जन्मौषधिमन्त्रतपःसमाधिजाः सिद्धयः॥१॥
Janmauṣadhi mantra tapaḥ samādhi jāḥ siddhayaḥ||1||
The Siddhi-s or Supernatural Powers (siddhayaḥ) come (jāḥ) with birth (janma), (or they are achieved by means of) herbs (auṣadhi), mantra-s (mantra), austerities (tapas) (or) perfect concentration (samādhi)||1||
जात्यन्तरपरिणामः प्रकृत्यापूरात्॥२॥
Jātyantara pariṇāmaḥ prakṛtyāpūrāt||2||
The transformation (pariṇāmaḥ) into other (antara) species (jā ti) (is accomplished) through the filling in (āpūrāt) of their essential nature (prakṛti)1||2||
निमित्तमप्रयोजकं प्रकृतीनां वरणभेदस्तु ततः क्षेत्रिकवत्॥३॥
Nimittaṁ aprayojakaṁ prakṛtīnāṁ varaṇabhedas tu tataḥ kṣetrikavat||3||
本質屬性(prakṛtīnāṁ)不直接引起(nimittaṁ)運動(aprayojakaṁ),但是(tu)就像(vat) 農夫(kṣetrika)從水渠那兒(tataḥ)掃平(bhedah)障礙(varaṇa)一樣。
Cause (nimittam) (does not set) the essential natures (prakṛtīnām) into motion (aprayojakam) but (tu) it breaks down (bhedaḥ) the barrier (or mound) (varaṇa). For that reason (tatas), it is like (vat) the farmer (kṣetrika) (who breaks down a barrier or mound so that the water may flow into his field)||3||
Nirmāṇa cittāny asmitāmātrāt||4||
The created (nirmāṇa) minds (cittāni) are (produced) from the pure (mātrāt) I-sense (asmitā)||4||
प्रवृत्तिभेदे प्रयोजकं चित्तमेकमनेकेषाम्॥५॥
Pravṛtti bhede prayojakaṁ cittam ekam anekeṣām||5||
(Only) one (ekam) mind (cittam) (sets) the many (created minds) (anekeṣām) into motion (prayojakam) during their various (bhede) activities (pravṛtti)||5||
तत्र ध्यानजमनाशयम्॥६॥
Tatra dhyānajam anāśayam||6||
在這些(tatra)之心念中,出自 (jam) 冥想(dhyāna)的心念,是不受(an)潜在印象(āśayam)的影响。
Of these (created minds) (tatra), (those) brought about (jam) through meditation (dhyāna) are without any (an) latent impressions (āśayam)||6||
कर्माशुक्लाकृष्णं योगिनस्त्रिविधमितरेषाम्॥७॥
Karmāśuklākṛṣṇaṁ yoginas trividham itareṣām||7||
The action (karma) of a Yogī (yoginaḥ) is neither white (aśukla) nor black (akṛṣṇam), (while) those of others (itareṣām) are of three kinds (trividham)||7||
Tatas tadvipākānuguṇānām evābhivyaktir vāsanānām||8||
From that --i.e. from those three aforesaid kinds of action-- (tatas), (there is) certainly (eva) manifestation (abhivyaktiḥ)of Vāsanā-s1 (vāsanānām) suitable --anuguṇa-- (anuguṇānām) to the consequences or results (vipāka) of that --i.e. of the three abovementioned types of action-- (tad)||8||
जातिदेशकालव्यवहितानामप्यानन्तर्यं स्मृतिसंस्कारयोरेकरूपत्वात्॥९॥
Jāti deśa kāla vyavahitānām apy ānantaryaṁ smṛti saṁskārayor ekarūpatvāt||9||
Because of similarity (ekarūpatvāt) between memory (smṛti) (and) latent impressions --saṁskāra-- (saṁskārayoḥ), (there is) immediate (ānantaryam) (emergence of Vāsanā-s) even though (api) separated --vyavahita-- (vyavahitānām) by birth (jāti), space or position (deśa) (and) time (kāla)||9||
तासामनादित्वं चाशिषो नित्यत्वात्॥१०॥
