel, there was some dickering on Hegel’s part about the money involved (Switzerland was even then recognized as an expensive place to live), and the deal was finally struck.
Hegel’s stint as a private tutor was typical of the career of young educated men of those days. In the prevailing system of education, many aristocratic and even fairly well-off bourgeois families hired private tutors for their children. (Hegel, for example, had some private tutors while attending school in Stuttgart.) To this end, young men were contracted to provide education for the children at home or often simply to accompany a young aristocrat on something like his grand tour, a fashion that the German aristocracy had taken over from the English. On the grand tour, the young aristocrat would journey to various important cities, visit the local luminaries, and come back not only having seen the world but also presumably having acquired some education along the way. This last was not always the case: The aristocracy hired private tutors not generally because they valued education highly; just as frequently, the young tutor was hired simply to watch over his young lord’s bad habits, help him to avoid some of their nastier consequences, and explain to the otherwise clueless young aristocrat why this particular intellectual luminary he was about to visit or that particular church he was seeing was important. Indeed, manuals for tutors at the time advised the tutor to keep his aristocratic charge away from the three bad W’s: “Wein, Weiber, Wiirfel” (wine, women, and dice).' The young men hired were frequently those who had achieved a diploma in theology, since there was an enormous surplus of them (thus driving their price down), and because it was felt that such novice divines would be the proper moral accompaniment for a young, impressionable, wealthy aristocrat out for the first time on his own (and who, after all, was destined to become a patriarchal figure to his peasantry after his father departed the scene). As far as such things went, such tours were the kinds of things that young theologians often desired since they gave them a chance to be introduced to society and to see the world for themselves. Schelling, for example, himself was hired to accompany a young noble on a tour of England and France, and although he was originally quite enthusiastic about this opportunity, his enthusiasm dampened after the revolutionary upheavals of the time caused his employer to switch the itinerary to a tour of major German cities. Schelling ended up not with Paris and London but instead with Leipzig and Jena.
Hegel was not so lucky: He was engaged not for a grand tour of the world or, for that matter, even for a venture to Leipzig, but instead simply to tutor two young children (ages six and nine) at home. Captain von Steiger was particularly interested in having the young tutor teach his children reformed religion, languages, history, geography, arithmetic, and music.^ Dismal as such a prospect might have seemed, it appealed to Hegel because it offered him both the excuse to conclude his studies in Tubingen early and the possibility of beginning his career as a Popularphilosoph^ a “popular philosopher,” the German equivalent of both the free spirited philosophes of the French Enlightenment and of the Scottish philosophers. Like the philosophes and their Scottish counterparts, the German “popular philosophers” set themselves the task of doing philosophy in a manner accessible to the educated public and of explaining to the general public the more demanding ideas of modern, enlightened philosophy (such as Kant’s). The idea behind the movement of the “popular philosophers” was that the widespread discussion and dissemination of such philosophical ideas would assist the overall Enlightenment goal of promoting the application of reason to human affairs. The expanding number of popular journals of culture also made it possible for such “popular philosophers” to earn money from writing articles. Although the honoraria for pieces published in such journals were certainly not on the grand scale, neither were they trivial.
The alternative to becoming a “popular philosopher” was getting a position at a university, but this was fraught with its own special difficulties. First, there was no clear way (besides being a member of a professor’s family) to gain a position in a German university, and second, the state of German universities at the time was, with few exceptions, so dismal that nobody with Hegel’s ambitions would have even desired such a position. Since the position of private tutor - Hofmeister was often taken as a good way for a young man to make contacts with the wider world, to be introduced into society, and to have time for his own scholarly work, a person like Hegel would naturally have been attracted to such a position. If nothing else, the position of Hofmeister held out the possibility of making a name for oneself with the people that counted, so that later one could lay claim to being the kind of learned gentleman who would be appropriate for a university post, if such a thing became desirable.
Like so many other young intellectuals of that period (and even like Kant a generation before), Hegel thus began his career as a Hofmeister, and the experience did not exactly endear the aristocracy to him. The position was almost certain to disappoint him; in fact, the whole encounter led Hegel into a serious depression. Again, Hegel shared that experience with many young intellectuals of his generation. The position of Hofmeister was by the end of the eighteenth century racked with social stresses and contradictions: On the one hand, the Hofmeister was a servant, a domestic; on the other hand, he was not only more educated than the other domestics, he was almost certainly better educated than his employers. The husband and wife of the house therefore generally treated him only slightly better than the other, more lowly domestics, which is to say that they did not treat him well at all. (For example, one of the burning issues of the time for such families concerned whether the Hofmeister should eat with the family or with the servants.) For a young man like Hegel, who came from a family of good social status, such a position of social inferiority was especially grating.
