· 英译中
Developed countries adopted expansionary fiscal and monetary policies during the pandemic and have largely returned to pre-pandemic growth paths. But developing countries were unable to do so, in part because of the risk that their currencies would collapse. Flows of Official Development Assistance are far below the long-standing commitment of 0.7 per cent of GNI. And the financial markets routinely charge developing countries interest rates up to eight times higher than developed countries.
发达国家在大流行期间采取了扩张性财政和货币政策,基本回到了大流行前的增长轨道。发展中国家却做不到这一点,部分原因是其货币有崩溃风险。官方发展援助资金流量远低于国民总收入的0.7%这一长期承诺金额,金融市场却一贯向发展中国家收取比发达国家高 8 倍的利率。
· 中译英
This year, we have marched forward in high spirits. The Chengdu FISU World University Games and the Hangzhou Asian Games presented spectacular sports scenes, and Chinese athletes excelled in their competitions. Tourist destinations are full of visitors on holidays, and the film market is booming. The "village super league" football games and "village spring festival gala" are immensely popular. More people are embracing low-carbon lifestyles. All these exhilarating activities have made our lives richer and more colorful, and they mark the return of bustling life across the country. They embody people's pursuit of a beautiful life, and present a vibrant and flourishing China to the world.