Tāsām anāditvaṁ cāśiṣo nityatvāt||10||
Seeing that the desire for self-welfare --āśīs-- (āśiṣaḥ) is eternal --nitya-- (nityatvāt), those (Vāsanā-s) --tās-- (tāsām) (from which it emerges are) also (ca) beginningless (anāditvam)||10||
हेतुफलाश्रयालम्बनैः सङ्गृहीतत्वादेषामभावे तदभावः॥११॥
Hetu phalāśrayālambanaiḥ saṅgṛhītatvād eṣām abhāve tadabhāvaḥ||11||
Since (Vāsanā) is held together (saṅgṛhītatvāt) by cause (hetu), fruit or result(phala), refuge (āśraya) (and) support --i.e. 'ālambana' or the supporting object which attracts Vāsanā-- (ālambanaiḥ), in the absence (abhāve) of these --i.e. cause, fruit or result, refuge and support-- (eṣām), (there is also) absence (abhāvaḥ) of that (Vāsanā) (tad)||11||
अतीतानागतं स्वरूपतोऽस्त्यध्वभेदाद्धर्माणाम्॥१२॥
Atītānāgataṁ svarūpato'sty adhva bhedād dharmāṇām||12||
Past (atīta) (and) future (anāgatam) exist (asti) in their essential forms (sva-rūpataḥ). (The difference is only) in the characteristics (of the forms) (dharmāṇām) at different (bhedāt) times or phases --i.e. past, present and future-- (adhva)||12||
ते व्यक्तसूक्ष्मा गुणात्मानः॥१३॥
Te vyakta sūkṣmāḥ guṇātmānaḥ||13||
Those (characteristics) (te) are manifest (vyakta) (and) subtle --sūkṣma-- (sūkṣmāḥ) (and) consist (ātmānaḥ) of the (three) Guṇa-s (guṇa)||13||
Pariṇāmaikatvād vastu tattvam||14||
Due to the coordinated or coincidental (ekatvāt) mutation (of the three Guṇa-s) (pariṇāma), an object (vastu) appears to be something real (tattvam)||14||
वस्तुसाम्ये चित्तभेदात्तयोर्विभक्तः पन्थाः॥१५॥
Vastusāmye cittabhedāt
tayor vibhaktaḥ panthāḥ||15||
Despite sameness (sāmye) of objects (vastu), there is a different (vibhaktaḥ) way or path (panthāḥ) to them both --i.e. object and its inherent knowledge-- (tayoḥ) since there are different (bhedāt) minds (citta)||15||
न चैकचित्ततन्त्रं वस्तु तदप्रमाणकं तदा किं स्यात्॥१६॥
Na caika citta tantraṁ vastu tadapramāṇakaṁ tadā kiṁ syāt||16||
The object (vastu) certainly (ca) is not (na) dependent (tantram) on only one (eka) mind (citta), (because if so,) what (kim) would happen (syāt) when (the object) is not experienced or cognized (apramāṇakam) by that (mind) (tad) then (tadā)?||16||
तदुपरागापेक्षित्वाच्चित्तस्य वस्तु ज्ञाताज्ञातम्॥१७॥
Taduparāgāpekṣitvāc cittasya vastu jñātājñātam||17||
The object (vastu) is known (jñāta) (or) unknown (ajñātam) to the mind (cittasya) according to how (apekṣitvāt) it colors (uparāga) that (very mind) (tad)||17||
सदा ज्ञाताश्चित्तवृत्तयस्तत्प्रभोः पुरुषस्यापरिणामित्वात्॥१८॥
Sadā jñātāś citta vṛttayas tat prabhoḥ puruṣasyāpariṇāmitvāt||18||
To the Lord or Master --i.e. Puruṣa-- (prabhoḥ) of that --i.e. of mind-- (tad), the mental (citta) modifications (vṛttayaḥ) (are) always (sadā) known (jñātāḥ) because of the immutability (apariṇāmitvāt) of (that very) Puruṣa (puruasya)||18||
न तत्स्वाभासं दृश्यत्वात्॥१९॥
