

1. 因为对入侵者的憎恶,素来能够教三五个胆大的人格外坚强起来,使他们为了一个信念而不顾性命。

2. 这个世界上,只有女人才懂得爱情啊!

3. 人生可怕的苦难,人间的伶仃孤独,万物的虚无缥缈,内心的寂寞空虚,都一涌而来,呈现在你眼前,打破了一直到死都以梦想来自我陶醉,自我欺骗的虚幻心境。

4. 踏进门槛就意味着回到了一潭死水之中,穿过寂静的大厅,登上暗洞洞的楼梯,寻找我那孤寂的小房间,然后去见心如古井的费尔法克斯太太。

5. 生活不可能像你想象的那么好,但也不会像你想象的那么糟。人的脆弱和坚强都超乎自己的想象。

6. 无论是地震覆灭了整个民族,江河决口冲走落水的农民连带着牛的尸体和倒塌的梁柱,还是打了胜战的军队**。俘虏那些自卫的人,又用刀神的名义实行抢劫并且用炮声向神灵表示谢意,都同样是让人恐惧的大灾难,同样破坏了我们对于永恒公理的信仰,破坏了我们对上帝的保佑和人类理性的依赖。

7. ”她唯一肯用的装饰品,是她经常在家里戴的那些便帽上缀着的一大堆杂色的缎带,虽然已经很旧,但在她看起来这是太美了“。

8. 一个在自己认为可以谴责的行为,每每由于使它感受的思想而变成值得称赞的。

9. 鹅毛大雪像大帷幕一样从天而降,世间万物的轮廓都看不太清了。

10. 到末了,人都可以相信妇女们在人间的惟一任务,就是一种个人的永久牺牲,一种对于强横的武人的暴戾脾气不断委身的义务。

11. 我觉得她像那种半仙半人的小精灵,恰如贝茵在夜晚的故事中所描绘的那样,从沼泽地带山蕨丛生的荒谷中冒出来,现身于迟归的旅行者眼前。

12. 吃东西的欲望一步一步增加,使得每一个饿了的人都是心慌的。

13. 倘若有人在一个害过他的人身上寻报复,那是错的,因为法律惩罚寻报复的人。

14. “在门前的大理石台阶右侧,摆放着一个镀金女铜像,头上装饰着各种花,手里拿着一个用来做钟摆的环球。”

15. 鹅毛大雪组成一幅绵延不断的大帷幕从天上放下来,一面放,一面闪闪发光:万物的形象都看不清楚了,一切事物都蒙上了一层薄冰。在这座严冬笼罩着的安静的城市的沉寂中,只听见雪片下降时那种模糊的、无以名之的、捉摸不住的窸窣之声,但这种窸窣之声又不能真正算作一种声响,只好说是我们感觉到有这种声响,因为那不过是一些轻飘飘的微屑掺混在一起,充塞了空间,盖满了世界。

16. 这是一个晴朗温和却并不明亮灿烂的夏夜,干草工们沿路忙碌着。天空虽然有云,却仍有好天气的兆头。天上的蓝色——在看得见蓝色的地方——柔和而稳定,云层又高又薄。西边也很暖和,没有湿润的微光来造就凉意——看上去仿佛点起了火,好似一个祭坛在大理石般雾气的屏障后面燃烧着,从缝隙中射出金色的红光。

17. 没有一个人看她,没有一个人惦记她。她觉得自己被这些顾爱名誉的混账东西的轻视淹没了,当初,他们牺牲了她,以后又把她当做一件肮脏的废物似的扔掉。

18. 寒气一天比一天来得重了,像针刺一样严酷地扎着鼻子和耳朵,人的脚变成很痛苦的了,每走一步就要疼一下,后来走到了镇外,田野简直是一片白茫茫的,在他们眼里真凄惨得非常怕人,全体立刻转来了,心灵是冰凉的而心房是紧缩的。

