CMHC’s MLI Select product offers scaling flexibilities to encourage the preservation and creation of affordable, accessible and climate compatible units. Flexibilities include higher loan-to-value ratios, increased amortizations, lower debt coverage ratios, and reduced insurance premiums.
CMHC 的 MLI Select 产品提供扩展灵活性,以鼓励保留和创建价格合理、方便使用且气候相适应的单位。灵活性包括更高的贷款价值比、增加摊销、降低债务覆盖率和降低保险费。
Property Type and Size
New and existing affordable, energy efficient and/or accessible housing projects including: standard rental
housing, single room occupancy (SRO), supportive housing and retirement homes. Student housing projects are only
eligible to quality under energy efficiency and accessibility.
Minimum project size of 5 units except retirement homes where a minimum of 50 units/beds is required.
新建和现有的经济适用、节能和/或无障碍住房项目,包括:标准出租房、单间公寓 (SRO)、支持性住房和养老院。
项目规模至少为 5 个单元,养老院除外,养老院至少需要 50 个单元/床位。
Non-Residential Component
Not to exceed 30% of gross floor area nor 30% of total lending value. Loan relating to non-residential component must not
exceed 75% of lending value of non-residential component.
不得超过总建筑面积的 30%,也不得超过总贷款价值的 30%。与非住宅部分相关的贷款不得超过非住宅部分贷款价值的 75%。