Na tatsvābhāsaṁ dṛśyatvāt||19||
That (mind) (tad) is not (na) self-illuminating (sva-ābhāsam) since it is a knowable object (dṛśyatvāt)||19||
एकसमये चोभयानवधारणम्॥२०॥
Eka samaye cobhayānavadhāraṇam||20||
And (ca) there is no cognizance (anavadhāraṇam) of them both --i.e. mind and knowable objects-- (ubhaya) simultaneously (ekasamaye)||20||
चित्तान्तरदृश्ये बुद्धिबुद्धेरतिप्रसङ्गः स्मृतिसङ्करश्च॥२१॥
Cittāntara dṛśye buddhibuddher atiprasaṅgaḥ smṛtisaṅkaraś ca||21||
當一個心意被另外(antara)一個心意(citta)認知(dṛśye),被覺察者 (buddhi) 的覺知(buddheḥ) 將無止境(atiprasaṅgaḥ)和(ca)記憶的(smṛti)混亂(saṅkaraś)。
(If one's own mind were to be) a knowable object (dṛśye) to another (antara) mind (citta), (then there would be) a undue extension (atiprasaṅgaḥ) of Buddhi(s) (buddheḥ) of Buddhi-s (buddhi) and (ca) intermixture (saṅkaraḥ) of memories (smṛti)||21||
चितेरप्रतिसङ्क्रमायास्तदाकारापत्तौ स्वबुद्धिसंवेदनम्॥२२॥
Citer apratisaṅkramāyās tadākārāpattau svabuddhisaṁvedanam||22||
When Citi or Consciousness (citeḥ), though untransmissible--apratisaṅkramā-- (apratisaṅkramāyāḥ), takes on --āpatti-- (āpattau) the form (ākāra) of that --i.e. of Buddhi-- (tad), (it becomes) the consciousness or intelligence (saṁvedanam) of one's own (sva) Buddhi (buddhi)||22||
द्रष्टृदृश्योपरक्तं चित्तं सर्वार्थम्॥२३॥
Draṣṭṛ dṛśyoparaktaṁ cittaṁ sarvārtham||23||
Mind (cittam), being affected (uparaktam) by (both) the seer (draṣṭṛ) and the seen (dṛya), (is) all-comprehensive (sarva-artham)||23||
तदसङ्ख्येयवासनाभिश्चित्रमपि परार्थं संहत्यकारित्वात्॥२४॥
Tad asaṅkhyeya vāsanābhiś citram api parārthaṁ saṁhatya kāritvāt||24||
That (mind) (tad), although (api) variegated (citram) by innumerable (asaṅkhyeya) Vāsanā-s --i.e. latencies resulting from feelings, not actions-- (vāsanābhiḥ), (exists) for (artham) another --i.e. Puruṣa-- (para) inasmuch as (its constituents) act (kāritvāt) conjointly (saṁhatya)||24||
विशेषदर्शिन आत्मभावभावनाविनिवृत्तिः॥२५॥
Viśeṣa darśina ātmabhāva bhāvanāvinivṛttiḥ||25||
To one who knows (darśinaḥ) the special distinction (viśeṣa) --i.e. to one who has realized Puruṣa or the Self--, there is cessation (vinivṛttiḥ) of the practice of pondering (bhāvanā) over the nature (bhāva) of his (own) Self (ātma)||25||
तदा विवेकनिम्नङ्कैवल्यप्राग्भारञ्चित्तम्॥२६॥
Tadā viveka nimnaṅ kaivalya prāgbhārañ cittam||26||
Then (tadā), the mind(cittam) inclines (nimnam) toward discriminative (knowledge) (viveka) (and) is directed (prāk-bhāram) toward complete Liberation (kaivalya)||26||
तच्छिद्रेषु प्रत्ययान्तराणि संस्कारेभ्यः॥२७॥
Tacchidreṣu pratyayāntarāṇi saṁskārebhyaḥ||27||
在那 (tad)心意傾向分辨的空隙(cchidreṣu)中,其他(pratyaya)心意改變(antarāṇi)會因過去的潛在印象(saṁskārebhyaḥ)而出現。
In the holes --i.e. in the breaches-- (chidreṣu) of that (discriminative knowledge) (tad), other (āntarāṇi) mental modifications (pratyaya) (emerge) because of (residual) latencies (saṁskārebhyaḥ)||27||
