英文 | 中文 |
Please tell me this isn't gonna | 别告诉我这又是 |
Be another mortgage-fraud case. | 一宗房贷诈骗案 |
What's wrong with mortgage-fraud cases? | 房贷诈骗案怎么招惹你了 |
They're boring. | 太无聊了 |
You stare at paperwork all day. | 得整天盯着一大堆文件看 |
You could stare at prison bars all day. | 你以前不是连铁窗都能整天盯着看吗 |
- oh,you still playing that card? - makes me smile. | -又提这个-我乐意 |
- Excuse me. - Get out of the way. | -借过-让开 |
why all the craziness? | 怎么这么乱啊 |
I don't know.This can't be good. | 不知道肯定不是什么好事 |
Peter,uh,Hughes wants to see you right away. | 彼得休斯要马上见你 |
All right. | 知道了 |
So,is this what it looked like when I escaped? | 我当年逃跑的时候也是这种情况吗 |
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I don't know.I was working important cases. | 我不知道我当时在做一个要案 |
What's going on? | 发生什么事了 |
The bureau's missing an agent. | 一名探员失踪了 |
That isn't good. | 是很糟糕 |
Yeah,he's an undercover from the D.C. office. | 是地方检查局的一名卧底 |
We lost contact with him 12 hours ago. | 我们12小时前跟他失去了联系 |
What do you think happened? | 你觉得发生什么事了 |
I don't know.Could be in trouble,could be laying. | 不知道可能有麻烦也可能寻欢去了 |
We're not sure. | 还不确定 |
Listen. Listen to me. | 听着听我说 |
We need somebody who understands money. | 我们需要一个真正懂得金钱的人 |
Excuse me.I have an important case to deal with. | 失陪一下我也有个要案要做了 |
This is agent Mark Costa. | 这是马克·科斯塔探员 |
He was posing as a drug trafficker | 他伪装成一名侦探 |
Looking to clean some dirty cash through this guy | 调查一宗洗钱案案子的嫌疑人是 |
Lao Shen,money launderer out of china. | 沈劳专门在中国境外负责洗钱 |
Costa was working him until last night. | 科斯塔在昨晚之前一直在对他盯梢 |
According to his last contact, | 根据他最后的汇报 |
Lao was making a pit stop in New York for 72 hours | 劳将在纽约短暂停留72小时 |
And after that, he boards a flight to the homeland | 这之后他将登上回国的航班 |
And we lose him. | 逍遥法外了 |
So,why are you telling me this? | 为什么告诉我这些 |
- Nicholas Halden. - who? | -尼古拉斯·霍顿-谁 |
Cut the crap,Neal. | 别装傻了尼尔 |
We know he's one of your aliases. | 我们知道那是你的一个化名 |
You created him to launder cash through | 你捏造了这个名字用来为 |
that Canary Island scam you ran in '04. | 你04年操控的金丝雀岛计划洗钱 |
Multimillionaire with a penchant for gambling. | 一个嗜赌的百万富翁 |
Ringing any bells? | 想起来了吗 |
I may have heard of him. | 可能听说过吧 |
Are you willing to offer him full immunity? | 你们会彻底赦免他吗 |
Done.I don't give a damn what you did five years ago. | 成交我才不介意你五年前所干的勾当 |
I want to find my agent. | 我只想找回我的探员 |
Then what can Nick do to help? | 那尼克能帮你什么忙呢 |
We want you to make contact with lao using this identity. | 我们想让你以这个身份与劳打交道 |
What do you know about pai gow? | 你对牌九了解多少 |
I know it sounds delicious. | 我只知道这听起来像是很美味的样子 |
It's a chinese version of poker played with dominoes. | 那是多米诺扑克牌的中国版本 |
Not really my game. | 非我所好 |
Make it your game. | 那就让它成为你的所好 |
Lao likes to contact new clients | 劳在结识新客户的时候 |
using certain hands or bets. | 喜欢来上这么一手 |
He'll be playing an underground table | 他明晚将在唐人街的一个 |
In chinatown tomorrow night. | 地下赌场内娱乐 |
I'm not gonna lie to you | 我要老实告诉你 |
This is a dangerous one, Caffrey. | 这是个危险的任务卡夫瑞 |
High stakes. | 高风险 |
I'm in. | 我加入了 |
I asked you to teach me the game. This movie is terrible. | 我是让你教我打牌这电影有什么好看的 |
Wait. | 等等 |
Let's take this to the next level. | 我们来玩点儿升级版的吧 |
You took it to the next level when you killed my family. | 你灭我全家的时候已经将这游戏升级了 |
Your wager,then. | 由你下注 |
100 grand? | 10万 |
How did he know about Nick Halden? | 他怎么会知道尼可·霍顿 |
Surely you can't believe they knew about him. | 你当然不能相信他们知道这个人 |
Let's be honest, Nick was not your best work. | 老实说尼克并不是你最杰出的伪造身份 |
He's no Steve Tabernackle. | 不如Steve Tabernackle |
Steve was a good man. | 斯蒂夫曾经是个好人 |
Steve is a good man. | 斯蒂夫现在也是好人 |
Besides,you should be more concerned | 而且你该好好想想 |
with what the guy with the ring wants. | 那个戴戒指的家伙到底想要什么 |
I don't know. | 我不知道 |
