中文介绍 - Wiki
VAST(Video Ad Serving Template),由IAB(Interactive Advertising Bureau,交互广告肿菊)制定用于AD服务器与播放器之间进行通讯连接的数据脚本格式,使用XML语言进行描述,指示播放器如何播放广告,以及是否支持跳过、点击的跳转链接和所需反馈到服务器的数据。
- 广告内容主体的属性参数
- 广告播放的方式
- 播放时需要跟踪反馈的动作
广告类型属性术语、3.0特性、工作方式参考 VAST3.0视频广告投放规范
VAST - Wikipedia
VAST is a standard developed by the IAB and it means “Video Ad Serving Template”. This template contains all the information needed for video advertising. It’s a script which is giving consistent instructions to the publisher’s video player on how to handle a video ad.
In a word, it is a standard data structure declared using XML for communication requirements between ad servers and video players.
It tells the video player how the ad should appear in the player, how long it should be displayed, whether or not it is skippable, what the click-through URL should be and what data to send back to ad server.
It also enables basic ad tracking, which provides valuable consumer engagement metrics for advertisers, such as pause, player expand, resume, completed play, first quartile, third quartile, skip, click, midpoint, and player collapse.
Sends a request to VAST ad server base on a simple HTTP URL.
VAST server responses a standard VAST data structure that declares these parameters:
- The ad media that should be played
- How should the ad media be played
- What should be tracked as the media is played
Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB):インターネット広告に関する米国協議会、オンライン広告における技術的標準規格の策定を始め、動向調査や法整備などを行う組織である。
What VAST is Not
This document describes functional VAST schema format requirements and expectations for compliance. The following details are NOT covered in this document.
Creative Specifications
This document provides technical details on using the XML schema that transfers data from one system to another. Video ad creative specs are not included as part of those technical details.
Please see the IAB Digital Video Ad Format and Best Practices guidelines for information on creative specs.
Video Ad Metric Specification
While VAST covers some details about sending URIs that track video ad delivery, this document does not provide details on video addserving metrics or the best practices for tracking video ads.
Please see the Digital Video Ad Metrics Definitions guidelines for details on tracking video ads.
Video Player Execution of a VAST response
VAST does not “do” anything; it’s simply a mechanism for transferring data from one system to another. Video player technology must be able to parse a VAST ad server response and use the data in accordance with the guidelines in this document. This document provides detailed requirements for the display of the video ads in a VAST response, but does not provide a concrete technical implementation. Video player engineers can use the information in this document to design and build a VASTdcompliant video player, using whatever technology the engineer prefers to use.
Digital Video Ad Serving Template (VAST) 3.0 の定義
Double Click:Googleに吸収合併されたアメリカ合衆国のインターネット広告の配信インフラ会社のことである。
DoubleClick for Publishers(DFP):ホスト型の総合的な広告配信プラットフォームです。ウェブサイト、モバイル ウェブページ、モバイルアプリ、ゲーム、またはその組み合わせなど、どこに掲載する場合でも広告配信を効率的に管理できます。
DoubleClick for Publishers(DFP)スタンダード(Small Business):事業拡大を目指すサイト運営者の方に役立てていただける無料の広告管理ソリューションである。あらゆるデジタル広告枠の販売、スケジュール設定、配信、分析にご活用いただけます。
Ad Exchange:サイトの広告枠を柔軟に管理できるように作られた広告枠管理システムで、広告枠と掲載料金を自由に組み合わせて、時間をかけずに効果的に広告を管理できます。
- DFP Small Business & DFP
- DoubleClick for Publishers ヘルプセンター
- DoubleClick Ad Exchange Seller ヘルプセンター
- 動画 - DoubleClick for Publishers ヘルプ
VAST 3 について
- VAST 3 の改良の列挙
- VAST 3 をネットワークで有効にするには
- スキップ可能時間とエンゲージ ビュー時間を変更するには
- VAST 3 向けの推奨事項
第三者配信のインストリーム広告は、Ad Exchange の VAST 認定ベンダーが Linear VAST タグ(プリフェッチ タグ)を使用して配信する必要があります。Ad Exchange 認定ベンダーのリストをご覧ください。
�* インストリーム動画広告の規格
- コンパニオン広告(推奨オプション)
- クリエイティブの要件
- 第三者広告サーバーでの Google SDK の利用
- Flash クリエイティブ
- VAST ラッパー
- SSL への準拠
VASTを定めたのは、アメリカのWeb広告の業界団体Interactive Advertising Bureau(IAB)。動画配信プラットフォームを手掛けるBrightcoveのほか、Adobe Systems、Google、Microsoft、Yahoo! など、動画配信に関わる主要企業が仕様策定に携わった。Brightcoveの動画配信プラットフォームやGoogleが提供するアドサーバー「DFPスタンダード」などがVASTをサポートしている。
Linear video ads(プリロール、ミッドロール、ポストロール)
リニア広告の代表的なものは、プレロール広告(動画本編の再生前に流す動画広告)・ポストロール広告(動画本編の再生後に流す動画広告)・ミッドロール広告(動画本編を中断して流す動画広告)の3つ。 -
Non-linear video ads(オーバーレイ)
ノンリニア広告は、動画本編の再生中に、動画にオーバーレイして(被せて)表示するタイプのバナー広告やテキスト広告のことだ。 -
