文理分科',使得学生过 早专注某一学科.造成偏科. 知识结构无法达到现代社会 的要求目前,很多理科大 学生文字表达能力欠佳、人 文'素养不高一另一方面,文 科大学生缺乏科学基本常识 和科学思维训练,这些都是 高中文理分科的“后遗症”. 文理分科一旦取消,这种情 况将有望改善
Under the separation scheme, students begin to focus on science or arts at a very stage in their education. As a result, their minds are limited to certain areas, and their knowledge structure does not meet the requirements of modern society. As it stands, quite a few science-focused college students are unable to express themselves with words effectively and lack liberal arts knowledge. On the other side of the spectrum, students of arts are stuck with basic knowledge and unpracticed in scientific thinking. This is a negative result of the separation of subjects in senior middle school. When the separation scheme is abolished, the situation can be expected to improve.
考试是检验学生学业水 平,倒逼学生学习的最佳手段 高中不再分科.恰恰使得每门 课程都变得重要起来而剩下的问题,则是如何丰富课程 设置,并增强其实用性
Examinations are the most prudent way to test students’ academic knowledge and encourage them to study hard. Therefore, ending the separation of the two academic fields in senior middle school makes, every subject worthy of study. For now, the most important issues are offering courses in diverse disciplines and making them useful for learners.
不分文理科后,学校可 以培养出学识更全面的学子 这些学子在进入大学后,可 依据自己的兴趣选择适合自 己发展的学科有了在高中 阶段打下的I:富'的知识基 础,他们将能够取得更大的 成功
When students are no longer separated by subjects, schools will be able to produce a graduates with a more comprehensive knowledge base. After entering college, they can choose specialized courses in keeping with their interest. Thanks to the vast array of knowledge, they stand to gain from senior middle school, they can go further in life.
香港中文大学(中大) 成。于1963年,为研究型综 合大学,中大师生来自世界各 地我们也有广大的校友组织. 联系身在世界各地的中大毕 业生
Founded in 1963, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is a comprehensive research university. CUHK teachers and students hail from all around the world. CUHK graduates are connected worldwide through an extensive alumni network.
中大是香港乃至亚洲首 屈一指的大学,本校的宗旨是 培育既具专精知识又有处世 智慧的人才,本校特色包括 灵活学分制、中英兼重和多元 文化;并特设通i只教育.以 拓宽学生视野中大的八个学 院'提供林林总总的本科和研 究院课程
As a top university in Hong Kong and Asia, CUHK aims to nurture students with both specialized knowledge and wisdom for life. The education experience here is distinguished by a flexible credit unit system, Chinese-English bilingualism and multiculturalism. There are general education courses to broaden students’ perspectives. Our eight faculties offer a wide array of undergraduate and postgraduate programs.
中大研究项目包罗万象. 遍及各个学科校方与教员 自由为业界提供顾问服务或与 之协作之便
CUHK undertakes a wide range of research programs in many subject areas, and strives to provide scope for all academic staff to undertake consultancy and collaborative projects with industry.
中大校园面积137.3公顷, 是全港最宽广、最绿意盎然的 校园'为满足学习与生活所需. 校内有齐备的设施,包括一 流的图书馆,另有攵物信.舌 乐厅、游泳池.运动场、网球 场.壁球场、水上活动中心和 健身室等
Our 137.3-hectare campus is the largest and greenest in Hong Kong. It houses a range of facilities essential for an all-round campus experience, such as world-class libraries, art museums, music halls, swimming pools, sports fields, tennis courts, squash courts, a water sports center, and gymnasiums.