一、题目:为什么你的人生不需要别人的许可?(You don’t need permission to live your life)
1. Permission 许可
(1)As children we had to ask for permission. But many of us carry this need into adulthood. We believe we need permission from our parents, friends, and even society when it comes to living the life we want.(别把童年需要的许可带到成年来)
(2)Continually seeking permission and approval from others will not make you happy. Eventually, you will realize you have been living your life for others, and you’ve missed out on the life you wanted.(别为他人生活)
(3)You have permission to live the life you want. It’s been granted. You just have to find what that life looks like.(许可在你手中,但你要弄清自己想要什么样的生活)
2. Your life is yours 你的人生你做主
(1)You may seek the advice of peers and family, but the decision on how should live life is yours.(可以询问他人的意见,但自己做决定)
(2)There may be consequences to your decisions,you will make mistakes,and you will make some stupid decisions. But it is all part of growth and living your own life.(为自己的决定承担责任,这是成长和自主的一部分)
3.Give up 舍弃
(1)To live how you want,you must be a willing to give up:tradition,the “normal”,what others want you to do. (有舍才有得)
(2)The question is what are you willing to give up to live the life you want?That will be up to you and only you.(为了你想要的生活,你愿意舍弃什么?)
You don’t need to ask for other’s permission to live your life, you have the permission,you just have to find what the life looks like that you want to live.