(1)0B unit9 turtle and snail 儿歌及拓展部分 汉语:牙牙学语下第十五单元扯轱辘圆 第十六单元 搬鸡蛋
(2)视频0Bunit1-unit12中文:牙牙学语下十五,十六单元、1Aunit1 Little bee -unit12 chemny
(3)音频:OAunit1-unit12 Hello-Happy new year、0Bunit1-12 jack-in-the-box-seesaw 1Aunit1-unit12 《super single song 》中文:牙牙学语上1-16单元,牙牙下1-16单元、《三字经》《声律启蒙》《必背古诗75首》
(4)reading:英文:海尼曼易 8 本,牛津树 4本,小书《Turtle and snail 》《Egg fun 》OB大书,《Five little monkey 》
汉语:《牙牙学语》下大书第十五,十六单元《小小聪明豆》系列 5 本,小兔汤姆5本、暖暖心5本
(4)重点句型:This is the turtle ,Hide in the shell ,hide its head well ,this is the snail
(5)field trip:The pancake
2.1英语:0Aunit 1Hello -unit12 Happy new year,0B unit1Jack-in-the-box-unit 12 seesaw;1Aunit Little bee-unit12 The chimney
其他:《One potato Two potato》《Eeney Meeney Miney Moe 》《The Eensey Weensey Spider 》《Rock scissors PaperFingerplay1》《Who took the cookie?》
2.3其他:《三字经》节选 15 明太祖,久亲师 16口而诵,心而惟
《必背古诗75首》16 九月九日忆山东兄弟-王维 18 古朗月行-李白 19望庐山瀑布-李白 20 赠汪伦-李白 21黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵-李白 22 早发白帝城-李白 24别董大-高适 25 绝句-两个黄鹂鸣翠柳-杜甫 26 春夜喜雨-杜甫 27绝句-迟日江山丽-杜甫 28 江畔独步寻花-杜甫 29 枫桥夜泊-张继 30 滁州西涧-韦应物
《声律启蒙》16下平声 一先 18 下平声 三肴 21下平声 六麻 22 下平声 七阳 24 下平声 九青 25 下平声 十蒸 26 下平声 十一尤 27下平声 十二侵 28 下平声 十三覃 29 下平声 十四盐
3.1英语:Unit9 Turtle and Snail 、unit 10 The Firemen 、unit11 Johny Johny unit12 See Saw 1A unit9 Little Mouse unit10 London Bridge unit11 Johnny Hammers Unit 12The Chimney
3.2汉语: 牙牙下十四单元小公鸡学打鸣 、十五单元 扯轱辘圆,十六单元 搬鸡蛋
5、Game time :
5.1 Turtle and tortoise
turtles are omnivores-meaning they eat both vegetation and other animals .as well as vegetation,they have been known to feed on small fish jellyfish ,and insects such as earthworms .
Most tortoises are herbivores ,surviving on wide variety of vegetables ,fruits, grass and flowers .some species of tortoise are thought to consume up to 200 different types of plants throughout the years .
Life span
Sea turtle have an average lifespan of 60 to 70years ,with around 50 of those required for the reptile tp reach maturity .the lifespan of the common turtle lies somewhere between 20 and 40 years .
In contrast ,tortoises can live to be around 80 years old .wuth some having been known to live for over 150 years .Experts say it is possible for most tortoises to live for over 100 years on captivity ,but living beyond that would require"carefully controlled ,nurturing environmrnts."
5.2Egg-laying animals
M:Wow,Look Waylon we have many balloons in here ,Can you count How many balloon in here ?
M:What color is it ?
M:Pink,Do you like pink ?
W:No ,Red .(You like red )
M:Now ,pretend these balloons are animal eggs .Let's play the Easter egg hunting .Who want to hide the eggs ?
M:OK,cover our eyes .Let's count to ten !
M:1,2,3...Ok ,time up ,Oh eggs ,eggs in bucket ,Oh egg,egg under desk ,oh egg ,egg under chair ,
oh egg ,egg behind the curtain.
M:Let's play a pop game .use this scissors break the balloon ,look ,what will come out .
M:Pop! have a look ,mother snail laid an egg,pop pop pop ,baby
W:Snail came out !
M:Next one ! This is a blue balloon , pop it ! What will come out?
W: Oh , snake
M:mother snake laid an egg ,crack crack crack ,
W:Baby snake came out
M:Mother penguin laid egg ,crack crack crack baby penguin came out !