【今日行动清单】Today’s To-do List
1. 写作打卡:复盘总结、亲子故事、简书
2. 英语打卡:英语天天练、iEnglish、Joey’s class including The Little Prince、English News
3. 分享英语视频到“英语天天练”圈子,语音+文字互动,练习口语+写作;点评每位小伙伴打卡;
4. 点评309班赵刚|债商思维《你是选择就业还是创业?》,七布斯给我点赞;
5. 欢迎梦语入群
6. 早安英文美剧学习三句话:
In those times, it’s been nice to be able to reach out and touch base and have a call.
We get together. It’s like you pick up right where we left off.
We never went off our separate ways. We always wanted to hang and made 10 yeas incredible.
【今日小确幸】Today’s Little Sweets
【今日感恩】Today’s Gratitudes
1. 感谢宝宝的陪伴,协助我成长;
2. 感谢爱人陪娃又做饭,让我有时间学习;
3. 感谢朋友们, 今天新增3位关注;
4. 感谢梦语选择加入“英语天天练”;
5. 链接新战友;
6. 感谢英语天天练的小伙伴对我点评的反馈
【今日收获】Today’s Achievement
Lily, one of our group members, finished her assignment. She quoted a sentence from Cavin Coolidge: "There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work".
I can’t agree more with her. It reminded me of the words from a writer, "The world is just a concept without action".
Without practicing swimming in the water, one can’t ever know how to swim.
Without keeping the root on the ground, a seed can’t grow up into a big tree.
The same goes for learning any language. Without putting effort into listening and speaking, one can never speak fluent English.
Don’t hesitate, and don’t be afraid of learning a language. Take action right now, before you find an excuse again to not do it. Put your time and effort into practicing English every day, and you’ll surely find yourself improving in English skills day by day.
【今日待提升】Today’s To-improve Items
1. 写作输出