240 发简信
  • 《影响力》简评

    西奥迪尼主要阐述了五种影响力的武器,互惠原理,承诺和一致,社会认同原理,喜好,权威,稀缺。 一开始以雌火鸡和臭鼬这对天敌为例,指出在特定的环境下...

  • 《蓝海战略》


  • The construction industry——least improved

    This is from Aug.2017 the economist. The failed and notorious project, B...

  • Where the twain shall meet

    This is from Aug.2017 the economist. Launched by China in 2013, the One ...

  • 《长尾理论》

    长尾理论由Chris Anderson,这名互联网时代的思想家,预言家,《连线》杂志前主编所提出的。在《长尾理论》一书中,他详细地阐述了长尾的精...

  • Berlin's image——losing its cool

    This is from Jan.2015the economist. The euro was losing its power in the...

  • Argentina’s debt—let’s not make a deal

    This is from Jan.2015the economist. Initially,“Argentina may spurn a cha...

  • Brazil’s economy—Rough weather ahead

    This is from Jan.2015the economist. It is no doubt that 2015 was the tou...

  • Household wealth- The balance- sheet boom.

    The article derived from Jan.2015 the economist. Firstly, the author has...