240 发简信
  • Write down your thoughts, 共勉

    99% of people don't know that if you feel like you hate yourself, you ha...

  • Friday?

    I use to be longing for Fridays when I had a job. But now, after being l...

    0.5 46 0 1
  • Do not

    Don't obsess over the weight of life's problems.

  • 比較容易的、小孩的一生

    看著小外甥剛學會騎車時歡快模樣,我在想,原來,真的會有小孩因為父母的優秀養育和規劃能力,而比較能輕鬆地過著這一生。 然後,在佩服我妹妹和妹夫之余...

  • 活在羡慕她的生活里

    读初一的时候,我回到了老家。以青春期的心理、生理状态,在一个稍显陌生的地方开始了中学的求学阶段。 当时,同桌跟我提起她非常羡慕的人——她的堂妹/...

    1.8 81 0 5
  • 3 Sentences to Say to Kids Often

    1. The greater the failure you can bear, the greater the success you may...

  • 破财挡灾

    郁结难舒。明知道如何安慰自己了,但还是忍不住懊恼于这笔貌似“便宜了别人”的支出。 难道像我这样不主动占别人便宜的人,就无法不吃别人的亏地活在这个...

  • Freedom of speech

    ...freedom of speech is only relevant when people you don't like say thi...

  • Flowers

    无法抗拒这首歌 可能是因为道出了心声 Nobody could love me better than I can.