【作者】:Eileen Caddy
Cease straining after anything and simply allow things to unfold. Do not allow worry to bind you and blind you, but learn to cast all your burdens upon Me so that you are free to do My will and walk in My ways. I cannot use you when you are tied up with yourself and cannot see the wood for the trees, so relax and let go. Be still and dwell on the wonders of life. Let your mind be stayed on Me. Open your eyes and see Me in everything, and give eternal thanks. When you can see Me in everything, your heart is so full you cannot fail to give thanks; it simply bubbles up in you and flows out. You cannot hide a heart full of love and gratitude, for it is reflected for all to see. When you are in a state of joy and thanksgiving, you attract others to you. Everyone enjoys being with a soul who overflows with love, for love attracts love.