体系架构(Enterprise Architecture, EA)的开山之作,之前一直引用,从来没有系统的学习,通过翻译加深理解,与感兴趣的朋友一起学习探讨。继续展开说明第三列——网络(位置)的描述,对网络描述的技术架构呈现、分解架构呈现进行说明。
Technology constraints would be introducedin the technology model.
The technology constraints would beintroduced in the technology model (the builder’s perspective). This cell woulddepict physical hardware and software, for example, an IBM 3090 processor, 3270display device, Personal Computer, Multiple Virtual Storage ( MVS) operatingsystem, Advanced Communications Function/Network Control Program (ACFINCP),etc. at the nodes and Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC), bisynchronouscommunications, 4800 baud, etc. for the lines.
In the detailed description(out-of-context) cell, the nodes would be addresses, and the lines would beprotocol.
Insummary, although actual pictures have not been included in the paper, examplescould be presented to illustrate every hypothetical architecturalrepresentation postulated by the relationship among the various architecturalperspectives and the different types of descriptions.