I've stolen a lot of stuff in my lifetime. | 我这一辈子可偷过不少好东西 |
Maybe Poe's "Tamerlane" book? | 爱伦·坡的《帖木尔》集吗 |
No, no. Sold that a while back. | 不不那东西我早就转手了 |
The Tamayo painting. | 塔马约的名画 |
Not worth all this. | 那可值不上这些东西 |
Washington's love letters. | 华盛顿的情书呢 |
Seriously, I don't even know why you | 说真的我根本想不通 |
Stole that in the first place. | 你为什么会偷那东西 |
Martha | 玛莎 |
It's my favorite part. | 这段是我的最爱 |
Too rich for your blood,Lee-Kang? | 你就这点儿本钱吗李康 |
I believe it is your blood that | 只有你的小命 |
will make me rich... Farmer boy. | 才值点钱吧瘪三 |
Okay, what are they doing right now? | 等等他们这是在干吗呢 |
Oh, they're drawing from the wood pile. | 他们这是在补发牌 |
With these tiles, they make two hands. | 然后将这些牌分成两手 |
oh,wait! wait! | 看这看这 |
He just played the death tile. | 他刚刚抓到一手死牌 |
Death tile? | 死牌 |
W-well,the movie takes a few liberties. | 当然这电影有些夸张了 |
Then why are we watching it? | 那我们为什么还要看 |
It's a cult classic! | 这可是经典 |
Okay,fine.What do you have to do? | 好吧你到底要做什么 |
Fold above the bank. | 弃牌给庄家 |
If I get a better hand than the dealer and | 如果我的牌比庄家大 |
Then throw it away, Lao knows I'm a prospect. | 却又不跟劳就会对我感兴趣了 |
Okay. | 好吧 |
Well... Ideally,you want something like this. | 最理想的状况是像这样 |
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This is some of the best tiles you can get. | 这差不多是最好的牌组了 |
You trash a hand like this, | 要是你抓到这样一手牌还不跟 |
And you're in. | 他肯定中套 |
It's like folding pocket aces. | 就相当于放弃了一手王牌 |
All right. Then let's practice. | 好吧我们来实践一下 |
All you have to do is lose. | 你只要一直输就行了 |
You want to practice losing? | 想练习一下怎么输牌吗 |
No, I have to win first,then lose. | 不行我得先赢然后再输 |
I thought perhaps you gentlemen | 我觉得你们这两个大男人 |
Might like something to eat. | 大概也饿了 |
- oh,thank you,June. - thanks,June. | -谢谢你琼-谢谢琼 |
What are you watching? | 你们在看什么呢 |
"Tiles of Fire." | "巅峰对决" |
Part 1? | 第一部吗 |
Part 2's up next. | 马上放第二步 |
Don't start without me. | 等我来了再开始 |
- There's a sequel? - Five. | -居然还有续集-共五部 |
Good news. We've put word out Nicholas Halden | 好消息我们已经散播消息说尼古拉斯·霍顿 |
Is in town and looking to do business. | 将要来这儿大干一场了 |
Lao's people took the bait. | 劳的人已经上钩了 |
We're sending you in as an investor | 你装成对他洗钱生意 |
To his money-laundering scheme. | 感兴趣的投资者 |
Lao's game takes place just off of Mott street, | 劳的赌局设在勿街 |
which means we'll be setting up around the corner. | 也就是说我们会在附近设下监控点 |
At Meishilin restaurant? | 在美食林餐馆吗 |
Been there. Good dumplings. | 去过那里饺子很不错 |
And an even better H.Q. For our purposes. | 对我们来说更好的消息是 |
Family that owns the place are trusted C.I.S for the bureau. | 店主一家是局里信得过的"国会情报处"[线人] |
They've had dealings with Lao in the past. | 他们以前和劳打过交道 |
We'll monitor the game from the second floor. | 我们会在餐馆二层监视赌局 |
Look...There's an agent missing in all this. | 听着有个探员失踪了 |
So everyone stay sharp. | 大家都打起精神来 |
The FBI is truly grateful for your help, Mr.Tuan. | 联调局非常感谢您的帮助湍先生 |
I just want Lao out of the neighborhood. | 我只想劳从这里滚蛋 |
He's been taking from my business for years. | 他搅我生意已经很多年了 |
And with my own debt piling up, | 我如今债台高筑 |
I can hardly afford to be in his. | 不想再摊上他的 |
I understand. | 我明白 |
Look... I, too, am grateful for your help. | 听着我也很感激你们的帮忙 |
Come on. | 进来 |
Those standard FBI issue? | 联调局标准着装吗 |
They were a gift from Elizabeth. | 是伊丽莎白送我的礼物 |
One that keeps on giving. | 无私奉献的好女人 |
We tried to make room. | 我们得设法腾点地方 |
It's perfect. | 很不错了 |
Apologies. | 抱歉 |
My daughter, Bai. | 我女儿白 |
Uh...Hi, there. | 你好啊 |
I'm gonna need that back, okay? | 那个你不能拿明白吗 |
There. Thank you. | 给我了谢谢 |
Who are you? | 你搞什么啊 |
What do you mean? The kid just grabbed the | 我怎么了这孩子刚拿了... |
Do you have a business card? | 你有名片吗 |
Do you have a business. | 有没有名片 |
It's okay. It's okay. Ready? Watch this. | 没事的别哭看这里 |
Ready? One...Two...Three! | 准备好了吗一二三 |