I am I, I am not me — Frida 这是我, 那是你。 我不会成为你, 我只能成为我自己。 我是我,你是你。...
How does a client move towards the therapist and how does he move back t...
"So transference is the way a client presents himself to the therapist, ...
喜欢这本书,让我思考的更多的自己、关系 every client is complicated, and the helper has to s...
1 The Problem of Identity Normally, people don't ask themselves, Who am ...
一点的啃读这本书,感觉爽歪歪,每次都会有新的发现…… One way to handle these problems directly is ...
这是我很喜欢的篇章,所以用了一下午的时间来研读,或许可以找到一些和特殊儿童言语语言工作的灵感。 Sound and Personality Th...