Companion ads(コンパニオンアド)
- 動画広告のインプレッション数
- 動画広告の再生数
- 動画広告が中間点まで再生された回数
- 動画広告が最後まで再生された回数
- 動画広告が一時停止/再開された回数
- 動画広告がミュート/ミュート解除された回数
- 動画広告のクリック数
- Delivery Method が progressive である必要があります
- フォーマットは .mp4 である必要があります
- iPhone/iPod touch用には 640x480 ピクセル(またはそれ以下)を指定してください
- ビデオは H.264 ベースライン でエンコーディングされる必要があります
<VAST version="3.0">
<Ad id="2215590">
<AdSystem version="1">AdServer</AdSystem>
<![CDATA[ 2215590 ]]>
http://xxxxx.com/log/p.gif?6=27646;a=2215590;n=2592;c=2592000035;s=0;x=4928;g=84;m=6;w=3;1=8;os=9;2=6;z=0.7086163192175353;pu=;ru=;e=e;erc= [ERRORCODE];
<Impression id="IMP">
<Creative id="2215590">
<Linear skipoffset="00:00:03">
<MediaFile delivery="progressive" bitrate="1056" width="640" height="360" type="video/mp4">
<Tracking event="Errors">
<Tracking event="progress" offset="00:00:60.000">
<Tracking event="progress" offset="00:00:45.000">
- <Impression>
<Impression id="IMP">
- <MediaFiles>
<MediaFile delivery="progressive" bitrate="1056" width="640" height="360" type="video/mp4">
- <Tracking>
<Tracking event="progress" offset="00:00:60.000">
<Tracking event="progress" offset="00:00:45.000">
VAST 2.0では25%ずつしか計測できなかったのですが、VAST 3.0では図のprogress要素が使えるようになり、
VAST AD Server
Open Source
Revive Adserver: The Free Open Source Ad Server formerly known as OpenX Source, but not supporting VAST directly.
- Advanced Video Ads plugin for Revive Adserver: Fully compliant with the VAST 2.0, priced at $899.
- VAST Video Plugin for Revive: Fully compliant with the VAST 1.0/VAST2.0 And VAST 3.0, priced at $2000.
- NginAd OpenRTB Open Source Ad Server: Another Free, Open Source Ad Server. Claimed supporting VAST (at GitHub release note) but not sure about VAST 3.
- python-vast-xml-generator: If you plan to write an video ad server with vast support you can generate xml response using this lib.
- DoubleClick for Publishers:A comprehensive hosted ad serving platform that streamlines your ad management, which supplied by Google.
- OpenX: A famous integrated technology platform that combines ad server and a real-time bidding (RTB) exchange with a standard supply-side platform (SSP) ensuring the highest real-time value for any trade.
- Orbit Open Ad Server: Designed to flexibly support a diverse range of business models and innovative solutions for companies operating in the display, mobile or video advertising.
- More vendors can be found here...
VAST AD Client
Neither ExoPlayer(Android) nor AVPlayer(iOS) supports VAST ad directly, therefore we need a third-party library to handle the VAST XML response, and takes the interaction.
Google's IMA SDKs
Google is a major player in video advertising and has defined the Google Interactive Media Ads (IMA) SDKs that enable publishers to display linear, non-linear, and companion ads in videos and games. The SDKs allow developers to make video ad requests to DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP), the Google AdSense network, or any VAST-compliant ad server. The IMA3 plugin for Brightcove Player integrates Brightcove Player with Google's Interactive Media Ads (IMA) version 3 for HTML5 and Flash. This allows you to request and track ads for your Brightcove Player.
Provide a set of APIs to
- Make video ad requests to DoubleClick for Publishers (DFP), the Google AdSense network, or any VAST-compliant ad server.
- Interpret the ad responses.
- Report metrics to the ad servers.
- Support players in handling ad playback.
- Incorporate key buying signals such as Active View viewability, IDFA/ADID, content targeting, and more.
Google Media Framework
The Google Media Framework (GMF) is a lightweight media player designed to make video playback and integration with the Google Interactive Media Ads (IMA) SDK on Android / iOS easier.
GMF offers the following key features on Android
- Support for mp4 progressive download, DASH streaming and HLS
- Powerful video player built on Exoplayer (can be extended to support other media formats)
- Demo app illustrating usage of video player and integration with IMA SDK
- UI customization (logo, color schemes, and action buttons)
GMF offers the following key features on iOS
- Support for mp4 progressive download and HLS streaming
- Demo app illustrating usage of video player and integration with IMA SDK
- UI customization (logo, color schemes, and action buttons)