体系架构(Enterprise Architecture, EA)的开山之作,之前一直引用,从来没有系统的学习,通过翻译加深理解,与感兴趣的朋友一起学习探讨。作者继续对框架中数据描述列(第一列)的详细(分解视角)架构(第五行)做分析和解读。到这里,数据描述的架构设计阶段就告一段落了。
Detailed description (out-of-context perspective)- data description column. Thedescriptive model is “entity-relationship-entity” in the detailed descriptioncell. This cell is analogous to the subcontractors’ out-of-contextdescriptions. What could be expected is Data Definition Language. An examplemight be a DBDGEN in which the entities are specifications of the “fields,” andrelationships are specifications of the “addresses.” An example is shown inFigure 6.
This description is “compiled” to producethe machine language representation (relative addressing not shown in the figure), which is further “link-edited” to produce the actual physical data(absolute addressing) residing in the machine.
It is clear that real-life examples can befound to illustrate all of the architectural representations for the variousviewpoints or perspectives that are created for the data (or material)description of the information system.
Although actual samples (figures) for each of the remaining cells are available, no attempt will be made to include them in this paper. Let it be sufficient merely to describe how the meanings of the descriptive model terms change in the remaining two columns as the representations shift from perspective to perspective.
It is clear that real-life examples can befound to illustrate all of the architectural representations for the variousviewpoints or perspectives that are created for the data (or material)description of the information system.