英文 | 中文 |
Kate leaves you a bottle with a map on it, | 凯特留给你一个印有地图的酒瓶 |
And this is where it leads us -- grand central station? | 而地图指向的是纽约中央车站 |
It's something I'd recognize, moz. | 应该是我能认出的东西蚊子 |
Something significant. | 很重要的东西 |
S-significant? | 很重要的东西 |
Grand central station! | 在中央车站 |
Something familiar. | 应该是我熟悉的东西 |
She could have sent us anywhere, | 她本可以将我们带到任何地方 |
So she sends us to a place that leads everywhere? | 但却偏偏将我们带到四通八达的车站 |
Moz. | 蚊子 |
You know, there's a great oyster bar in there. | 你知道这儿有个很有名的牡蛎对吧? |
Hey, I think there's something in here. | 我觉得这里应该会有我想找的东西 |
"X" marks the spot... Again? | X标记地点又一次 |
完整版请点击 | |
Kate likes the classics. | 凯特喜欢经典 |
"dear neal, heard you're looking for me. | 亲爱的尼尔我听说你一直在找我 |
"wish I could explain more, but time is not on our side, | 真希望我能解释得更详细可惜时间不允许 |
"but you need to stop looking. | 但你必须停止找我 |
"no one can deny what we have, but it's over. | 没有人能否认我们之间的感情但那已经结束了 |
"please move on. | 你应该继续自己的生活 |
Kate." | 凯特 |
All this for "move on." | 所有的这一切就是要让我"继续自己的生活" |
Oddly bipolar. | 奇怪的矛盾 |
I'd rather have some oysters. | 我宁可去吃点牡蛎 |
Have a good weekend? | 周末过得好吗 |
Ah, nothing too exciting. | 平淡无奇 |
I went to the park. | 我去公园走了走 |
Oh, great. Glad you're getting out. | 很好很高兴你能出门走走 |
Coffee? | 要咖啡吗 |
Love to. No time. Got a stolen painting. | 谢谢但是我们没有时间了一副画被偷了 |
It's June's italian roast. | 这可是朱恩做的意大利烘焙咖啡 |
It's... | 这是 |
Haustenberg. | 豪斯腾伯格的作品 |
Haustenberg, well... | 豪斯腾伯格的作品 |
Is it a museum heist? | 是在博物馆偷的 |
No. Residential robbery. | 不是民宅偷窃 |
I'd like to meet the person | 我倒是很想见见这个 |
Who keeps a haustenberg over their mantel. | 把豪斯腾伯格的画挂在壁炉上的人 |
I love haustenberg. | 我爱豪斯腾伯格 |
Which one of his paintings was stolen? | 被偷的是哪幅画 |
This one is called "young girl with a locket." | 是那幅"带项链的女孩" |
No photograph? | 没有照片吗 |
No, but I bet you it's a painting | 没有但我打赌这幅画上 |
Of a young girl wearing a locket. | 画着一个戴项链的小女孩 |
You don't get enough credit for your deductive skills. | 你的推断能力让我不敢恭维 |
It's worth $2 million and change. | 这幅画的价值超过两百万美金 |
That's nice. | 真不赖 |
Haustenbergs are rare. | 豪斯腾伯格的画很稀有 |
Not many of his works made it out of Hungary after the war. | 他只有很少的作品在战后流散到匈牙利以外 |
Yeah. Rare can make it valuable -- very valuable. | 是的物以稀为贵非常贵 |
What are you looking at me for? | 你看着我干什么 |
Why do you think? | 你为什么会这么想 |
I didn't steal it. | 我没有偷它 |
I know you didn't steal it, | 我知道你没有偷 |
But you like paintings. | 但你喜欢油画 |
I'm worried that if we find it, | 我担心一旦我们找到它 |
It may be too much temptation for you. | 那对你来说是个太大的诱惑 |
I can handle temptation. | 我能够抵御诱惑 |
Do you want to keep your eyes on the road? | 你能不能看着路开车 |
This is a taurus. Car can take care of itself. | 这是一辆福特金牛座它能智能自控 |
I'm keeping my eyes on you. | 我会时刻关注你的 |
Good, good. The road is important, too. | 好吧好吧看路也很重要 |
- I see the road. - Sorry about that. | -我在看路-对不起 |
No. Don't apologize. That was -- he stopped. | 不不用道歉是他突然停车的 |
You know I didn't steal it. You checked my anklet? | 你知道我没有偷那幅画你检查了我的踝环了 |
I always check your anklet. | 我一直检查你的踝环 |
I pull a map up on you every day | 我每天查看你的行迹 |
So I can see exactly where you've been. | 这样我就能知道你去过的所有地方 |
What was so interesting about grand central station? | 中央车站有什么吸引你的地方 |
Oyster bar -- it's the best in town. | 牡蛎酒吧它是全城最好的 |
I stayed within my two-mile radius. | 我遵守了你的规定只在两英里范围内行动 |
I wonder if we've been a little too generous on that. | 我想我是不是在这点上对你太宽容了 |
Oh, yeah. | 真的吗 |
What, are you gonna sulk now? | 怎么你还不高兴了 |
You don't trust me. | 你不信任我 |
What did Reagan say? | 里根说过 |
"trust, but verify." | "信任但要核查" |
