0618橙子 一、你认为社群学习这种方式的作用是什么? 我认为社群学习是组织一群志同道合、有共同期望的群体进行有目的的长期学习。在这个社群当中会有一些规则,作为成员必须严格遵...
0618橙子 一、你认为社群学习这种方式的作用是什么? 我认为社群学习是组织一群志同道合、有共同期望的群体进行有目的的长期学习。在这个社群当中会有一些规则,作为成员必须严格遵...
1.原材料引用(Materlals) 原文 2.信息与事实(Facts) 注意三张图中标注的声调,可以仿照原文进行跟读! 3、感受和评价(Comments) 今天在练习的时候...
1.原材料引用(Materlals) The American Heart Association says about 95% of victims die before ...
1.原材料引用(Materlals) Doctor Ewy thinks the CPR guidelines should be changed again. He sai...
1.原材料引用(Materlals) He says this would save lives. Studies show that many people do not ...
1.原材料引用(Materlals) It said people should increase the number of chest presses from fift...
1.原材料引用(Materlals) Twenty-two percent survived with good brain ability.Only ten percent...
感受和评价(Comments) 今天我休息了一天,看了43页《这才是心理学》。 我现在能够感受到从明天开始的晨读课程并不简单,本来所阅读的书籍就是精挑细选的优质书籍,再加上早...
1.原材料引用(Materlals) The researchers say any kind of CPR improved chances of the patients...
1.原材料引用(Materlals) Seven hundred and twelve received CPR. Four hundred and thirty-nine ...
1.原材料引用(Materlals) In all the cases, witnesses saw the event happen. More than 1,000 of...
1.原材料引用(Materlals) Doctors in Tokyo led the research. It examined more than four thousa...
1.原材料引用(Materlals) Zoe的分享课程 2.信息与事实(Facts) 1.词汇积累不够就多做阅读去积累词汇量,而且第一次学的时候就弄清楚发音 2.如果不熟悉材...
1.原材料引用(Materlals) 音标:[eɪ] [d] [ʧ] [ʤ] 2.信息与事实(Facts) 复习:[eɪ]:先发[e],然后慢慢滑向[ɪ]。张大嘴呈半...
1.原材料引用(Materlals) The study was published in the British Medical Magazine, The Lancet....
一、原材料引用(Materials) However,a new Japanese study questions the usefulness of mouth-to-mo...
1.原材料引用(Materials) CPR keeps blood and oxygen flowing to the heart and brain. 2.信息与事实(F...
1.原材料引用(Materials) The condition is called cardiac arrest. Without lifesaving measures,...
1.原材料引用(Materials) CPR combines breathing into the victim's mouth and repeated presses ...
1.材料:william的分享课程 2.事实:学好一门语言需要下功夫去学。 3.感想:在晨读课上打好发音的基础,然后加入接下来的词汇训练营,踏踏实实地学习! 4.时间: 2h/8h