This position of being both socially below the husband and wife but slightly higher than the rest of the domestic staff also did not exactly endear the typical poor young Hofmeister to the other domestics, so he was generally alienated not only from the husband and wife but from the other domestics as well, and indeed quite often was treated by them with rudeness bordering on contempt. Even in those situations where he was treated much better than the other domestics and was even allowed to eat with the family instead of with the other domestics, he was still clearly a social inferior and was always treated as such. The literature of the time abounds with anecdotes of incidents in which a Hofmeister unwittingly oversteps the social boundaries and assumes a familiarity with the family to which he is not entitled and for which he is immediately and publicly humiliated and rebuffed. Moreover, the children whom he was teaching quite often also held him in disconcertingly low regard, since they had often internalized not only a sense of their own social superiority but also an understanding that they would one day be running things whether they were educated or not, hence making his admonitions to behave and do their lessons seem quite irrelevant. Quite often he became against his own wishes the unhappy mediator between not only the children and their parents but between the parents themselves. Along with all that, the position came with low pay and absolutely no job security.
The results of such a set of tensions and contradictions were predictable. The isolation, the petty humiliations, and the insecurity common to the position of Hofmeister led regularly to bouts of resignation, depression, and crushing loss of self-confidence among such young men and Hegel was no exception. By the end of the eighteenth century, not only was this becoming increasingly noted in the literature surrounding the institution of the Hofmeister^ the Hofmeisters themselves were be- coming both very self-conscious regarding their bad treatment and very critical of the institution itself -^
More importantly, Hegel had been imbued from his early Stuttgart days with the ideals of Bildung, that is, of education and self-cultivation, of becoming a man of knowledge and good taste, and he had fused his commitment to Bildung with his ideals of the Revolution as a moral and spiritual renewal of the German people. Hegel was the young man who had excerpted Moses Mendelssohn’s essay “What Is Enlightenment?” in his teenage journal and had noted how Mendelssohn had virtually equated Enlightenment itself with Bildung, the idea of education as the cultivation of taste and good judgment. During his stay at the university, which had coincided with his passionate endorsement of the French Revolution, he had, like many other young men of his generation, come to think of the revolutionary moral and spiritual renewal of Germany in terms of establishing a new elite of educated leaders (men of Bildung) to rule the country. In Hegel’s mind, the new revolutionary order would bring about a state of affairs in which men of learning, taste, and cultivation would be running things instead of the undereducated, pompous, corrupt aristocracy represented by families such as the von Steigers.
The idea itself of Bildung was one of those things that was in the air at the time and came with considerable controversy attached to it. By Hegel’s time, the idea had been distinguished from that of Erziehung, education. Bildung incorporated within itself the notion of true education and cultivation as in turn demanding self-formation. As it were, one could become educated (in the passive tense, represented by the term Erziehung), but one had to make oneself'mto a cultivated-educated person (in the active tense, represented by the term Bildung)."* Bildung required self-activity, self-development, and self-direction.