That was also the motto of the soviet secret police. | 也有另外一句出自苏联克格勃的名言 |
Get used to it, comrade. | 学着适应同志 |
Eyes! road! | 有车看路 |
Let's just recover the painting. | 我们回到关于那幅画的话题 |
Yeah, and drive. | 对还有继续开车 |
Wow, so, the FBI -- you're really | 联邦调查局你们真的 |
taking this seriously, huh? | 很重视这起案子吗 |
We are. | 是的 |
Are you the homeowner? | 你是房主吗 |
Yes. | 是的 |
My parents are dead, I'm over 21, and I was robbed. | 我父母双亡我已经21岁多了另外我被抢劫了 |
Any other questions? | 还有别的问题吗 |
Was the painting insured? | 这幅画投保过吗 |
No. | 没有 |
It's worth $2.6 million. | 它可值260万美金 |
...That's where it was. | 那幅画本来放在那 |
Tuesdays I have classes. | 星期二我要上课 |
Uh, the instructor let us out early. | 老师早下了一会课 |
I came in here, and there was this | 我走进家门发现有一个 |
monster...here... | 怪人在这里 |
And he shoved me up against the wall. | 他把我按在墙上 |
He hurt you? | 他弄伤你了吗 |
Yeah. | 是的 |
I hit him in the face, | 我打了他的脸 |
And he said if I did it again, he would kill me. | 他说如果我再打他他会杀了我 |
What did you do? | 然后你做了什么 |
I hit him again. | 我又打了他 |
Do you have a photo of the painting? | 你有油画的照片吗 |
完整版请点击 | |
Your report only had a description. | 你的报告上只有简单的文字描述 |
Yeah. Yeah. | 是的我有照片 |
Can I help you? | 有什么我能帮忙的吗 |
Oh, it's okay, Gary. It's the FBI. | 没事加里他们是联调局探员 |
They're here about the painting. | 他们来询问关于那幅画的事 |
Oh, of course. | 当然 |
Thank you for coming so quickly. | 感谢你们能那么快来 |
Sure, sure. Were you there when it happened? | 不客气事情发生时你在这里吗 |
No. I was at work at the time. | 不我那时正在工作 |
Wish I could be more help. | 真希望我能帮上你们 |
Great. | 好的 |
We looking at an inside job? | 我们在找一个内鬼 |
Thief knew her schedule. Nothing else was taken. | 小偷熟悉她的日程其他东西都没有被偷走 |
- I'd go with that. - I'd go with that, too. | -我这么认为-我也这么认为 |
Help Julianna with that photo. | 帮朱莉安娜找到那些照片 |
Gary, I have a few questions. | 加里我有一些问题要问你 |
Gary's your, um...? | 加里是你的 |
Uncle. | 叔叔 |
Will that do? | 这张可以吗 |
Oh, my goodness. | 我的天呐 |
That's my grandmother. That's the painting behind her. | 这是我的祖母那幅画就在她的身后 |
Could be your twin. | 你和你的祖母长得真像 |
I'll take that as a compliment. | 我把这句话当成是夸我 |
I was named after her. She raised me. | 我以祖母的名字命名她把我抚养长大 |
When she died, she left me the house... | 她过世后留给我这座房子 |
And the painting. | 还有这幅画 |
What did uncle Gary think of that? | 那你的叔叔加里对此是怎么看的 |
You don't look like an FBI agent. | 你看起来不像是个联调局探员 |
I'll take that as a compliment. | 我也把这句话当成是夸我 |
What's an fbi agent look like? | 你觉得联调局探员应该是什么样子 |
Him. | 他这样的吧 |
You got the photo? | 你拿到照片了吗 |
Let's go. | 我们走 |
I've never seen a guy lawyer up that fast. | 我从没见过一个男律师来这么快 |
I've got that he's a stock trader on wall street | 我们掌握的消息说他在华尔街做股票交易师 |
And that his attorney | 还有他的律师 |
Will answer any further questions I might have. | 来回答我以后的所有问题 |
So, Uncle Gary tips off the thief, | 所以加里给小偷提供情报 |
Splits the take. | 然后从中分成 |
More likely Uncle Gary owes money to somebody, | 更像是加里欠了什么人的钱 |
And he got tired of staring at 2 million bucks | 然后对于墙上挂着的两百万美金 |
Hanging on the wall. | 蠢蠢欲动 |
Now he shuts up, | 现在他缄口不言 |
And we do this the hard way. | 所以我们要采取强硬的手段 |
The hard way? | 强硬的手段 |
A-all we need from Gary is the name | 我们所需要的就是那个跟加里 |
of the guy he's working with, right? | 合作偷画的小偷不是吗 |
- Right.- So, why don't I talk to him? | -对-那不如让我来和他谈谈 |
- You?- Yeah. | -你-对 |
O-okay, let me rephrase that. | 这么说吧 |
Since I am a consultant | 因为我是一个顾问 |
And not technically an employee of the FBI -- | 不是严格意义上的联调局雇员 |
A consultant on a tenuous probation. | 在缓刑期中的顾问 |
As I'm constantly reminded. | 无时无刻不被提醒 |
Is there anything illegal about me talking to him? | 但让我和他谈有什么不妥吗 |
- You can't threaten him.- Don't plan to. | -你不能威胁他-没打算那样做 |