Please be sure the signature on your partnership agreement is notarized. Partners in Omaha may obtain the notarization at our office if they wish. Also, be sure to let us know by an appropriate circle on the commitment letter whether you wish to receive monthly payments in 1963. In order to be sure everyone understands this, let me again state that these monthly payments are in no sense guaranteed earnings or anything of the sort. They represent a convenient form of regular withdrawl, which to the extent we earn better than 6% are payments from earnings, and the the extent we don't, are payments from capital.
Complete tax information for your 1962 return will be in your hands by January 20th. If you should need an estimate of your tax position before that time, let me know and I will give you a rough idea. We will also send out a short letter on taxes in late December.
Having read this far, you are entitled to report on how we have done to date in 1962. For the period ending October 31st, the Dow-Jones Industrials showed an overall loss, including dividends received, of approximately 16.8%. We intend to use the same method of valuing our controlling interest in Dempster Mill Manufacturing at this yearend that we did at the end of last year. This involved applying various discounts to the balance sheet items to reflect my opinion as to what could be realized on a very prompt sale. Last year this involved a 40% discount on inventories, a 15% discount on receivables, estimated auction value of fixed assets, etc., which led to an approximately value or 35 per share.
The successful conversion of substantial portions of the assets of Dempster to cash, at virtually 100 cents on the dollar, has been the high point of 1962. For example, inventory of 4.2 million at last yearend will probably be about 1.9 million this yearend, reducing the discount on this item by about 920,000 (40% of 2.3 million reduction). I will give this story my full journalistic treatment in my annual letter. Suffice to say at this point that applying the same discounts described above will probably result in a yearend value of at least 50.00 per share. The extent of the asset conversion job can perhaps best be illustrated in a sentence by pointing out that whereas we had 166,000 of cash and 2,315,000 of liabilities at November 30, 1961 (Dempster fiscal yearend), we expect this year to have about 1 million in cash and investments (of the type the Partnership buys) against total liabilities of 250,000. Prospects for future improvement in this situation in 1963 appear good, and we expect a substantially expanded investment portfolio in Dempster next year.
8.no sense:毫无意义;不必;没道理
9.tax return:纳税申报单
23.if at all:如果有的话
25.totem pole:图腾柱;级别
26.throw in the towel:承认失败;认输
28.gear up:为……做好了准备