19. 每幅画都是一个故事、由于我理解力不足,欣赏水平有限,它们往往显得神秘莫测,但无不趣味盎然,就像某些冬夜,贝茜碰巧心情不错时讲述的故事一样。

20. 路上的雪冻成比较坚硬的,车子走得比较快了,经过旅行中的好些惨淡的钟点,在傍晚的时候颠簸晃动个不停,再后些时,车子里变成了黑暗世界,一直走到吉艾卜为止,戈尔弩兑始终用一种猛烈的不屈不挠态度吹着他这种复仇意味的单调口哨,强迫那些疲倦而且生气的头脑从头到尾地倾听他的歌唱,去记忆每一句被他们注意节奏的歌词。

21. 对于一个不能拥有真珠宝的人而言,落落大方和漂亮迷人便是她的财富,而且是世界上最珍贵的珠宝。

22. 有了这个信条,我能够清楚地分辨罪犯和他的罪孽,我可以真诚地宽恕前者,而对后者无比憎恶,有了这个条,复仇永不会使我操心,坠落不会让我感到过份深恶痛绝,不公平不会把我完全压倒,我平静地生活,期待着末日。

23. 于是我出了门,心情像过节一样,却不知去哪里。

24. 因为凡是对外敌的仇恨皆有无穷的感召力,总能激起一些英勇的义士,他们全都出于信念而视死如归。

25. 暴风雨中的平静永远是暂时的,不知什么时候,狂风就会突然降临,将树木吹得哗哗作响,转而却消失在天地。

26. 比之刚才萦回脑际的念头,贝茜的到来似乎是令人愉快的,尽管她照例又有些生气。其实,同里德太太发生冲突。并占了上风之后,我并不太在乎保姆一时的火气,倒是希望分享她那充满活力、轻松愉快的心情。我只是用胳膊抱住了她,说:“得啦,贝茜别骂我了。”

27. 没有一个人望她,没有一个人惦记她。她觉得自己被这些顾爱名誉的混帐东西的轻视淹没了,当初,他们牺牲了她,以后又把她当作一件肮脏的废物似的扔掉。

28. 第六天,冬天的明亮太阳把积雪照成教人目眩的了。那辆终于套好了的长途马车在旅馆门外等着,一大群白的鸽子从它们的厚而密的羽毛里伸着脑袋,亮出它们那种瞳孔乌黑的玫瑰色眼睛,稳重地在六匹牲口的脚底下散步,向着牲口撒下的热气腾腾的粪里边寻觅它们的营养物。

29. 笑话尽管都很低俗,大家却不觉得难听,反而挺有趣。因为愤怒这个东西也必须应景而生,而现在,他们周围慢慢形成的气氛已经放荡不堪了。

30. 在芳香的空气中似乎飘浮着某种甜蜜,美妙,神圣的东西。


1. Because of the hatred of invaders, I have always been able to teach three or five daring people to be extra strong, making them risk their lives for a belief.

2. In this world, only women know love!

3. The terrible sufferings of life, the loneliness in the world, the emptiness of all things, the loneliness and emptiness of the heart, all come and appear in front of your eyes, breaking the illusory state of mind that you are intoxicated with your dreams and self-deception until you die.

4. To step on the threshold means to be back in a pool of stagnant water, through the silent hall, up the dark stairway, to find my lonely little room, and to meet Mrs Fairfax, who has a heart like an ancient well.

5. Life can't be as good as you think, but it's also not as bad as you think. The fragility and strength of people are beyond their imagination.

6. Whether it was an earthquake that wiped out an entire nation, a river burst and washed away the drowning peasants with their cows and collapsed beams, or a victorious army. Capturing those in self-defense, carrying out robbery in the name of the God of Swords, and expressing gratitude to the gods with the sound of cannons are equally terrifying disasters, destroying our faith in eternal justice and destroying our blessings to God and human rationality.

7. "The only ornament she was willing to use was a huge pile of mottled ribbons on the caps she used to wear at home. Although it was very old, it looked too beautiful to her."

8. An act that one considers to be condemnable is often made laudable by the thought that makes it feel.

9. The goose feather snow fell from the sky like a big curtain, and the outline of everything in the world could not be seen clearly.

10. In the end, one can believe that the only task of women on earth is a personal eternal sacrifice, a constant commitment to the violent temper of the tyrannical warrior.