In Hegel’s day, one of the major issues about the nature of Bildung was its relation to Enlightenment. Was a cultivated-educated person also an enlightened person? Although some thought that the two were distinct, many suspected that in fact they were so essentially linked that the call for young men to acquire Bildung was ipso facto a call for them to become “enlightened,” which in turn for the more retrograde elements of German life, was itself tantamount to a demand to make them into French revolutionaries, perhaps even into Jacobins intent on mur- dering the aristocracy and the leaders of the church. Mendelssohn, after all, had identified Bildung with Enlightenment, and Kant had claimed that to be enlightened was equivalent to thinking for oneself, and to many of the retrogrades, that in itself was equivalent to Jacobinism. Needless to say, this debate was also joined by those who wished to distinguish “true” Bildung from “false” or “corrupted” Bildung, that is, true self-cultivation from that kind that led one to become a revolutionary or a democrat. There were cries against the idea of Bildung-, there were even suggestions that, with all the new “reading societies” springing up across what still counted as the Holy Roman Empire, a new disease, that of “reading addiction” {Lesesucht), was arising, an ailment which was believed likely to strike impressionable young students, loose women, servants not properly respectful of their masters, and other questionable sorts of people.^
One of the most striking characteristics about the idea of Bildung, of course, was that it transcended the idea of the old society of orders, of “estates” to which one belonged by birth, much as the earlier French idea of a “man of letters” had done.® To be a person of Bildung had nothing to do with one’s birth but with how one directed and formed oneself; men (and women) of Bildung thus had a claim to status that directly contradicted the traditional claims of birth and estate. A man like Hegel could claim, for example, to be the kind of person who had the “right” to be at the center of things by virtue of how he had made himself into a cultivated-educated man, independent of whether his family was or was not a member of the Ehrbarkeit of Wiirttemberg, and certainly independent of whether he had been born into any kind of aristocratic patriciate (such as was the case with the ruling class in Berne, including the von Steiger family). Nor was the idea of Bildung as something that legitimated claims to leadership or to ruling status confined to the bourgeoisie in their conflict over status with the nobility; the men who claimed Bildung for themselves were usually laying claim to an elite status that separated them both from nobility and from what they often took to be the philistine bourgeoisie. The man of Bildung often took himself to be “above” both the nobility and bourgeoisie.
Tubingen, Hegel had come to identify the French Revolution with moral and spiritual renewal and, under the influence of his admiration for ancient Greece, to equate it with the coming reign of beauty and freedom. For Hegel as for many others, the idea of Bildung fused into this revolutionary-Greek ideal; it was thought that a revolution in Germany would lead to the displacement from leadership of people like the von Steigers and to their replacement with people like Hegel, men of Bildung. For Hegel, the son of a ducal functionary, whose family were people of note (if not “notables”) in Wiirttemberg, who was an educated-cultivated man, who had Bildung, to be treated as a lowly servant by a family that in his eyes represented a dying and corrupt social order with no right to be at the center of things - all this was destined not to sit particularly well with him.
Berne at the time was a self-styled “aristocracy” that in fact was an oligarchy ruled by a small set of families, the von Steigers among them. It had gradually taken control of the area surrounding it (the Vaud) and then suppressed all attempts by the inhabitants to break free of Bernese rule. The city indulged in the charade of “choosing” its town council by vote of a set of aristocratic families; in fact, the so-called election of which it claimed to be so proud was more a set of power plays by a familiar group of well-entrenched families who regarded their offices as matters of inheritance rather than as dependent on any kind of plebiscite. Not only was the family for which Hegel worked a member of this patrician oligarchy; worse, from his point of view, they were allied with the elements of the Berne patriciate who opposed the French Revolution and advocated an alliance with the Prussians and Austrians against the French. (Relatives of Captain von Steiger belonged to the Bernese “war party” advocating war with revolutionary France.) In one of those odd twists of fate, the young partisan of the Revolution thus found himself working for a family that stood for just about everything he opposed.
The whole arrangement was bound to break down, and, sure enough, it eventually did. Apparently at first Hegel made a good impression on the family, and they got along quite well. (In the early stages of his stay in Berne, Hegel is mentioned approvingly in the family’s letters.)' Captain von Steiger even entrusted some oversight duties to him, and in one of Hegel’s letters at the time to Captain von Steiger, Hegel dutifully reports to him on household matters, on the return of a servant and von Steiger’s wife from a spa, on the progress of some workers at a gravel dig, and on a few other household matters.* Hegel therefore probably appeared to Captain von Steiger to be a man of good character, reliability, and standing, and certainly Hegel seems at first to have been trusted.^ But in contrast to the glowing mentions by Captain von Steiger about him, Hegel complained in a letter to Schelling that “I am not completely idle but my occupation, heterogeneous and often interrupted as it is, does not allow me to really come into my own,” thus echoing the typical Hofmeister’s complaint that he is forever at the arbitrary beck and call of his master and that his time is rarely his own.'® In any event, whatever amicable relations there had been between Hegel and Captain von Steiger at the outset of the arrangement seem to have withered away by the end of Hegel’s stay. Captain von Steiger’s brother remarked in a letter to him in November 1796 that he is “extremely displeased at the disagreement that the said Hegel has caused you,” that whatever it was that Hegel did was typical of Wiirttembergers, and that as a condition of not being so stupid “it’s necessary not to be [a Wiirttemberger].”" It thus seems that Hegel and the von Steigers were equally displeased with each other, and one can understand why.
