读完On Writing Well , 从读书方法而言,这本书比较适合用思维导图来记笔记。因为书中的内容比较庞杂,作者阐述的面比较多,用思维导图方便后期整理全书的观点。
第一步,放松心情 (Writing is hard work)
这本书读起来一点都没有教条的刻板脸,充满了humanity 和warmth 。 从第一章开始就缓解了读者对于写作的不安。当我们一本正经诚惶诚恐准备接受教科书式的刻板洗礼时,作者Zinsser一脸慈祥,温情脉脉,告诉我们放松心情,因为写作本身就是难事;写作不是一蹴即就,放松心情,享受过程就好(release from immediacy);当我读到Be yourself , Forget the competition and go at your own pace . Your only contest is with yourself. 心情真的放松很多。参加读书群,找到自己的pace就好,不必为了追赶别人和自己死磕。放松才更容易找到状态。
第二步,Think clearly and think small
想清楚才能写清楚 , 动笔之前首先要搞清楚文章的逻辑。Clear thinking becomes clear writing ;one can't exist without the other .It 's impossible for a muddy thinker to write good English .
Thinking clearly is a conscious act that writers must force on themselves .
对于处理一些内容庞杂,涉及面广的话题,没有头绪,也不妨从小处着手。例如作者在写家史一章就反复提到Think small 。 从小处开始,每天写一点,过一段时间再去整理,会慢慢理出头绪。 Think small 对我的启示就是不要因为没有一个完美的计划而给自己找借口,先慢慢地,一点一点做起来,做中学,学中做,做的过程中说不定就会找到灵感。
首先,牢记simplicity 、humanity 、warmth的原则。
简洁有力: the secret of good writing is to strip every sentence to its cleanest components .
信息时代,我们每天被各种各样的信息包围,一看到繁冗庞杂的信息,大多会逃之夭夭。所以文章要力求简洁,常问自己,what am I trying to say ? Is it clear to someone encountering the subject for the first time ?
humanity and warmth 我理解为写出有温度的,可以引发读者共鸣,传递能量的文字。做到这一点,首先 be yourself 。在文中作者提到一种方法,从第一人称“我”的角度去思考叙事,Relax and say what you want to say .
You are writing primarily to please yourself ,and if you go about it with enjoyment you will also entertain the readers who are worth writing for .
其次,如何遣词造句?—— 善模仿、常用典、注韵律
在Peak(刻意练习)中也提到学习过程就是找到高手的Mental Representaton进行模仿。写作亦是如此,大胆模仿,吸收借鉴。
Find the best writers in the fields that interest you and read their work aloud . Get their voice and their taste into your ear— their attitude toward laguage . Don't worry that by imitating them you 'll lose your own voice and your own identity . Soon enough you will shed those skins and become who you are supposed to become .
用词选词方面,多查字典,避免陈词滥调(cheap words and cliches);因为读者潜意识中在“听”文章,所以要注意文字的韵律。
最后,重写是文章呈现文采的重要步骤(Rewriting is the essence of writing)
文章完成后,还要不断的修改推敲,才能让文章日臻完善。作者还教给我们很实用的“括号法” ,将句子中的成分加上括号,看看是否出现不必要的介词、重复的副词或形容词、可以去掉的短语等等。
坦白说,读完一遍也只是抓了些皮毛。但对我而言,这不仅仅是一本写作书。心情烦躁的时候,拿出来读读能平复心情,例如读读Audience, Style等章节 。虽然是在讲写作,但是满满的生活哲理。人生如写作,写作如人生。 A fundamental rule is : be yourself .不做作,做自己。你若盛开,清风自来......
人生如同写作,每一次追问都在倾听内心的声音, quest之中发掘每一个闪光之处。带着朝圣,追寻的心情,旅途会变得灵动而多彩。
Any time you can tell a story in the form of a quest or a pilgrimage you 'll be ahead of the game .
每一次努力都是为了更好,精于细节,潜心涤虑。 No writing decision is too small to be worth a large expenditure of time .
I was primarily interested in the process ,not the product .享受过程,大胆去做吧。