हानमेषां क्लेशवदुक्तम्॥२८॥
Hānam eṣāṁ kleśavaduktam||28||
這些的(eṣāṁ)過去潛在印象的消除(hānam),就像 (vat) 前面論述(uktam)過的痛苦(kleśa)的消除一樣。
It is said (uktam) (that) the removal (hānam) of these --i.e. of the mental modifications mentioned in the previous aphorism-- (eṣām) is as (vat) (that of) the Kleśa-s or Afflictions (kleśa)||28||
प्रसङ्ख्यानेऽप्यकुसीदस्य सर्वथा विवेकख्यातेर्धर्ममेघः समाधिः॥२९॥
Prasaṅkhyāne'py akusīdasya sarvathā vivekakhyāter dharmameghaḥ samādhiḥ||29||
One who, having attained discriminative (viveka) knowledge (khyāteḥ) in the highest degree and at all times (sarvathā),does not take an interest (akusīdasya) even (api) in (that) omniscience resulting from 'Vivekajaṁ jñānam' or 'Knowledge arising from discernment' --See III 54-- (prasaṅkhyāne), (experiences a type of) Samādhi or Perfect Concentration (samādhiḥ) (known as) Dharmamegha --i.e. Cloud of Virtue-- (dharma-meghaḥ)||29||
ततः क्लेशकर्मनिवृत्तिः॥३०॥
Tataḥ kleśa karma nivṛttiḥ||30||
From that --i.e. from Dharmamegha-- (tatas), there is cessation (nivṛttiḥ) of Afflictions (kleśa) (and) actions (karma)||30||
तदा सर्वावरणमलापेतस्य ज्ञानस्यानन्त्याज्ज्ञेयमल्पम्॥३१॥
Tadā sarvāvaraṇa malāpetasya jñānasyānantyāj jñeyam alpam||31||
Tadā sarvāvaraṇamalāpetasya jñānasyānantyājjñeyamalpam||31||
Then (tadā), due to the infinity (ānantyāt) of knowledge (jñānasya) free --apeta-- (apetasya) from all (sarva) veiling (āvaraṇa) impurities (mala), the knowable(s) (jñeyam) (appear to be) few (alpam)||31||
ततः कृतार्थानां परिणामक्रमसमाप्तिर्गुणानाम्॥३२॥
Tataḥ kṛtārthānāṁ pariṇāma krama samāptir guṇānām||32||
From that (Dharmamegha or Cloud of Virtue) (tatas), when the Guṇa-s --i.e. 'qualities of Prakṛti'-- (guṇānām) have accomplished their purpose (kṛta-arthānām), there is cessation (samāptiḥ) of the mutative (pariṇāma) sequence (krama) (of those very Guṇa-s)||32||
क्षणप्रतियोगी परिणामापरान्तनिर्ग्राह्यः क्रमः॥३३॥
Kṣaṇapratiyogī pariṇāmāparānta nirgrāhyaḥ kramaḥ||33||
Sequence (kramaḥ) is correlated (pratiyogī) to the moments (kṣaṇa) (and) is perceivable or noticeable (nirgrāhyaḥ) on the termination (aparānta) of the mutations (pariṇāma)||33||
पुरुषार्थशून्यानां गुणानां प्रतिप्रसवः कैवल्यं स्वरूपप्रतिष्ठा वा चितिशक्तिरिति॥३४॥
Puruṣārtha śūnyānāṁ guṇānāṁ pratiprasavaḥ kaivalyaṁ svarūpa pratiṣṭhā vā citiśakter iti||34||
Complete Liberation (kaivalyam) or (vā) the Power (śaktiḥ) of Consciousness (citi) established (pratiṣṭhā) in her own nature (sva-rūpa) (occurs when) the Guṇa-s --i.e. 'qualities of Prakṛti'-- (guṇān57;m) return to their original source --i.e. Prakṛti-- (pratiprasavaḥ), as they have no (further) purpose to fulfill (artha-śūnyānām) for Puruṣa (puruṣa) --final 'iti' indicates the end of this scripture--||34||
Here concludes the Fourth Section dealing with Liberation, and also the scripture itself.