The combination of generally depressing conditions involved in being a Hofmeister would probably by themselves have been enough to undermine the amicability of any such arrangement. That Hegel with his rather self-assertive personality might have been particularly unsuited for the position of Hofmeister had already been noted by the head of the Seminary at Tubingen. When von Steiger employed Hegel, the relevant authorities at the Seminary were not consulted about his appropriateness for the post, and in what seems to be an expression of pique about this, the Ephorus (head) of the Seminary, Ch. F. von Schnurrer, on learning of Hegel’s appointment, wrote to a friend in Holland that “I very much doubt whether [Hegel] has in the meantime learned to let himself patiently bear those sacrifices that always, at least at the beginning, are normally connected with the position of private tutor. He has been absent for almost the whole summer from the Seminary under the pretext of taking a cure, and his long residence at home, where he perhaps himself counts for more than his father, may surely be no real preparation for the not exactly unconstrained life of a Hofmeister."^^ Hegel’s rather headstrong nature (at least at this point in his life), to which Schnurrer s letter attests, only added fuel to what was already a combustible mixture.
However, despite the irritations, there were some compensations for Hegel at the von Steiger household. The massive collections of the Berne library were just down the street from the von Steigers’ city house, and Hegel almost certainly took advantage of that fact. Perhaps more importantly, the von Steiger family had a private library second to none in Europe. The library had been built by Captain von Steiger’s father, and it concentrated on the literature of the French and English Enlightenment. Hegel’s own master. Captain von Steiger, had made no substantial additions to it himself, despite the fact that having failed in politics - he was unsuccessful in an attempt to become the equivalent of mayor - he had retreated into a life supposedly devoted to Bildung and art (at least that is what he told himself).'-’ Thus the library had had no substantial additions made to it since the time of the elder von Steiger, with the result that, although the library contained quite a bit of pre-Kantian literature, it contained no Kant per se, and, needless to say, not a trace of Fichte.''' Hegel almost certainly used the Steiger library as a resource for his studies (when he had free time). During his period in Berne, he read, for example. Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, and he may well have read it in Captain von Steiger’s librarv. He also began an intensive study of the British economists, particularly Sir James Steuart and, probably at the same time, Adam Smith, whose ideas almost immediately began to have an enormous impact on his thought.'’ Indeed, he no doubt became acquainted with British culture and literature during this period in a way that was to influence him all his life. Captain von Steiger’s father, Christoph Steiger, was an unabashed Anglophile, making trips to London, Oxford, and Cambridge, and he had amassed an enviable collection of Englishlanguage books in his library (190 books in all, ranging from the wellknown figures of English literature to political, historical, and economic writings)."’ Hegel, who still wanted to be a popular philosopher, began exploring the works of English modernity in the von Steiger library, and he was later able to incorporate many of the ideas he encountered there into his more mature writings.
There were also other compensations and gratifications to Bernese life. Hegel made friends with a fellow Stuttgarter, a painter named Johann Valentin Sonnenschein. They spent happy evenings together with acquaintances at Sonnenschein’s place, often singing together around the piano one of the pre-Beethoven settings of Schiller’s poem “Ode to Joy.” Hegel also reported to Schelling in a letter that he had made the acquaintance of a Silesian, Konrad Engelbert Oelsner, who had been reporting from Paris in the German journal Minerva on the events of the Revolution, and who himself had already begun to despair about the course that the Revolution had been taking in the years since the uprising of 1789.’’ (Oelsner himself was later to remark in reference to a translation of the Abbe Sieyes’ work by another later acquaintance of Hegel’s, Johann Gottfried Ebel, that “the burgher of Frejus and the teacher of Konigsberg form an immense chain of thought, from the coasts of the Mediterranean to the Baltic Sea. Calvin and Luther, Sieyes and Kant, a Frenchman and a German, reform the world.”'* Such ideas were to become part of Hegel’s own repertoire.) In May of 1795, Hegel visited Geneva; in July of 1796 he took a long hike in the Bernese Alps with some fellow Germans. (Hegel’s recorded impressions of the hike are revealing: The young follower of Rousseau found that although Nature as an idea excited him, nature as a reality did not; for the rest of his life, he was almost always to prefer urban life to the life of the great outdoors, however much in his youth he continued at least to profess a kind of Rousseauian appreciation for Nature.)
