——克里希那穆提《生命书:365观心日课》(The Book of Life: Daily Meditations with Krishnamurti)
又,英语thought一词涵盖了汉语中的一系列有细微区分的词汇,从妄念、意念、心念,到思维、思想。mind一词也类似,英人蒲乐道翻译《黄檗禅师传心法要》时,用mind对译“心”字,既可指有贬义色彩的“妄心”、“妄念”,又可指有某种形上意蕴的“心灵”。西人有感于此,也用heart指代后者,所以“心经”一般译作the Heart Sutra。同是克,在不同的场合与不同人探讨时,会照顾对方的概念体系,应境随宜使用不同措辞。彼境既灭,则词与背后的意亦灭,阅读时应当得意忘言,即领会文字背后的意蕴所指,而不纠结术语、概念等。
The Door to Understanding
You cannot wipe away fear without understanding, without actually seeing into the nature of time, which means thought, which means word. From that arises the question: Is there a thought without word, is there a thinking without the word which is memory?
Sir, without seeing the nature of the mind, the movement of the mind, the process of self-knowing, merely saying that I must be free of it, has very little meaning. You have to take fear in the context of the whole of the mind. To see, to go into all this, you need energy. Energy does not come through eating food—that is a part of physical necessity. But to see, in the sense I am using that word, requires an enormous energy; and that energy is dissipated when you are battling with words, when you are resisting, condemning, when you are full of opinions which are preventing you from looking, seeing—your energy is all gone in that.
So in the consideration of this perception, this seeing, again you open the door.