Although many schools have banned the sale of
energy drinks filled with sugar and caffeine on the school site, this policy
may backfire on those schools and on the results their students achieve in
public examinations.Caffeine has been shown to improve focus, whichcould benefit students both in their studies before an examination and duringthe examination itself. Recent trials have also shown that caffeine can boostthe effectiveness of short-term memory, which could help students to recall keyinformation.
Which of the following statements taken togetherweaken the above argument?
1 Caffeine has been shown to reduce quality andduration of sleep.
2 Caffeine withdrawal symptoms can includeheadaches.
3 Sleep deprivation can cause lack of focus andpoor memory.
4 Any negative effects of moderate caffeineconsumption are limited.
5 Memory is an important factor in examinationsuccess.
A 1 and 2
B 1 and 3
C 2 and 4
D 3 and 5