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- 新时代东北振兴:revitalization of Northeast China in the new era
(...此处省略) 近日在辽宁考察时强调,要在新时代东北振兴上展现更大担当和作为,奋力开创辽宁振兴发展新局面。
President Xi Jinping has stressed greater sense of responsibility and endeavors in the revitalization of China's northeast region in the new era. During his inspection tour in Liaoning Province from Tuesday to Wednesday, Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, called for breaking new ground in the revitalization and development of the northeastern province.
- endeavor:[n.] 努力,尽力
In the next step, especially during the 14th Five-year Plan period (2021-2025), we will take new strategic measures to promote the comprehensive revitalization of the northeast. The northeast has good foundations for a modern economy. Comprehensive revitalization does not mean giving undue support to declining industries and enterprises. Rather, it means effectively integrating resources and adjusting the economy, so as to form a new industrial structure that facilitates balanced development.
- 相关词汇
- Liaoshen Campaign Memorial:辽沈战役纪念馆
- ecological restoration:生态恢复
- self-reliance in science and technology:科技自立自强
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- pray:祈求
- lotus:莲花
- wither:(植物)干枯
- condense:(使)凝结
- build up:(使)逐渐增加
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- Colombia:哥伦比亚
- the Santa Clause:圣诞老人
- chimney:烟囱
- lap:(坐着时的)大腿部
- squish:压扁
- make sense:讲得通