I have entered for the social practice about Energy Saving & Emission Reduction. Over t...
I have entered for the social practice about Energy Saving & Emission Reduction. Over t...
I have entered for the social practice about Energy Saving & Emission Reduction. Over t...
I always can't manage my money well. Several days ago, I found that I fell into economi...
I always can't manage my money well. Several days ago, I found that I fell into economi...
Keeping a diary in English is one of the effective ways to improve our English writing ...
This morning, I carried on the outdoor fitness test. The test scores is a vital standar...
Today, I heard the song Auld Lang Syne. Emerging from the melody that reverberating in ...
I had touched basketball only once when I in elementary school. At that time, we knew n...
海上钢琴师。追逐梦想与平凡可贵 歌曲引入爱情公寓一起同过窗 生日 社会实践踩点
一、背景说明 我是于2015年12月底注册的简书,因为当时我自己有一个早就开通原创功能的微信公众号在运营,注册了之后只是偶尔看看简书上的文章,没想过在这上面写作(其实是太懒了...
一个18位数的身份证号码,藏着我们每个人的很多秘密。 今天,罂粟姐姐就带大家揭开身份证号码的神秘面纱,希望大家都能保护好自己的个人信息。 1、出生日期 每个人都出生日期即为身...
影视天堂·比海更深:你是不是也没有成为理想中的大人? 作者:陈曦_ 2008年,是枝裕和和阿部宽共同奉献了《步履不停》,2016年,两人又合作了姐妹篇《比海更深》,同样着墨于...
【与英语学习方法结缘】 小时候,我一直生活在农村,渐渐大了一些,才搬到了一个小镇子上。我今年29周岁,可我读小学的时候,还是5年制,偷偷省了一年。不像现在的孩子条件好,我初中...
前记: 谢谢大家的支持!入驻简书半年以来,第一次上首页热门。为回馈大家,正在腹稿<手把手教你做一份完美的数据分析报告----Excel数据透视精讲>。欢迎关注哦。 之前写,想...