11. I think she looks like one of those half-fairy, half-human elfs, as Bain describes in the night tales, emerging from the fern-infested valleys of the swampy land to the late traveler. in front of you.

12. The desire to eat increases step by step, making every hungry person panic.

13. If anyone seeks revenge on a man who has done him wrong, it is wrong, because the law punishes those who seek revenge.

14. "On the right side of the marble steps in front of the door, there is a gilded bronze statue of a woman with various flowers on her head, holding a globe used to make a pendulum in her hand."

15. The goose-feather snow forms a large, continuous curtain down from the sky, one side is laying down, the other side is shining: the image of everything is blurred, and everything is covered with a thin layer of ice. In the stillness of this quiet city shrouded in the harsh winter, only the vague, nameless, incomprehensible rustling of the snowflakes is heard, but this rustling cannot really be counted. To make a sound, it can only be said that we feel this sound, because it is just a mixture of light and fluffy particles, filling the space and covering the world.

16. It was a sunny and mild but not bright summer night, and the haymen were busy along the way. Although the sky was cloudy, there was still an omen of good weather. The blue of the sky—where blue is visible—was soft and steady, and the clouds were tall and thin. It was warm to the west, too, without the moist shimmer to create the coolness—it looked as if a fire had been lit, as if an altar was burning behind a barrier of marble-like mist, emitting golden red light from the crevices.

17. No one looked at her, no one thought about her. She felt like she was overwhelmed by the contempt of these reputation-loving bastards who sacrificed her in the first place and then threw her away like a filthy piece of trash.

18. The cold is getting heavier every day. It pierces the nose and ears like needles. People's feet become very painful. It hurts every step. The whiteness was so miserable in their eyes that they were very terrifying, and they all turned around immediately, their hearts were cold and their hearts were constricted.

19. Each painting is a story, and because of my lack of understanding and limited appreciation, they tend to appear mysterious, but they are all interesting, like some winter nights when Bessie happens to be in a good mood.

20. The snow on the road freezes hard, and the car moves faster. After some bleak hours in the trip, it bumps and shakes in the evening. Later, the car turns into a dark world. All the way to Ji'ab, Gornudui blows his vengeful monotonous whistle with a fierce unrelenting attitude, forcing the tired and angry minds to listen to his singing from beginning to end, to remember each time. A lyric that caught their attention to the rhythm.

21. For a person who cannot own real jewelry, being generous and beautiful is her wealth, and it is the most precious jewelry in the world.

22. With this creed, I can clearly distinguish the criminal and his sin, I can sincerely forgive the former, and hate the latter, with this article, vengeance will never worry me, fall will not let me Feeling overly abhorred that injustice won't completely overwhelm me, I live peacefully and look forward to the end.

23. So I went out, feeling like a festival, but I didn't know where to go.

24. Because all hatred against foreign enemies has infinite appeal, and can always inspire some heroic righteous people, all of them are dead out of faith.

25. Calm in a storm is always temporary. I don’t know when, a gust of wind will suddenly come, blowing the trees, and then disappear into the sky and the earth.

26. Bessie's presence seemed pleasant compared to the thoughts that had just lingered in her mind, though she was, as usual, somewhat angry. Actually, there was a conflict with Mrs. Reed. And after gaining the upper hand, I didn't care too much about the babysitter's momentary anger, but wanted to share her energetic, lighthearted mood. I just put my arm around her and said, "Come on, Bessie, stop calling me."

27. No one looks at her, no one misses her. She felt overwhelmed by the contempt of these reputation-loving bastards who sacrificed her in the first place and then threw her away like a filthy piece of trash.

28. On the sixth day, the bright winter sun dazzled the snow. The coach, finally set up, was waiting outside the hotel, and a large flock of white doves stuck their heads out of their thick feathers, flashing their rosy eyes with black pupils, poised at six The animals walked under their feet, looking for their nourishment in the steaming dung that the animals shed.

29. Although the jokes are very vulgar, people don't find them ugly, but they are quite funny. Because anger must also be born in response to the situation, and now, the atmosphere that is slowly forming around them has been debauchery.

30. There seems to be something sweet, wonderful, divine floating in the fragrant air.

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