The Revolution and its implications, however, dominated much of his thought. In Germany, all the various discontents that had been welling up for years were beginning to take on a new significance for the Germans themselves in the light of the French Revolution, and, naturally enough, there were many articles and discussions about whether an event such as the Revolution could happen in Germany itself. There were those who argued that the Germans were too religious and that the so-called Third Estate that had existed and led the revolution in France (at least in the way that Abbe Sieyes described it) did not have the same status in Germany; there were also German Jacobins who hoped for a full-dress upheaval in the German principalities. Like other Germans (and like Oelsner himself), Hegel was beginning to experience some consternation about what was going on in France. Hegel’s own Girondist sympathies were strengthened when he learned of the guillotining of Carrier; in a letter to Schelling, he concluded that it “has revealed the complete baseness of Robespierre’s party.”'’ However, Hegel s basic stance towards the events and issues surrounding the Revolution continued to be the one that he had developed in Tubingen. The Revolution held out the possibility of moral and spiritual renewal of what he understood to be the corruption of German social and cultural life. His earlier interest in what would be required generally for there to be the kind of moral and spiritual renewal he longed for became increasingly connected to considerations of the ways in which social institutions and practices had to be changed if such renewal were even to be possible. In particular, the ecclesiastical orthodoxy ruling Wiirttemberg in general and Tubingen in particular began to seem more and more onerous. In a letter to Schelling, he concluded that “orthodoxy is not to be shaken as long as the profession of it is bound up with worldly advantage and interwoven with the totality of a state.Using the watchwords that he and his Tubingen friends had used at the university, he declaimed to Schelling, “May the kingdom of God come, and our hands not be idle. . . . Reason and freedom remain our password, and the invisible church our rallying point.
Nonetheless, during this period Hegel continued to see the Revolution and his own attempt at playing a role in it in Germany in terms of a new Reformation. In light of his new dedication to Kantianism, he remarked to Schelling: “From the Kantian philosophy and its highest completion I expect a revolution in Germany. It will proceed from principles that are present and that only need to be elaborated generally and applied to all hitherto existing knowledge.Of course, Hegel was not really imagining the masses, armed with Kant’s Critiques, storming some German Bastille as much as he was looking for a system of thought that would unite politics and religion and lead to the establishment of something like the idealized Greek polls that he and friends had first begun to imagine in Tubingen. Still, he found that whatever his ambitions, he was getting nowhere; to Schelling, he raised his usual lament: “My remoteness from various and sundry books and the limitation on my time do not allow me to work out many of the ideas that I carry around with me.”^^
Disappointed with his own lack of progress and feeling isolated, Hegel had also acquired a clear and distinct disdain for the corruption of the aristocratic Bernese system he was seeing at close hand, noting to Schelling that “to get to know an aristocratic constitution one must have gone through a winter such as is encountered here before” the Bernese go through their charade of elections.His absolute scorn for the inequities and half-witted ways of the Bernese oligarchy and its political system - which, as a member of the von Steiger household, he got to observe firsthand — led him to translate and publish (with an attached, anonymous commentary) a pamphlet written by a Frenchspeaking Swiss, Jean-Jacques Cart, in which the Bernese aristocracy was castigated as being the oppressor of the inhabitants of the Vaud in full violation of all their traditional rights. What interested Hegel was Cart’s story about the decline of freedom in the Vaud; The people of the Vaud were initially a free people but gradually lost their freedom, not because of any lack of virtue on their own part but simply and solely because of German-speaking Bernese oppression. In his commentary, Hegel noted that although the people of the Vaud had been given tax relief to compensate them for their loss of freedom, such compensation is necessarily completely unsatisfactory for all those who genuinely value freedom. Those who assert that tax relief adequately compensates the loss of freedom only show, Hegel said with no small distaste, “how it is still very generally believed that enjoying no civil rights at all counts for much less than having a few less Thalers yearly in one’s wallet.In the commentary, Hegel also heaped praise on the American revolutionaries: “The taxes that the English parliament put on tea imported into America were extremely small; however, what made the American revolution was the Americans’ feeling that the wholly insignificant sum that the taxes would have cost them would at the same time have been the loss of their most important rights.Hegel also commented (no doubt on the basis of personal experience) on the complete lack of any real legality in Berne, something only barely obscured by the pretense of what passed for legal process in the city. Hegel published the pamphlet anonymously in 1798 (after he had left Berne and was living in Frankfurt); it was his first published work. (Curiously enough, Hegel told very few people about this episode; when Hegel’s own copy of the pamphlet was discovered among his personal papers after his death, even his own family did not know that it had been written by him, and it was auctioned off as an anonymous work.)
