This style of feedback helps the teacher to focus on positive performance as well asthe...
「2021年1月31日雅思大作文」 Moreand more plastic is polluting the city, countryside and ocean. Wh...
2021开年的两场线下托福考试,其实都是之前见到过的原题,一是关于公司员工满意度的,一是关于政府开支的。 很多童鞋会觉得很不好写,但其实深挖进去,这种题目是很好写的。小编特此...
20210116雅思大作文 In many countries students who leave high school have no understanding of...
Which one of the following values is the most important to share with a young child (ag...
20201121 - 独立写作 Many moviemakers make movies based on books. Some people prefer to read...
20200111 Independent Writing Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It ...
20200112 Independent Writing If you can change one aspect to improve your health, which...
20200104 上午场 Independent Writing Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:...
20200104下午场 Independent Writing Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: ...
「题目」 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should not listen ...
今天出门上课,走南一环,平时只需要20min的路程,愣是给我堵了将近40min,让我心力交瘁····大城市现在真的是无论双休还是工作日都堵···· 于是乎,路途“遥远”,我构...
「今日所更话题,与freedom有关喔~~这种时候,呆在家里学习最好了」 Title: Some people think that children nowadays ha...
咱们今儿个就用一个老题先来和大家讲讲雅思大作文Report类的框架和展开吧 雅思写作的Report类,你都了解吗? Many businesses think that th...
如果围绕crime的话题给你出一道写作题目,那么什么是必会的呢? ···对,犯罪原因是肯定要分析分析的,不然怎么会有专门的犯罪心理研究呢? 「学生作文-开头段」 The nu...
先和小编一起来看看Independent Writing的题目吧 话说,题目真的老长了,据说是两个版本,不过不重要,重点是小编会给你们都分析好,拿好小板凳开始学习啦咳咳咳··...
生活这么单调,玩极限运动不香吗? 首先来看一道⚡️写作题 Some people think that dangerous sports should be banned, ...