Chapter 7 All Electric 1/2
There was no clean-technology movement at this time, but there were companies dabbling with new uses for solar power and electric vechicles.
释义dabble in/at/with:to do something or be involved in something in a way that is not very serious
例:people who dabble in painting as a way of relaxing
造句:At first, he just dabbled with playing guitar, but he gradually developed as an skillful guitar player.
After it folded, Straubel followed Harold Rosen, an engineer famed for inventing the geostationary satellite, to create an electric plane.
释义: (also fold up) if an organization folds, it closes because it does not have enough money to continue.
造句:In 2008, lots of start-ups folded because of the economic crisis.
It was in the middle of toiling away on all these projects that Straubel's old buddies from the Standford solar car team came to pay him a visit.
释义:(also toil away) to work very hard for a long period of time
想到了昨天学的单词grueling, the grueling work
例:I’ve been toiling away at this essay all weekend.
造句:Shopper on Taobao are toiling away on the shopping spree.
When Musk didn't bite on that, Straubel announced his electric car side project.
释义:to believe what someone tells you, or to buy something they are selling, especially when they have persuaded you to do this:
例:The new camcorders were withdrawn after consumers failed to bite.
造句:Usually I don't bite on the products that the sellers promote.
5.strike a chord with
The crazy idea struck an immediate chord with Musk
释义:to say or do sth that makes people feel sympathy or enthusiasm
例:The speaker had obviously struck a chord with his audience.
造句:The popular passages in the internet tend to struck a chord with the readers.
The crazy idea struck an immediate chord with Musk, Who had been thinking about electric vehicles for years.