This style of feedback helps the teacher to focus on positive performanc...
「2021年1月31日雅思大作文」 Moreand more plastic is polluting the city, countrysid...
2021开年的两场线下托福考试,其实都是之前见到过的原题,一是关于公司员工满意度的,一是关于政府开支的。 很多童鞋会觉得很不好写,但其实深挖进去...
20210116雅思大作文 In many countries students who leave high school have no u...
Which one of the following values is the most important to share with a ...
20201121 - 独立写作 Many moviemakers make movies based on books. Some people...
20200111 Independent Writing Do you agree or disagree with the following...