Each party shallindemnify the otherfromany and all losses that may arise out of breach by such party of any of the warranties set forth in this Article, and each party shall in-demnify the other party from any and all losses that may arise out of breach by such party of any of the agreed terms in this Agreement.
[if !supportLists]1.[endif]一方如果违反其在本条中的任何保证而使另一方发生损失,应向损失方做出赔偿;一方如果违反本协议任何约定条款而使另一方发生损失,亦应向损失方做出赔偿。
Without limiting any right or remedy available to the non-defaulting party at law or in equity, upon the termination of this Agrecment in accordance with Articles X, the defaul ting party shall indemnify thc other party for all damages costs, charges and expenses suffered or incurred by it in connection with the termination due to the negligence,breach of duty or other default or wrongdoing of the defau-ting party,its servants, employeesagents or contractors.
[if !supportLists]1.[endif]在非违约方依据普通法或衡平法享有的权利和救济不受限制的情况下,本协议根据X条终止后,违约方应赔偿另一方因违约方、其服务人员、雇员、代理人或承包商的过失、失职或其他违约行为或非法行为致使本协议终止而遭受或发生的一切损失、费用、付费和支出。
The CJV shall be solely and fully responsible for the quality of the Products manufactured hereunder, for their conform-ity with the Technical Data and for thcir compliance with the laws and regulations from time to time in force in the Territory. The CJV shall indemnify Party Bagainst any loss or damage directly or indircctly suffered by Party Basa re sult of the failre of the Products manufactured hereunder to comply with the Technical Data C“Defective Products”or to comply with such laws or regulations; provided, how-cver, that such indemnification shall not exceed the total of ex-factory sales price, costs of delivery and transportation and other costs associated with the recall of these Defective Products.
[if !supportLists]1.[endif]合作经营企业应独家负责本协议项下生产的产品质量,使产品符合技术数据,并遵守区域内不时有效的法律和法规。如果因本协议项下生产的产品不符合技术数据(“次品”)或违反该等法律或法律而导致一方直接或间接遭受的任何损失,合作经营企业应向乙方做出赔偿,但该等赔偿不应超过次品的工厂出厂销售价、交货和运输费用及与收回次品有关的其他费用的总和。