Probably generational conflicts too were being mirrored in Hegel’s distaste for the Bernese. He and his father had hotly disputed the Revolution, with his father — a non-noble minor functionary in a ducal court - taking the side of the aristocrats. In the Bernese system, Hegel would have thought he was seeing the full working out of what his father advocated. All the worse, he must have thought to himself.
The picture of Hegel’s situation that emerges is, of course, fairly comical. Hegel the young revolutionary, devoted to Bildiing^ imagining himself a man of letters, finding himself living with an arch-reactionary family opposed to the Revolution and which pretentiously thinks of itself as devoted to Bildung, all the w hile failing to keep its great private library current with the latest in philosophy; and, having no real free time to write anything very original, the young Hofmeister secretly translating in his free time an anti-Bernese pamphlet attacking the quasi-feudal system from which that very family profits (all the while singing “Freude, schone Gdtterfunken” at Sonnenschein’s residence).
Hegel, however, was in no position to see any comedy in the situation. In his letter to Schelling, he laments his “remoteness from the showplaces of literary activity” and describes how he “longs very much for a situation - not in Tubingen - where I could bring to fruition what I formerly let slip by, and could even on occasion set my hand to work.”^’ In stark contrast with his own isolated, unproductive existence in Berne, his old friend Schelling had in the meantime left Tubingen and staged a meteoric rise in German intellectual life after having landed at Jena, where the philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte was electrifying packed audiences with his thoughts on the development of post-Kantian philosophy. Holderlin had already written Hegel about his having attended Fichte’s overwhelmingly popular lectures at Jena, and Schelling continued to write him enthusiastic letters about all the things he had read, was reading, and was thinking about (Kant, Fichte, the nature of self - all of the things Hegel was wishing he could read and write about himself). Hegel could only dejectedly reply to Schelling that he was just getting around to looking at these things, and, despondent about his own lack of progress, note to Schelling that in contrast with Schelling’s astounding productivity and early fame, “my works are not worth speaking of."
Hegel’s depressed mood was evident, and both Holderlin and Schelling picked it up in his letters. Seeking to help his old friend, Holderlin began looking for a position for Hegel in Frankfurt; discovering that a prosperous wine merchant, Gogel, was seeking a Hofmeister for his children, Holderlin managed to maneuver an offer of the job to Hegel. He announced this triumphantly to Hegel: the working conditions, he told Hegel, are really quite good, and “you will drink very good Rhine wine or French wine at the table. You will live at one of the most beautiful houses in Frankfurt, on one of the most beautiful squares in the city, Rossmarktplatz.” His employers, the Gogel family, are, Holderlin assured him, quite sociable, “free of pretension and prejudice,” who “prefer not to associate with Frankfurt society folk, with their stiff ways and poverty of heart and spirit.”^’ And, of course, best of all, the position is in Frankfurt^ a bustling commercial center. Indeed, Hblderlin assured Hegel, “by next spring you will once again become the old man” (his nickname at Tubingen).The deep emotion Holderlin felt about being able to reunite with his old friend was only too evident: I am, he told Hegel, “a man who has remained faithful to you in heart, memory, and spirit despite rather variegated transformations in his situation and character, who will be your friend more deeply and warmly than ever, who will freely and willingly share every moment of life with you, whose situation lacks nothing but you to complete its happiness ... I truly need you, dear friend, and I believe you will be capable of needing me as well.”
Hblderlin warmly concluded: “I would still have much to tell you, but your coming here must be the preface to a long, long, interesting, imscholarly book by you and me.”^’ Holderlin, already undergoing much personal difficulty in his own life, clearly was looking forward to Hegel, his truest friend, joining him in Frankfurt.